After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 452: Go to the spirit group

He glanced angrily at Qiao Jin next to him: "She is also a young man, do you mean she is also a pervert?"

Mu Xiangshan: "It's always better than you."

Mu Qi got up again and again, and said angrily: "Don't eat."

Neither Qiao Jin nor Mu Xiangshan said anything.

Mu Qilian: "..."

He suddenly turned his head and rushed out the door: "It's really impossible to stay in this house, I'm out."

Mu Xiangshan suddenly sighed: "You have to remember what Joe said last night, and be careful when you go out. You are dark in the hall."

Mu Qilian: "..."

He is just about to go out, grandpa, it's not appropriate for you to curse out, right?

Mu Qilian didn't take it to heart, Qiao Jin was a magic stick, she didn't know so much.

Is the fortune-telling method learned from the Internet necessarily strong?


Waiting for Mu Qilian to go out, Qiao Jin also put down the dishes and chopsticks: "I'm finished, I'm going out to play."

Mu Xiangshan has never expressed any opinion about Qiao Jin going out.

Joe saved a child last night just by his hand, but soon she realized something that she couldn't solve even by herself.

She was banned.

Yes, it was blocked.

Including Weibo accounts and Maobaodian's fortune-telling shops.

The reason for Feng is that she engages in feudal superstition, which is not allowed in the country.

Qiao Jin could know who caused this without blinking.

There are a lot of fortune-telling shops in Maobao stores, not to mention that there are many deceptions on Weibo and WeChat under the guise of fortune-telling divination. Others have not been blocked. Why do you just look at her?

She knew that Wanyanwei, who was let go last night, was not a peaceful master.

Qiao Jin hooked her lips, not worried about her blocked account. There were ten or twenty thousand dollars left in it. She had already mentioned a sum in advance, so she was not in a hurry during this time.

She didn't go far when she went out, so she was found.

Two brothers and sisters from Zhongli's family came to see her.

Zhongli Xiyu drove the car, Zhongli Panying rolled down the car window and looked directly at Qiao Jin and said, "Qiao Jin, can we talk?"

Qiao Jin looked at them sideways, with a smile in his eyes: "The Wanyan family asked you to come?"

Zhong Li Xiyu's eyes suddenly sank.

Zhongli Panying's smile was also somewhat stiff, but he did not deny: "Yes."

Qiao Jin nodded, this time he didn't refuse Zhong Li and Panying's two siblings, and got into the car directly.

Zhongli Xiyu drove directly.

Qiao Jin didn't ask where he was going, only looking at the scenery outside the car window.

Zhong Li Panying looked at Qiao Jin and stopped talking, "Qiao Jin, you don't know how to kill, do you?"

Qiao Jin smiled and looked at Zhongli Panying: "So Wanyanwei told you that I killed the couple and controlled her there. That's why you came to the door. Are you planning to deal with me now?"

Zhong Li Panying didn't expect her to guess so clearly, but when she thought of her ability to predict, she suddenly understood.

"Actually I don't believe it—"

"Of course you can't believe it." Qiao Jin raised his eyebrows: "I'm just a prophecy type spiritual master. I probably know what you are going to do, but you don't think I have such a strong ability to do these things. ?"

Zhong Li Xiyu locked her icy eyes from the rearview mirror: "Then how do you know about Wanyanwei?"

Qiao Jin said: "I said, I'm a prophet. Of course I can get bad information about myself in advance."

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