After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 250: Photo of Feng Feihe

"There is nothing that shouldn't be done, isn't she in a car accident because she has nothing to do?"

Of course, Qiao Fei and the others didn't believe this, they just said: "Xiaojin, don't say this all day, it doesn't sound like a serious person said."

Qiao Jin: "...I'm very serious."

Listening to Qiao Jin's words, Mu Zhenming stared slightly: "You said Feng Feihe did not die in the car accident because it paid the price?"

Normal people will doubt it when they hear this, but Mu Zhenming has always felt that Qiao Jin is not normal and doing things very mysteriously. Now hearing her say this, he vaguely feels something more profound.

It's just hard for ordinary people to believe.

Qiao Jin nodded, and Mu Xiangshan sneered: "Listen to her, don't you say that she just came back from the hospital with a bad brain? What price can there be in this world that can bring a person back to life? How can there be such outrageous things. It's just an ordinary car accident! The other person you cursed seems to be really dying."

Is it lifeless? In fact, everyone has a judgment in their hearts.

So many people watched it.

Many people went to the hospital to see Feng Feihe in those two days. They all knew that she was almost paralyzed while lying in the hospital. After a few days, she was unscathed. Some people just couldn't believe it, but some people probably knew something. I dare not say it.

When Qiao Fei heard Mu Xiangshan said that Qiao Jin had a brain problem, his face flushed immediately: "Xiao is fine this morning, and the doctor said that she has no problems now."

Mu Xiangshan: "There are some brain problems that doctors can't detect."

Qiao Fei: "..."

Mu Qilian whispered towards Mu Qichu: "Grandpa is always like a great barbarian."

Mu Xiangshan: "..."

I can hear your grandpa!

Waste grandson!

Mu Zhenming came out to make a round and looked at Qiao Jin: "These words you said are too mysterious. For the time being, regardless of this, the matter between Feng Feihe and your brother cannot be discussed together, and I will not agree to this matter."

What kind of virtues Feng Fei and these men who have studied in the market for a long time can't see it?

He didn't want to have such a daughter-in-law.

Listening to their discussion, Qiao Jin just nodded, and she no longer cared about the rest, so she went upstairs.

After taking out his cell phone to read Weibo, Qiao Jin finally noticed that the fortuneteller had asked him to fight.

However, it has been a while, and the fans of the other party already think that Qiao Jin is a fake shopkeeper, but they didn't dare to make waves on her Weibo, just mixed with yin and yang.

After all, the more she scolded, the sooner the retribution came, it was really a bit bluff, not to mention there are so many black fans who apologize below.

Qiao Jin raised his eyebrows and entered the Weibo room of the ‘Salmon Diviner’. A message popped up on WeChat at this time.

Song Yanqing: I found some interesting things, do you want to see it?

Qiao Jin immediately switched to WeChat.

It's Xiao Jin Jin: It depends.

Song Yanqing sent a document.

Qiao Jin opened it and saw it was a packaged picture collection.

The picture is nothing, the problem is the content.

Above is Feng Feihe standing at the door of an alley, holding a man's arm, and getting out of a car.

The man looked a little older, slightly tilted his head, his mouth was almost on Feng Feihe’s cheek to speak, Feng Feihe lowered her head, seeming a little shy, the photos were taken from the side, she was clearly a little gloomy Look like.

Song Yanqing: This is her sixth uncle. Look at the location.

Qiao Jin:...


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