After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 298: What are you doing with an umbrella?

She saw from the information that the house was actually transferred to Qiao Jin.

Qiao Jin couldn't be the kind of person for the house, there was probably something else in it.

Qiao Jin didn't plan to move Xu Rong's house, but he was not so kind either.

The son and daughter-in-law committed suicide, and the first thing they cared about was the issue of the house.

Only she knows the truth about suicide. For others, it is suicide. So cold, it's no wonder Xu Rong chose not to live.

For her, her husband's parents are actually just strangers.

All the warmth she got in the world came from Ming Chu, because Ming Chu knew how to find the beauty of the world.

She can't live anymore if people are gone.

Qiao Jin didn't care if they knew about the house. Even if he knew it, the house had already been given to him, and there was nothing he could do if he had opinions.

Even if they wanted to make trouble, Qiao Jin knew that He Yao would never let such a person make trouble in front of her.

As long as Qiao Jin doesn't let go.

After dealing with this matter, Qiao Jin is ready to go abroad.

Since the same was gathered at the airport, Qiao Fei helped Qiao Jin prepare all the luggage the night before departure.

At the time of registration, the school helped to apply for a visa. Qiao Fei was very worried about Qiao Jin’s first trip abroad.

"You must follow your two brothers after you go out."

Qiao Fei worriedly instructed: "You just follow the school and your brother, don't lose it. After all, this is not in China. You are unfamiliar with the place. If you lose it, you don't know how to report it to the police."

Qiao Jin was a little funny: "Feifei, do you think I am a kid?"

Qiao Fei smiled quizzically: "Of course I know you are not a child, but going abroad is different. Mom is just worried."

Qiao Jin: "Don't worry, I will come back well. Do you have anything you like? I will bring you back from abroad."

Qiao Fei: "No, it's so convenient now. If you have anything you like, you can bring it directly, so you can play with you."

After all, Qiao Jin went abroad for the first time, and Qiao Fei definitely wanted her to have fun.

Just simply packed a few sets of clothes, and the others have school arrangements, so don't worry too much.

It's that Qiao Fei is not assured that Qiao is still talking about this when he and Mu Zhenming are resting tonight.

Mu Zhenming said: "I always have to go abroad to learn more. Children will be watched by school when they are old. Don't worry so much. Qi Zhi is also abroad. I will let him look at Qiao Jin then."

Qiao Fei sighed, "Qiao Jin is a girl after all."

Mu Zhenming: "I think she should be more self-reliant than you think."

Qiao Fei suddenly said with grief: "In my heart, she will always be a child!"

Mu Zhenming: "..."

Okay, even if this matter is unclear.

Early the next morning, Qiao got up today and took the car to the airport with the Mu Qichu brothers.

It's not the first time for them to go abroad. Although they are not interested in this activity, they are still a little fresh with Qiao Jin.

While in the car, Mu Qilian even teased Qiao Jin: "It's the first time you go abroad, don't you know what it is like abroad? Don't run around.

Qiao Jin used to stay in a small place in Huicheng. It was the first time to go abroad. It was probably because she was afraid of her timidity.

Qiao Jin just pursed his lips and smiled.

She still had the umbrella with her, except for the umbrella, she didn't even carry her bag, which naturally attracted Mu Qilian's attention.

"What are you doing with an umbrella? Just buy it abroad when it rains."

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