After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 903: She won't sway in front of you anymore

When they returned to Mu's house, Mu Qichu and Mu Qilian had not returned.

Qiao Fei was a little strange to see Qiao Jin go home alone: ​​"Didn't you go out with them? Where are your second and third brothers?"

Qiao Jin replied: "I'm still playing, I separated from them for something this afternoon."

Qiao Fei asked her again: "What's the matter with you?"

Qiao Jin: "Secret."

Qiao Fei: "???"

Her heart is broken, and now the female goose has begun to speak the word secret without telling her.

Her heart is so cold.

At this time, Qiao Jin answered a call. Song Yanqing came over. He said in a brisk tone, "Chai Yueli's matter has been resolved. Don't worry, she won't disturb you later."

Qiao Jin: "Sent abroad?"

Song Yanqing: "Yes, Ji Fanzheng originally studied abroad, and it was also Ji Sikai's intention to send him abroad."

On the surface, Ji's family is a family, so seeing Dafang and Erfangdou are so powerful they should know some problems.

Ji Sikai came to power not long ago. Although Chai Yueli didn’t get the shares in Ji Ping’an, Ji Fanzheng listened to her after all. She wanted Ji Fanzheng to enter when Ji Sikai’s foundation was unstable. I went to the group, but because I was troublesome, I was dealt with first.

Even with Ji Fanzheng, he can only go abroad. Of course, the Ji family has branches abroad. Ji Sikai is in the name of cultivating him. However, it is hard to say whether Ji Fanzheng can enter the core of Ji family’s rights. .

However, if Chai Yueli dared to be a demon, he was also working abroad first, and Ji Sikai would probably choke her to death if there was any sign.

She had to thank her for being Qiao Jin's real mother, she didn't receive much blame, but she didn't want her to hang around in the imperial capital.

After Qiao Jin heard it, he said "Yes".

Song Yanqing smiled: "What are you doing?"

"In the afternoon, I met the murderer and the man who texted me."

Qiao Jin told him about the matter in the afternoon: "I solved him. The matter was a bit beyond my expectations. He cooperated with the formation mage and arrested many girls. I killed the formation mage. Can those girls? It’s hard to say after recovering. In addition, I also met a formation mage, a somewhat strange girl."

"It's not that there are not many imperial city array mages. How do I think you can always meet?"

When Song Yanqing heard her understatement, she knew that nothing happened to her, and she didn't ask any extra questions.

"There is still a feeling between the spiritual master and the spiritual master."

Although the base is small, but when you meet it, you will know that it is attractive in itself, so Qiao Jin will meet the spiritual master.

It's like being in a circle. See you when you look up, and there will always be some news.

Song Yanqing paused: "It seems that Yan Lingshi is indeed rare."

So far, Song Yanqing has only met A Jue, who was discovered by Qiao Jin. It is conceivable that the scarcity of the spiritual master is.

Qiao Jin said: "The greater the ability, the less favored, and it is naturally difficult to appear."

The innate ability of the Yan Ling master is extraordinary, and he can observe the past and know the future. Of course, such a powerful existence will not grasp a lot.

It is also impossible for this world to have only two spiritual masters, Song Yanqing and A Jue, and others will only appear when they should appear.

Qiao Jin continued to ask him: "Did Ajue continue to talk about Li Jiao after returning?"

Ajue said that he had seen the woman in Li Jiao's world, and Qiao Jin naturally remembered this.

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