After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 292: I always think Qiao Jin is more like a bad guy

Another thinks that his young master is likely to turn over.

Miss Qiao took the initiative to invite home for dinner. Are other things still far away?

Does it mean that the young master and mother will be liberated from being single for decades?

Hey, where is his love!

To go back, Qiao Jin naturally called Qiao Fei first.

Qiao Fei almost fainted after receiving the news that Song Yanqing was coming to eat at home.

"Song... Master Song is coming?!"

Qiao Fei was shocked and felt a little sudden.

I didn’t come here before, now I’m coming...

She hurriedly ordered the kitchen to cook what Song Yanqing likes to eat. In order not to disturb Qiao Jin, he reported a few dishes that he would eat.

Of course, Qiao Fei ordered the kitchen to do it quickly, and it must be done to the extent that Young Master Song is satisfied.

Although the Mu's chef has always been a five-star cook, I don't know how it compares to the Song's.

Song Yanqing was about to come, and Mu Zhenming rushed to the house to save face. Even Mu Xiangshan, who went fishing outside, came back.

It happened to collide with Mu Zhenming. Seeing that he was only coming back now, Mu Xiangshan coldly snorted: "You have been busy so late every day. People with myocardial strains don’t care about their health at all. Send someone!"

Mu Xiangshan’s mouth is poisonous, and Mu Zhenming coldly snorted: “You have high blood pressure and stay up late every day and get up early. I think you’re pretty healthy and it’s okay. After all, you can still be alive and send you away.

Mu Xiangshan: "..."

Unfilial son!

Song Yanqing wanted to come to eat at home, and Mu Qilian, who had planned to go to Bengdi temporarily, was also summoned back.

The leg was interrupted without returning, which is still a bit serious.

When he came back, he expressed a shocked attitude towards this incident: "Brother Yanqing is about to come home. How good is his relationship with Qiao Jin?"

Qiao Fei affirmed: "How normal is it for friends to come to visit?!"

Mu Qilian: "You just believe this."

Qiao Fei: "Humph!"

Mu Qi couldn't help sighing: "Qiao Jin is the best in our family. Look at people. Not only is there nothing to mess with Ji Sikai, but also to have such a good relationship with Yanqing. If you look good, you can do whatever you want."

Mu Qichu: "If you are not convinced, you can change your personality."

Mu Qilian: "...Are you a human?"

Mu Zhenming glared at Mu Qilian: "What nonsense are you talking about? Qiao Jin and Yan Qing are in a normal relationship. What did you just say that she provoke Ji Sikai again?"

Jiskai Mu Zhenming still knows.

When I came back that day, I didn't tell my family about it, so Mu Qilian said it.

Mu Zhenming frowned: "Forget it, Ji Sikai didn't pursue it at the time, he won't pursue it behind his back."

Mu Xiangshan snorted coldly: "He can do anything about it, and 80% of them are in love with your daughter's beauty."

Everyone: "..."

Mu Qi was stunned: "Isn't it, Brother Skye hasn't seen anything so stunning? It was the first time he met Qiao Jin that day."

Although Mu Xiangshan was awkward with Qiao Jin, he narrowed his eyes and said something fair: "You can find someone like Qiao Jin?"

It's not extremely beautiful, but with the breathable nature, it's really unmatched.

They watched her change, got used to it, and they were all family members, and they didn't have any messy thoughts.

Outsiders are different.

Qiao Fei was also a little worried: "Xiao Jin is indeed getting better and better, I'm afraid she will meet bad people."

Mu Qilian: "...I faintly feel that Qiao Jin is more like a bad guy."

Everyone: "..."

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