With the Song family? ? ? "

Perhaps because of surprise, even Mu Xiangshan's voice has rarely increased by eight degrees.

Qiao Fei: "I heard what he said, it seems that it is indeed coming."

Mu Xiangshan was shocked.

Because of shock, his eyes turned to Qiao Fei: "I can bear it."

Qiao Fei: "? Dad, don't I understand what you mean?"

Mu Xiangshan tutted out: "The son and daughter who were born have swept the Song family all at once, and there is only one daughter and one son."

Qiao Fei: "..."

She was also dumbfounded, blinked, and then said: "I don't know that they are silent and do not do big things. I was surprised when I knew it. It happened suddenly. I remember Qi Zhi didn't even know the Song family. Miss, I've seen it twice, she is a beautiful daughter with great temperament."

I didn't even say a few words.

It's just that Song Suyu greeted Mu's family when he was in reception. By all accounts, Qiao Jin's relationship with Song Suyu was better.

Unexpectedly, the boss suddenly met Song Suyu now.

How did you meet?

I'm really curious about how to make sure that the relationship is on.

Qiao Fei had anticipated the violent storms that Mu Qizhi might face when he returned home tomorrow.

There are a few gossip fanatics in the house.

Qiao Jin and the others don't seem fanatical, but they will always know every time something happens.

They must be gossiping secretly!


Mu Xiangshan also sighed, after all, he really didn't expect Mu Qizhi to know Song Suyu.

Everyone did not expect it.

This happened quite suddenly.

It seems that we still have to come back to know what is going on.

It's just that Qiao Jin has a relationship with a noble master like Song Yanqing, and now Mu Qizhi is dating his sister again.

Tsk, even if the son of Qiao Fei is good, picking a daughter can still soak in Young Master Song. At the beginning, he didn't have a talent for IQ, and he was a heir?

One is better than the other.

Seeing Mu Xiangshan's expression, Qiao Fei knew that he didn't think of anything good in his heart now. Although he was a little surprised, he couldn't help but feel gratified: "I didn't expect it to be the eldest lady of the Song family. Now I can rest assured. "

It's not that Qiao Fei will get married, but Qiao Fei's things about Mu Qizhi and Hou Wan are still a bit shadowy.

Now at least Mu Qizhi has found Song Suyu, and that is guaranteed.

Two people can live in harmony without being a demon, but I don't know if in the future...will it be embarrassing if they break up.

It's not that she doesn't believe in two people, it's just that this kind of thing can't be said accurately.

This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing in the future.

"What can you worry about?"

Mu Xiangshan sighed, thinking about Guo Jieshi's affairs is still a bit awkward, human, it seems a bit too much to be saved, but thinking about what he did...

How can you be so cruel when you are young?

Mu Xiangshan went down, and finally he sighed. He still didn't get involved with the poisoning. To put it ugly, how would he explain how he knew about Guo Jieshi as a person?

80% doubted himself.

Even his own wife can do it. He is a bad old man who wants to live a few more years, so he still doesn't get involved with the Guo family.

He also had to remind Qiao Jin that even if he had the ability, he should not mix with families like the Guo family.

Who knows what the other party will do?

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