After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 271: Won't expose me

Qiao Jin didn't play, and didn't give Jisky face to so many people.

Really a warrior.

But Mu Qilian, who had been used to Qiao Jin's operation for so long, didn't seem to think this was a major event.

She was playing with Song Yanqing recently, so naturally she didn't look down on others.

What Ji Sikai wanted to do had to see if Song Yanqing would agree.

Thinking of this Mu Qilian was a little sour, and sure enough, the person on his thigh was different.

After the dinner, the Mu family drove back and received Mu Xiangshan who didn't know which old friend to chat with.

Mu Xiangshan talked and had a meal, and he said something as soon as he got in the car: "There is a girl from Ji's family who came back from abroad. I looked like she was knowledgeable and generous. He asked me about Qi Chu. Our Qi Chu is really popular."

Mu Qichu did not speak, and Mu Qilian was a little sour: "I really don't know what those girls like him. Do you think he doesn't talk or he doesn't look good?"

Mu Qichu and Mu Qilian have a big personality gap, and Mu Qichu just doesn't like to talk.

Even rejecting the girl's confession is very direct. On the other hand, Mu Qilian is like a little white dragon in the waves, wavering here and there.

It was also a broken heart, Mu Qichu was suffering for a while. Mu Qilian was often scolded by girls.

Even so, Mu Qichu must be popular.

Qiao Fei rolled her eyes. After leaving Ji's house, she breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Qiao Jin would be recognized by others. She only said, "Is your character comparable to your brother? If people don't like you, you like your brother. normal."

Mu Qilian was not convinced: "Don't both of us look the same? Don't you like him just like me?"

Qiao Fei: "People are not blind, they can tell clearly!"

The mother and son quarreled with each other. Mu Zhenming looked at and smiled. In the harmonious atmosphere of this scene, Mu Xiangshan interrupted: "Well, I said that the Ji family couples don’t look like Qiao Jin. It's not Qiao Jin's parents, just listen to her nonsense!"

Everyone in the car was silent as soon as this was said.

Mu Xiangshan: "If you want to find your biological parents, it's not that we can't find them for you. We are not that kind of unenlightened."

Qiao Fei was getting excited again: "Dad, don't talk about it!"

Qiao Jin said directly: "Master, you think too much, Chai Yueli has recognized me."

Everyone: "..."

Qiaofei was shocked: "Recognize...recognize it?"

She couldn't help but raise her volume: "I recognized what was going on, did she talk to you?"

Mu Zhenming also looked at Qiao Jin strangely: "Do you really recognize it?"

Qiao Jin nodded: "She didn't dare to let Ji's family know. I ran into her when I was in the backyard of Ji's house. She asked me how old I was."

This is clear enough.

The car fell into a dead silence.

Mu Xiangshan knew that he had stubbornly stubbornly drove, and suddenly his face was silent.

Seeing them like this, Qiao Jin said with a smile: "I said, you don't have to worry about what she is going to do. She doesn't dare to expose my existence now, and you don't know what to do."

Qiao Fei grabbed Qiao Jin's arm: "I... she really didn't do anything to you?"

Qiao Jin said indifferently: "I don't have a deep hatred with her. As long as I don't go wrong here, she won't expose me, just treat it as a stranger."

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