Chapter 74: Something happened in the West Sea.

A few days later, Luo Ying and Xuefeng returned to the town guard.

Since the hull modification, they have also experimented with many new uses along the way. Yukikaze is very interested in liquid metallization of ships.

Even when she left the headquarters, she took a few pieces of five-star equipment with her. Among them are carrier-based aircraft, and Luo Ying a model of Pluto.

Snow Wind tried to release its own carrier-based aircraft, and the number was only more than twenty.

But as she continues to fuse special deep-sea ship suits, this number can be increased. But there should be an upper limit.

Otherwise, their world would not be upgraded to a fifth-level world, but to a higher degree.

In addition to carrier-based aircraft, Xuefeng also tried to replace all ship equipment with guns, but like Luo Ying, up to five main guns reached the upper limit. The other snow winds were also tried one by one.

In terms of combat strength, the gap between transformation and non-transformation is more than five times worse than destructive power. Counting the others, the overall strength may have increased tenfold.

If the other prototype ships and deep-sea sukihimes who have not undergone hull modification, except for the one in Sukbaatar, who is open, the rest of the snow wind can be hoisted.

Of course, over time, the prototype ships will also complete the transformation one by one. That’s when the deep sea is unlucky.

But the ship lady’s side never expected that the secret they had been hiding was still discovered by the deep sea. To be precise, it was an accident and coincidence.

The core of the hull transformation on the ship’s side is a special antiparticle.

Originally, there was no such antiparticle in the deep sea, and their ship modification technology was a relatively primitive type.

However, on the West Sea side, when the West Sea Research Institute was carrying out the hull modification, due to the 410’s long-term work for the ship girl in charge of the transformation, there was an omission, and the special deep-sea ship equipment was transferred before it was completely liquid metallized.

As a result, a small part of the remaining ship was thrown into the sea for disposal and destruction. Because special deep-sea ships still exist, they are still rejected by the sea.

This special deep sea ship fluttered, just in time to encounter the southern ghost who planned to sneak to the Central Continent through the Western Sea. Originally, she was responsible for smuggling to the Central Continent to carry out the task of spreading rumors.

The western sea area is also the sea area where betrayers are rarely caught, and it is easier to cooperate with people from here. But I didn’t expect that when I was about to go ashore, suddenly a special deep-sea corpse floated to my feet.

For special deep seas, southern ghosts are also known. But it’s a bit unreasonable to see it here.

This is a place close to the Central Continent, how can there be a special deep sea. Unless this is brought in by the ship girl.

And the Southern Ghost found that most of the shipwear of this thing had disappeared.

She immediately thought that this might be the experimental subject of the ship girl, although she didn’t know how to run here, but she could also take it back to the Deep Sea Research Institute to see.

Maybe you can find out what the ship girls are doing.

During this time, the confusing operation of the prototype ship girl made the deep sea feel confused.

And in less than five days after she sent the things back, Suji of the Deep Sea Research Institute found a cat greasy inside. They detected special antimatter remaining in the special deep sea.

They knew that this must be the result of the shipgirl’s research.

But because they don’t have liquid metal modification technology, even if they capture this special antiparticle, retropolation requires a lot of experiment and time.

This leaves them struggling with whether to proceed or not.

No one knows what this is for, whether it will be a smoke bomb released by the ship girl. In the end, it was Yamato Sukihime who decided to study, and she chose to gamble.

This special antiparticle is definitely not simple, and it is necessary to understand what the ship girls are doing.

The deep-sea research institute is also loaded from the ship, after all, this thing was found on the remnants of the special deep-sea ship. The deep sea was studying here, and it didn’t take long for some little guy to call Xuefeng this side.

On this day, Luo Ying and Xuefeng were at home.

Luo Ying didn’t think of it in the morning, and Xuefeng didn’t forcibly pull Luo Ying up thinking that it was okay today. But suddenly someone called her.

Xuefeng took out the phone and saw that it was from the north.

Thinking that I hadn’t talked to the north for a long time, Xuefeng connected the phone.

Luo Ying heard that someone called Xuefeng and also came up to listen together. As soon as the phone was connected, a blast broke out in the north.

“Snow Wind and Snow Wind, your hull modification is very different from the northern hull modification, right?”

The words of the north made Xuefeng and Luo Ying both stunned.

This belongs to the top secret, how did the north know, they remember not to tell the north about this. Although there are still some spies on the human side of the deep sea that have not been dealt with.

But no one knows about this except the prototype shipwive. And the prototype ship girl will never betray the ship girl.

