Zhongli Xiyu tilted his head and looked at her somewhat mockingly: "Aren't you the ability to predict? You can't even think of this?"

Zhongli Panying pulled Zhongli Xiyu's arm and explained to her in a gentle voice: "Don't be afraid, Uncle Xi is from the Wanyan family. He just came here to ask you about what Wanyan Wei said. If you are not suspicious, we will let you go after we ask."

Qiao Jin looked at Zhongli Panying, his beautiful eyes did not blink: "You brought me here."

If there is any cause, you will have to bear the consequences.

Zhong Li Panying was a little puzzled, but still nodded and said: "I know, I will definitely send you back."

She thought Qiao Jin was afraid.

After all, this is the spirit group now, not the territory of ordinary people.

Here again, there are spiritual masters everywhere, who can subdue Qiao Jin at any time. Even if she has the ability to predict, how can she be able to withstand a real battle?

Qiao Jin said: "Let's do it."

When other spiritual masters saw this situation, they looked at it with curiosity, but they didn't dare to be too obvious because of the presence of the Wanyan family.

Among the crowd, when He Yao took Lan Xiaoni out, they happened to see Qiao Jin being taken in.

She looked a little ugly at the time.

Why did Qiao Jin come here?

And it's still with the Wanyan family?

Fortunately, there are many people who know about this. He Yao asked casually and got a message.

Qiao Jin... Killing?

He Yao almost felt dizzy.

She doesn't doubt whether Qiao Jin has this ability, but she can't kill ordinary people even with her toes thinking about Qiao Jin.

What kind of style the Wanyan family does things He Yao has heard of, how dare they move Qiao Jin?

She was silent for a while, not so flustered, she was not worried about Qiao Jin.

But she is afraid that the spirit group will provoke Qiao Jin, and the gain will not be worth the loss...


Qiao Jin was taken into the villa.

It is well-connected and all the rooms are used for special purposes.

There are two full floors underground.

Here, a special material is used for the construction, the surroundings are made of bright white special materials, and there is a huge mirror in the middle.

The double-sided mirror can see the inside from the outside, and the people inside cannot see the outside. It is a good place for interrogation.

There is no signal from the mobile phone and cannot be transmitted, so they do not even monitor Qiao Jin's mobile phone.

This is made into a conference room.

Qiao Jin, the Wanyan family, and the brothers and sisters of the Zhongli family came in, the door was closed, completely isolated from the outside.

Qiao Jin didn't hurriedly sit down, she just looked around slowly.

A dazzling white, coupled with lighting, makes this conference room too bright, as if it would not give too much pressure.

But through the mirror, she felt that countless people were looking at herself behind her.

There is also the breath of acquaintances.

She curled her lips suddenly.

Unexpectedly, Feng's family was also here.

Of course, she was brought over for interrogation. Many people must be curious about her and coveted her ability to predict. Those high-level spiritual leaders also want to know how much Qiao Jin's ability can be used.


Wanyan Xi asked Qiao Jin to sit down very politely.

The five of them sat across from Qiao Jin. He looked like a leader, and it was very stressful not to speak when he sat down.

Of course, only relative to others.

Qiao Jin sat down slowly, and when she sat down on the white chair, a light flashed all over her body, and any data flashed past.

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