Another very sad got out of the car to smoke.

The main reason is that every time Miss Qiao talks with the young master, he doesn't understand it.

The young master didn't shy away from him, he didn't realize that it was a secret at all.

In fact, he knew this was because the young master trusted him, but people always have to be acquainted, and even if they understand, Ah Yu will never listen.

He only knows one fact.

Miss Qiao is a great character.

"If there are people behind, I think the strength will be even greater."

Song Yanqing carefully analyzed the possibilities: "If the Feng family can still control the Feng family, it will inevitably control more forces and be more serious..."

He looked stern and thought of something terrible.

"You can rest assured."

Qiao Jin shook his head: "If it is a higher level, it represents the national fortune of the country. No one except the destined person can live up to that fate. It is possible that they may have penetrated into some forces."

Moreover, the formation mage and the word spirit master are extremely difficult to produce, and it is true that the formation mage that still exists can be counted.

Otherwise, the world would be messed up.

Song Yanqing asked, "You can't find it out?"

Qiao Jin just shook his head: "I didn't check, it's not that I couldn't find it, it's mainly because the other party didn't give clues."

Just like the great ancestor, she found out right away when she arrived. Other people, the other party did not come up, it was very troublesome to check people out of thin air.

She is an array mage, but not a real fortune teller...

"distance is too far?"

Song Yanqing looked out the window and thought for a moment: "I have a guess that the other party may not always be active in the imperial capital, but the scope of activities in the country is still too large, and it may be abroad."


Qiao Jin thought for a while: "It's very possible, the farther the place is, the harder it is to check."

The two chatted freely. Song Yanqing's thoughts shifted to another place: "Will there be spiritual masters abroad?"

"Of course."

Qiao Jin said very straightforwardly: "I have never been there and I know that this kind of thing must be random on a global scale. Not only is there a spiritual teacher in China, but it may be called differently abroad. I can feel that there are abnormalities overseas. energy."


Song Yanqing tilted her head and showed an interesting expression: "In your world, what do you feel? How do you Array Masters see this world?"

"Look like you." Qiao Jin was very indifferent: "There is nothing special in this world, and the array mage just has an extra layer of perception that can be used. The difference is that some people use it to do bad things, and some people can use it to do bad things. Benefit the world."

Song Yanqing: "What about you? What are your thoughts?"

He leaned on his side, but looked at Qiao Jin seriously: "Actually, I always wanted to ask what your thoughts were? I was dying at the time. Even if I need death, I think you have more ways to get it. I feel that even without me, you can dodge the backlash in your mouth. You saved me and made me a spiritual master. When you did all this, did you think about why?"

"Need to think about it?"

Qiao Jin thought it was strange that he asked: "I need death, you happen to be the nearest to me. It doesn't take much effort to save you, and it's the same for doing these things."

She raised her eyebrows: "Just to make it easy."

Song Yanqing sighed slightly, "I understand."

It is he who is good at guessing others with complicated ideas, but it turns out that some people do not take the usual path.

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