After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 426: Fish like to eat this

He Yao just complained to her, and she couldn't really doubt Qiao Jin.

If Qiao Jin kills someone, there is no need to kill the Hurley family directly. What's more, she knew that she was staying at home even if the spirit group did not monitor her for these two days.

If Qiao Jin can kill the Hurley family remotely if he can directly at home--

They just don't play anymore.

However, He Yao never thought that Qiao Jin could really kill the Hurley family remotely.

But there is no need.

Hanging up the phone, Qiao Jin still thought about it seriously, under the current situation, who else would take action against Joanna and his party.

In fact, it is easy to speculate.

Joanna and the others are all array wizards. According to Qiao Jin's recent observations, there should not be many array wizards in the imperial capital, and it is basically impossible for the array wizards to have such unilateral killings at the same level.

Joanna is not a vegetarian to be a respected person in the Hurley family.

Bruce, Lucia, and Joanna's brother Eddie, if it hadn't been for Qiao Jin's backlash, wouldn't have died so miserably.

These three were accidentally killed, so the remaining one...

If someone saw that Joanna and her party were dead, they would simply come to a big wash, and it would not be impossible to completely buckle the pot on Hua Guo to cause conflict.

If the grand ancestor of the Feng family is connected with Joanna, it can't be the hand of this grand ancestor.

So who is behind this?

Qiao Jin remembered the last time the array mage that could urge Yue Sike to speed up his demonization...

Perhaps from the beginning, these were different waves of people.

Qiao Jin ordered a fishing rod.

A group of people who catalyzed Yue Sike.

Feng's family.

Joanna waved.

And a wave of people who control Duan Rouyan.

The Feng family and the Hurley family of these waves of people have some connections. Qiao Jin, the person who controls Duan Rouyan, guessed that it was the Hurley family again, so it is very likely that it was the work of Yue Sike.

These waves of people seem to have no obvious connection with Qiao Jin, but they are inextricably linked with Qiao Jin.

The first is the cause and effect of the Feng family and Qiao Jin. Now the cause and effect are beginning to counteract, and the Feng family is on the way of losing ground.

People around Joanna are constantly dying. Joanna has a cooperative relationship with the Song family. Song Yanqing and herself...

Song Yanqing...

Qiao Jin snorted.

Sometimes it's not without doubt, but when you think about this person, you will be subconsciously biased.

This is inappropriate, a bit inconsistent with her tone for sentient beings.

So, is it him?

Qiao Jin remembered how Song Yanqing killed the Array Mage last time. If he wanted to make a move, the people around Joanna would not be able to stop him. So, why?

She tilted her head slightly and looked a little contemplative. If it were Song Yanqing, what was the reason for his action?

However, she didn't see any cause and effect in Song Yanqing, which meant that he would be fine, and Qiao Jin didn't care about it.

Friends, I have to take care of them.

Song Yanqing is a good person.

At this moment, Mu Xiangshan came over with a fishing rod. He was stunned when he saw Qiao Jin there, but he didn't make any obvious response. He quickly took out the small bench he was carrying and sat down and started fishing in peace.

Mu Xiangshan fishing is more wild and simple, because he uses earthworms.

Qiao Jin watched the wiggling little thing helplessly, and she was a little disgusted with being peaceful.

Mu Xiangshan snorted coldly: "What do you know, fish like to eat this!"

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