A black air penetrated into the big formation under Qiao Jinbu.

Then it was swallowed silently.

This black energy is from outside, which means that someone in the Mu family has been thrown into a formation, but it didn't work.

Because the people of the Mu family have been nurtured in her formation for a long time, even if they have no ability, they have a certain degree of resistance.

If it is an ordinary formation mage or linguist who wants to use some abilities against them, they will generally be intercepted and thus will not work.

After arriving at home, he was swallowed by Qiao Jin's formation.

The formation was arranged by her, and she felt it naturally.

He turned around immediately, went downstairs, and saw Mu Qichu returning.

The black air was brought back by Mu Qichu, and Mu Qilian was still yelling beside him: "I just really saw that his small face was a little dark."

Qiao Fei: "Your face is black!"

Mu Qichu saw Qiao Jin and nodded and said, "Qiao Jin, are you back?"

Qiao Jin nodded, smiled and said to Mu Qichu: "Qi Chu, you just came back from studying?"


Mu Qichu is a good kid who studies hard. He is usually either studying or on the way to study, and he rarely does unnecessary things.

Occasionally entertainment is a high-quality activity that cultivates the body and mind.

People's consciousness and self-discipline are not on the same level as Mu Qilian and Qiao Jin.

He is the perfect successor to the Mu family after Mu Qizhi.

"You can't study every day."

Qiao Fei still feels sorry for the second son: "Your grades are already excellent, don’t have to work too hard, I know you want to help your elder brother, but if you look at your third brother, you should relax in time. Myself."

She was really afraid that her second son would be stupid.

Mu Qichu nodded: "Mom, I know, I usually relax, so don't worry."

Of course he has a sense of measure, inherited the good genes of the Mu family, and he will not be tired from studying.

Mu Qilian felt that he had been offended, and righteously accused him: "Mom, why do you say me? I am not the only one in my family, look at Joe Jin!"

He usually asks for leave more favorably than him.

Although he knows what Qiao Jin usually does, he wants to let his mother know that everyone is abolished.

We can't just give him moral guidance!

Otherwise, isn't he the bottom of this family?

No way!

Qiao Fei wanted to kill him again: "Xiaojin is a girl, and you are a boy. Are you and her ashamed or ashamed than you?"

Mu Qilian pointed at her and pointed his finger: "Okay, Mom, when did you engage in discrimination between men and women! Don't you know about gender equality? Your thoughts are still stuck in the last century, which is sad! "

Qiao Fei picked up the feather duster and wanted to chase him again.

Qiao Jin felt funny seeing these two people. She still glanced at Mu Qichu. Mu Qichu was particularly concerned by her gaze, but still keenly aware of something: "What's wrong?"

Qiao Jin smiled faintly: "Who were you with when you were studying?"

A rather low-level obsession array, no wonder it didn't work.

Mu Qichu immediately understood something. He frowned and said at the time: "It's just a few classmates in a classroom. We are tutoring at a teacher."

Their tuition is not tuition, but learning courses that are not yet ready to be taught in the school, especially when he is about to graduate and is now preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination.

After a pause, he said again: "It just started recently."

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