So how the North knows is very bizarre.

Suo Xuefeng directly asked, “Little North, where did you get the news from?” ”

“Deep Sea Research Institute, when the North participated in the meeting yesterday, Sister Yamato said that the Deep Sea Research Institute found a special particle, the source is your ship girl, and now it is pushing backwards, and it has been learned that it is related to the hull modification technology”

Beibei said that she had indeed learned the news just yesterday.

Hearing this news, Xuefeng and Luo Ying both looked at each other.

Good guys, even antiparticles know, this is a bit outrageous.

“No, how did you find out about this?”

Xuefeng didn’t understand, and Luo Ying didn’t understand either. It can’t be that there is a prototype ship girl who defected, which is even more outrageous than the governor’s rebellion.

“I heard that the north was discovered by the young lady in the south, and it was a special deep sea, brought back from the West Sea.”

North replied that this is not something that cannot be said.

Anyway, they have already got what they should have.

“Xihai, I’ll call you later”

Xuefeng said and hung up the phone, and then she directly called the commander-in-chief of the ship girl in the West Sea, Lion! The phone just went out, and it rang less than three times, and the phone was connected.

“Xuefeng, how do you have time to call me, I heard that you have completed the hull modification”

The lion’s tone was bold, and there was a slight envy between his words.

During this time, she was quite busy, and she had not yet undergone a hull modification.

“Lion, something happened to your West Sea, just now the North called me, saying that the Southern Habitat, took a special deep sea from your West Sea, and extracted antiparticles from it”

After Xuefeng said this, the lion on the other end of the phone was stupid.

“What do you say, antiparticles were discovered by the deep sea? Or did it leak out of our West Sea? ”

The lion slapped the table and stood up.

If this is true, she can be regarded as the commander-in-chief to the end.

“Well, the source is a special deep sea, you check the monitoring on the side of the research institute, the special deep sea corpse carrying antiparticles can only flow from the research institute side”

“Especially in the mutilation section, I think that’s where the problem lies”

Xuefeng guessed, after all, the corpses of the special deep sea were exposed, and it was only possible that there was a problem in the destruction of the corpses. In the past, the research institutes of the four seas were directly thrown into the sea for disposal of the special deep-sea corpses that were used up.

They are used to the sea embracing everything.

After sinking to the bottom of the sea, these special deep seas will naturally be melted by the sea.

“I know, I’ll check it.”

When the lion heard this, he hung up the phone, and then immediately contacted his deputy commander Richelieu. The two went to the West Sea Research Institute together.

The West Sea Research Institute learned that they had leaked a special deep-sea corpse that caused antiparticles to be discovered by the deep sea, and immediately transferred all the monitoring in the institute.

Through a large number of manpower days and nights, they finally found the problem.

It was when Richelieu was undergoing hull modification before, and a special deep-sea ship was transferred and fused before it was fully liquefied. This has led to the fact that some special antiparticles remain on the last point of the special deep sea.

Then the body was thrown into the sea and floated away along the sea. Looking at this picture, the entire Xihai Research Institute was silent.

And the shipwive, who had completed the hull transformation for Richelieu, stood up.

“Sorry, it’s my fault”

She said with her head down.

“Alas, this is indeed your carelessness, but it also has problems with my management”

The lion sighed, it is useless to pursue this kind of problem now, the most continuous work for more than ten days, a little accident is not incomprehensible. That’s why I didn’t expect to end up with this result.

And this is not only the top problem, if she can arrange an inspection in the final processing link, this will not happen.

Lion felt that he was also a big problem as a commander-in-chief.

Subsequently, she immediately reported the matter to the Four Seas Headquarters, and at the same time resigned from the position of commander-in-chief of the West Sea, and was promoted from the former deputy commander Richelieu to the commander-in-chief.

After the other Sanhai learned the news, they also immediately made major changes to the various processes of the institute. All secrecy measures are reintroduced so that this does not happen again.

This time it can be regarded as the bad luck of the West Sea.

So coincidentally, I met the Southern Qi Ji Ghost who came to the West Sea, and the corpse of the special deep sea was also brought back by the Southern Qi Ghost. Fortunately, in the deep sea, even if it is reversed, it takes a lot of time.

Then Xuefeng also received the news.

It really flows from the West Sea. Could it be that something happened to his Xiangrui again?

But shouldn’t ah, she has always stayed by Luo Ying’s side, but her auspicious rui has always been suppressed by the sky. Maybe it was an accident.

Even the deep sea has also found the existence of antiparticles, which is a bit troublesome.

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