Song Yanqing said this of course not to praise Hao Jiuzong.

Instead, he said something similar to Mu Xiangshan.

"It's strange that the Hao family actually agreed to the marriage of Hao Jiuzong and Guo Zhuyi."

Song Yanqing pursed the corners of her lips, and said with a faint smile: "Hao Jiuzong is the first heir of the Hao family now. He is very aware of the identity of Guo Zhuyi. The Hao family’s status is the most important. Guo Zhuyi is an outside girl and should not be eligible to marry Hao. It’s curious how Hao Jiuzong convinced Hao Jia to agree."

"That's how important the family concept is?"

Qiao Jin shook his head, "Perhaps it is true love."

Song Yan's eyes closed slightly, and a smile appeared: "Perhaps this is the case. I don't think it is very likely. Hao Jiuzong has a collateral sister who is not an important person in the Hao family. She fell in love with her bodyguard, Hao. In order to prevent them from staying together, the family interrupted the bodyguard’s leg, forcing the whole family of the bodyguard to leave the country, a small country in Africa. They would never be able to meet the Hao family again for a long time. , Hao Jiuzong and his sister hanged himself."

Qiao Jin: "..."

She had a pause in the action of drinking water: "I thought this was a plot only in the dog-blood TV series Feifei watched."

Song Yanqing shook his head and slowly smiled: "In this world, there are always people who pay great attention to status and reputation. If they are with someone who is not equal, they will be considered by the family to tarnish their blood. This is how the Hao family exists. They attach great importance to the inheritance of blood, so I am very curious about how Hao Jiuzong convinced the Hao family and successfully engaged Guo Zhuyi."

Qiao Jin said, "I am quite curious when you say this."

She paused: "Pure curiosity."

Guo Zhuyi is Miss Guo Jia on the face, but in private she is the illegitimate daughter outside the house that others look down on, and there are even more ugly words.

If Song Yanqing and Mu Xiangshan both said about the Hao family, then the Hao family would definitely not agree to Guo Zhuyi marrying the orthodox heir of the Hao family.

How to get the Hao family to agree is indeed quite curious.

Song Yanqing said, "Maybe I can find out if I have a chance, Hao Jiuzong and Guo Zhuyi are about to get married, and I will take you there."

Qiao Jin thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Maybe it has something to do with the formation mage."

"Speaking of Array Mage..."

Song Yanqing said: "The spirit group and the imperial capital of the Demon City are a bit of a court of resistance. If the news is correct, the Hao family does have power in the Demon City. If Guo Zhuyi has a continuous fate formation, then she and Hao Jiuzong will be engaged. Maybe it’s not the obvious condition used."

It is the Array Master.

It is much easier for the Array Master to do these things.

"I'm not curious about these."

Qiao Jin said, "I want to know what kind of existence Guo Zhulian is."

She has less news than Guo Zhuyi, she has a lot of spots on her body, and this is enough to make Qiao Jin pay attention to her.

Song Yanqing: "Guo Zhulian?"

He hadn't heard of Guo Zhulian very much. He just vaguely knew that Guo Zhuyi had a younger sister, and said: "I will check, and I will notify you if I have any news."

Qiao Jin whispered "Um". At this time, the waiter began to serve food, and the two of them began to eat.

I came out to meet each other. Naturally, it was not suitable to talk too much about other people's affairs. I ate at noon, and I had to order Mo Jiang to have another meal at night.

Because it's said that, Qiao Jin will treat him.

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