After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 878: Can't do anything

She didn't know what Li Jiao saw.

But I probably had a hunch in my heart.

With Li Jiao's blood pouring out, the surrounding pictures continued to collapse.

It's like a scene in a movie, and they are all people in the movie.

In the end, all the pictures fell apart and turned into fragments. With a "pop", something seemed to explode in front of my eyes.

All the fragments, turned into wisps of light, got into their minds.

It seemed to be a long, long dream.

General Yuchi comes from the country of Li, no matter whether there is this country in history, he is from the country of Li.

The Li Kingdom has been in war throughout the year, and General Yuchi is one of the little bosses, leading his own men to cut back batches of future criminals.

At that time, the people didn't have a chance to live, and the Li people practiced divine arts, and the wizards were vertical and horizontal. In fact, they were the world of spiritual masters.

General Yuchi was attacked by the opponent in a small-scale battle, and the people under his hands were almost killed and injured, and he fled with only more than 20 men.

On the way, he also rescued a girl who was said to be chased by robbers. The girl was named Li Jiao.

They came to an unnamed small village, where there was still no name at the time.

There are not many villagers here, but most of them are kind and honest. They rescued General Yuchi, Li Jiao and others, allowing them to live here at ease.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, someone came to the village asking for trouble.

That is a group of mages.

It turns out that Li Jiao was not chased by robbers. She was a saint who was prevented by a spiritual master. This organization has always acted brutally, helping other countries persecute the people in Liguo. Li Jiao dare not say where she came from, just because she was afraid of Yuchi. The general misunderstood.

She is a saint, actually a spiritualist, because of her powerful ability, she has been well nurtured by the holy palace.

Because the lord of the holy palace is a formation mage, he knows that the spiritual master can act against the sky, so he wants to use Li Jiao to resurrect himself after death.

Li Jiao didn't suffer much, until she saw the cruelty of the outside world, she knew that the ivory tower she had been staying in was just a prison cast by **** means.

She followed General Yuchi and the others, learned a lot, and felt the pure kindness of ordinary people.

However, tragedy has always come.

People from the Holy Palace came to catch her and forced her to go back.

She didn't want to, but caused a catastrophe.

The Sacred Palace showed a cruel side. They killed everyone in the village and even turned General Yuchi, who was desperately resisting, into a monster.

Before he died, he was still letting Li Jiao run.

Such cruel facts dealt a huge blow to Li Jiao. Her abilities were confused, and she regretted that she had caused it all, and she covered it up in misery.

She just wanted to let this never happen, so that it could all be repeated.

However, her ability was not enough to pay the price. Her ability caused this land to collapse and the space was chaotic, which would change every 500 years.

This world will reappear, devouring all the lives there, and using their lives to make up for the cause and effect needed to maintain this world.

The story will only be repeated, reincarnation over and over again with everything that has happened before, new life has passed, and Li Jiao's soul has been in pain.

She didn't want to see such things go on endlessly, but she couldn't change everything.

In her world, she will reappear, she will live, she is still conscious, but can't do anything.

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