Xu Rong and Ming Chu met during college.

At that time, Xu Rong's parents died early. She was just an ordinary and ordinary girl.

Ming Chu is her senior, and they met through a volunteer activity.

At that time, Ming Chu was still very good. He could have been admitted to a better school to pursue his magnificent life as a graduate student and doctoral student, but for Xu Rong, he abandoned all this.

At that time, Xu Rong couldn't believe all this.

She grew up, without the leadership of her parents, and experienced a lot of human feelings, and most of her suffered from blindfolded eyes.

She is so poor that she can't even afford a basic mobile phone.

When I was with Ming Chu, she had the happiest time.

They graduated successively, and for Xu Rong, Ming Chu gave up the early job of continuing the postgraduate entrance examination.

Because his parents did not agree with him and Xu Rong.

In order to feed Xu Rong and himself, he needs to enter society earlier.

At that time, they were very bitter, like countless duckweeds wandering in this world. Maybe life is not so smooth, but they live happily than anyone else.

Every day when he returns home, Ming Chu will make dinner. For countless nights, he will gently embrace Xu Rong in his arms and hug her to sleep.

That was the warmest moment in her life.

Their happy life did not last long, and Ming Chu was tricked back by his parents.

Don't let them meet.

They struggled, despaired, and never started another love.

Some people, once identified, it will last a lifetime.

Xu Rong knew that Ming Chu was his own heaven.

They struggled here for several years, until they were almost thirty, the parents of the Mingchu family were relieved, they finally got married and had their own little family.

Xu Rong thought that her happy days had come.

Although she and Ming Chu have gone through many years of twists and turns, they have also achieved a positive result. What is rare is that they did not smooth the edges and corners, and their love for each other is still fierce and gentle.

"Maybe you don't understand how it feels to want to be with the person you love all the time."

"I love him, and he loves me, we can't wait to be separated at all times."

"My biggest regret is that there is no love between us, or there is no time..."

Xu Rong's tone was faint, she seemed to have cried enough, and she was smiling at this moment.

It's not the kind of smile that is deliberately disguised, it's a really happy smile.

Then the nightmare came.

Ming Chu likes mountain climbing, but Xu Rong's dangerous hobby was not allowed after his marriage. Xu Rong was in class that day. He took a rare vacation and asked Xu Rong. This mountain is not steep. Many people go, but it is natural. It’s just a weekend vacation.

Xu Rong even wanted to go with him again the next day.

Who knows, fate is so outrageous.

He stumbled and fell off the cliff. Xu Rong almost fainted when he received the news.

During that time, she was out of mind, she did not eat or sleep, and she didn't know what she was still doing alive.

The days without Ming Chu were terribly cold.

She regrets and despairs, and feels that she has no meaning to survive.

She thought, maybe she had misheard, Ming Chu is still alive, he will come back, he will definitely come back.

Later, when she opened the door, she saw Ming Chu standing outside with a gentle smile.

"Rongrong, are you awake?"

It is so real, as if all the hope of life was born in an instant.

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