Qiao Jin: "..."

She didn't know why the rules would jump out to make such a prediction.

Since the last time she used the rules for vain prostitution, it didn't want to care about Qiao Jin's appearance.

Now take the initiative to jump out.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Qiao Jin's formation is even bigger.

The rules seemed to be frustrated, and they retracted again.

Her formation is invisible to others unless she is willing.

But at that moment Mo Jiang still felt a deadly breath of pressure from Qiao Jin's body.

There seemed to be a power that frightened her extremely.

She had known Qiao Jin's strength before, but now she felt this, and she was still secretly wary.

This is obviously not in the same class as her, and she is more suspicious of Qiao Jin's origins.

In her memory-day, she has no memory.

She just never felt such a powerful existence.

There were no people in the few houses halfway up the mountain, but Song Yanqing suddenly said, "Someone is talking under the mountain."

Several people listened with bated breath, and indeed heard faint voices.

Mo Jiang: "Although you two are big brothers, I still want to say that I don't feel like something happened here."

Qiao Jin touched his chin: "It looks like someone is trapped here. They just can't get out, but I don't feel the trace of the formation."

It's not a formation, it's subtle.

Either the extremely powerful wizard has special abilities, trapping people here, it is possible.

Song Yanqing suddenly said, "How did the news of the death that Zhongli Panying said?"

The spirit group is missing, but the first news that came out said that many people had died.

They will come to investigate.

Qiao Jin: "Then we need to see it by ourselves, let's go on."

Whatever the reason, there will always be a reason.

She still had a bunch of Demonized Spirit Seeds at her hand, although it was used for inefficient backlash, but she still used it when she needed it.

Qiao Jin didn't ask for it, because others couldn't harm her, but she knew that the natural formations that existed had very strange existence, even if she couldn't feel that there was a formation here, it didn't mean that there would be no other things.

When they went down the mountain and officially entered the village, they finally saw a passing villager.

However, the villager seemed shocked when he saw them, and then quickly ran back to his home.

His home was not far in front of him. He ran back home and closed the door with a "bang".

Mo Jiang: "...Is my old lady so scary? What does he mean?"

Since Mo Jiang awakened, she hadn't shown her demeanor as a high priest at all, and her style was very violent.

A Jue also said sweetly: "Sister Mo Jiang, you are very beautiful."

Mo Jiang squeezed his face: "You still have vision."

"It doesn't have to be looks."

Song Yanqing thought about the panic of the person who had just closed the door: "He seems to be... just shocked by our appearance. He feels very scared of people in the village."

This way, it proves that there are indeed some abnormalities in this village.

Qiao Jin said: "Look at the phone."

Everyone looked down at their mobile phones, it turned out to be a habit of horror stories.

There is no signal on the cell phone, and they can't send any news.

At this moment, on the **** in front of them, a family suddenly opened the door, and a girl mumbled: "Why are you going out early in the morning... eh?"

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