After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 260: My master said, this meal he invites

If Mu Qilian heard this, he would probably cry in tears.

When they were eating in the private room downstairs, a young man who came back from the bathroom was a little sneaky and full of exclamation: "Fuck! You know who I just saw?"

The son of a room suddenly looked over, "Who did you see?"

"Yeah, it looks like you haven't seen the world!"

Mu Qilian also carried the wine glass and said freely: "What's the matter, saw your father?"

The rich second generation said: "Father than my father, I saw Song Shao."

Everyone: "...Fuck!"

Although there may be a lot of Young Master Song in the Imperial City, there is only one Song Yanqing who can be honored as Song Young by these young masters.

You know who it is at every mention.

A group of princes and You Rongyan: "It's so glorious. Today I was eating at the same place with Song Shao. I have to send a circle of friends to celebrate!"

Mu Qilian: "..."

His expression is a little weird: "You and he are too exaggerated? Eat in one place, not together."

The son’s elder brother attacked him: “Fucking, we’re not like you even talking to him. Who in the Imperial City does not treat him as a god? My parents don’t compare him with me at home. In their words, I even and The contrast of Shao Song's hair is humiliating him!"

Mu Qilian: "..."

Although exaggerated, this is the truth.

The rich second generation who had spoken earlier was even more excited: "Do you think the light is like this? The main thing is, is there a girl next to him, okay? I fucked, I just saw him, that girl is just like him, she looks like a fairy It’s definitely not the kind of low goods you usually see, nor does it look like a wealthy daughter. I don’t know if I just returned to China. I won’t say what my figure looks like. The key is the temperament, absolutely! Go with him Together, a perfect match!"

Everyone was shocked, and they couldn't even bother to drink the wine: "How is it possible?"

"Is there anyone who walks with him and won't be compared?"

"Exaggerated? How can there be such a fairy girl?"

"I rely on the Imperial City and still have someone worthy of Song Shao?"

"Didn't you say that the Mu family's adopted daughter was very close to him?"

Everyone: "..."

Everyone suddenly looked at Mu Qilian.

Mu Qilian instantly knew that they were talking about Qiao Jin.

Yes, recently the news of a girl haunting Song Yanqing has spread all over, and everyone said it was the adopted daughter of the Mu family, but the Song family still deliberately suppressed the news.

The most important thing is that not many people have seen Qiao Jin now, they have just heard of it.

These rich second-generation gangs usually don't mix in the school. Naturally, they don't know Qiao Jin. When they saw it this time, they thought they belonged to another family.

The key is that Mu Qilian doesn't really recognize Qiao Jin's sister outside.

Mu Qi coughed: "I don't know, don't ask me."

A group of brothers and groups began to tease him: "You don't know? You are all your sister, don't you know?"

Mu Qilian became angry and furious: "Song Shao, who can you see her? Isn't there a fairy girl? The adopted daughter my mother raised can't be on the stage!"

He knew they were talking about Qiao Jin, but he just didn't want to say it.

Otherwise, these beasts won't have to chase him and ask gossip, how does he know?

He didn't even know how these two gods hooked up.

At this moment, a man walked in outside, dressed in a suit and tall, and he looked very deterrent. It was Song Yanqing's personal bodyguard, another.

A Yan looked around the people in the private room, and smiled: "Everyone, I didn't expect Miss Qiao's brother to eat here. My master said, he would invite him for this meal."

Mu Qilian: "..."

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