Mu Qilian whispered: "It looks really different."

He glanced at Qiao Jin: "Look, it really doesn't look like it."

Mu Qichu whispered softly: "The mouth looks alike."

Mu Qilian: "..."

What more metaphysics are you talking about?

Qiao Jin said suddenly: "She recognized me."

Mu Qichu and Mu Qilian stopped and looked at him, their expressions a little stiff: "What do you mean by recognizing you?"

Qiao Jin said with a smile: "She recognized me as the girl she abandoned back then."

Mu Qilian: "...Fuck!!"

He couldn't believe this fantasy fact: "You guys don't look very similar, how did she recognize it?"

Qiao Jin said: “I’m her daughter. It’s a fact. I don’t look like them. It doesn’t mean that I don’t look like the others she knows. Maybe I’m like her parents. She often sees familiar faces and suddenly sees me. , Will recognize it."

Sometimes this is the case. The child may not necessarily imagine the same as his parents, but rather resemble other relatives in the family.

This is the intergenerational gene.

Ji Qiyue and Chai Yueli are not alike, which does not mean that Chai Yueli's family does not look like Qiao Jin.

Otherwise she would not recognize Qiao Jin at a glance.

"It's not..." Mu Qilian still felt that this matter was unbelievable: "How did you know that she recognized you?"

Qiao Jin: "I know the look in her eyes."

Mu Qilian and Mu Qichu looked at each other.

Originally, they thought that this matter was still a joke, but now that Qiao Jin said so seriously, even this Chai Yueli recognized her. Is it true?

Is she the daughter of the Ji family?

Mu Qilian decisively grabbed Qiao Jin's wrist: "Let's find an excuse to go back first, don't stay here anymore."

Mu Qichu said, "No, what excuse are you looking for? Grandpa Ji will also let her rest at Ji's house if she is unwell. The best way is to keep quiet. Apart from Qiao Jin and us, who knows Ji's and Qiao Jin's Relationship? You are making that Chai Yue suspicious instead of doing this. Don't do unnecessary things."

Mu Qilian was a little anxious: "The woman can abandon her for a boy. How can you believe that she will not do anything to Qiao Jin to guarantee herself?"

Mu Qichu analyzed: "As long as she is not stupid, she will not act rashly. Qiao Jin was only discovered by her but not by the Ji family. This is the biggest bargaining chip. We guarantee that the Mu family does not know about this and she will not do anything. ."

Mu Qichu was right, and Qiao Jin also nodded.

Mu Qilian looked at the two of them, then put down Qiao Jin's hand: "It's up to you then."

That said, Chai Yueli only recognized Qiao Jin, but it did not mean that the Ji family recognized it.

Everyone knows that she gave birth to a son, and is the real Ji Qiyue's own flesh and blood. Who would believe that there is a daughter out there?

With that said, Mu Qichu didn't plan to take Qiao Jin to see Ji Fanzheng, but when he took Qiao Jin to another place, he ran into a large group of people head on.

Leading the head was a man with a gloomy face and a mean look.

Joe has seen this man twice today.

I met on different occasions.

He is tall and straight, leading a group of elder brothers to the forefront, wearing a black suit, looking cold and full of momentum.

When Mu Qilian and Mu Qichu saw each other, they immediately stopped and cried out: "Brother Skye."

And he and the group of people behind him, their eyes fell on Qiao Jin.

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