After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 817: Tiger Leaping Gorge Ding altar

   Chapter 817 Tiger Leaping Gorge Dingding

   "The Sect Leader has been in the Lushan Dharma Realm for a few days, and we should have made some achievements." But Li Rong said to the assembled fellow disciples.

   "Our Xuanzhen Dao became famous in the battle, and it is today." But he saw a romantic young man smiled.

   This person is called Shen Wei. He was originally a son of a wealthy and noble family. He was kidnapped and his guts were dug out. He was rescued by Li Dandao.

   His character is straightforward, he has the courage that ordinary people do not have, and he has cultivated the technique of "slaying demons" among the 108 spells in the wishful book, and gradually became a "swordsman" in his hometown.

   There were many heroes in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the bearded guest was a typical one. Later, he opened up territories overseas and became kings.

  This Shen Wei killed a few goblins in his hometown, subdued some witches and gods, and also occupied an old and abandoned Taoist temple as the lower house of Xuanzhen Taoism.

  The family also collected some folk magic for him, among them there is a "casting sword", which is said to be passed down by Ou Yezi.

The sword that    forged requires sentient beings to sacrifice swords, and it also needs demons and the like to test swords.

   He spent his family wealth, took hardware, gold, silver, copper, iron and tin, refined the essence of hardware, and searched for elixir to refine spirituality.

   It took nearly ten months to refine a "flying sword" as if pregnant.

   When he was worried that he had no place to try his sword, he heard the news of Lingnan excavating mountains and destroying temples. .

   Immediately came here, and followed Li Rong to the Hengduan Mountains, the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"Our division has five branches in total, and the poor road only holds the central altar, and there are four other altar openings, namely, the uncle Xie Zhan, Xiao Ziyang, and the head friend Dong Junsanlang and Wugongshan. All the Taoists, and Lu Yan, the Taoist of Pure Yang."

  Li Rong explained the situation in detail.

   "Uncle Xie has already cultivated into an Earth Immortal, and he usually ignores external things, it goes without saying."

   "Little Ziyang has the help of the goddess of the underworld. In the future, he will be in charge of the Fengdu Dharma, one of the six mysteries. At a young age, he has already cultivated the Fengdu Dharma to a high degree. He is attacking from the underworld.

"Dong Jun Saburo led Wugong Mountain in Quanzhou, with the magic weapon of Zhenshan, as well as the five road warriors, two disciples of Tianwu, calamus and dogwood, they are like witches, and they specialize in cutting down mountains and destroying temples in southern Yunnan. Things."

   "Lu Yan, a Taoist from Chunyang, is a person who is valued by the real Zhongliquan. Since he travels to the west of Sichuan, he should have contact with people from Shushan."

   "Pindao is in charge of the central altar, but it is difficult to compare with them. I hope that the brothers and sisters work together, and they will be able to successfully complete the task given by the head."

Shen Wei naturally agreed, and secretly said in his heart: I heard that Shimen and Shushan have fought swords five times, and the first time is not far from now. .

   Then he said again: If I can make achievements in this expedition of mountains and temples, I would like to come to the sect master to focus on cultivating me.

   As a senior brother, Li Rong is no longer the poor and gloomy teenager he used to be, and he handles things in an orderly manner. Convince these disciples.

   "Then how do we sweep away the demons in the hundred thousand mountains?" Shen Wei wanted to express and asked immediately.

"You don't have to attack the 100,000 mountains, you just need to build the Taoist Temple at Tankou." Li Rong said, "There are 100,000 demons in the 100,000 mountains. How can we sweep them away? Explore inside."

After speaking, he took out a map: "We are stationed here." Pointing to the intersection of Shiwanda Mountain, some pointed to a river system inside: "There is a water house recorded here, we can occupy this place first, and then cooperate with the small Ziyang, and the head coach of the four altars."

Li Rong said again: "We have to wait until Ruiming, Rong Xi, and Liu Changsheng come back from the southern border, and they go to hunt down the plague demon centipede, but the centipede has already fled to the Tubo country. Coming."

   A group of disciples walked, but before they reached Shiwanda Mountain, several waves of savages who fled to Shiwanda Mountain to avoid the war came to investigate.

   There are "warlocks" among the savages, who worship the strange "gods of caves" in the 100,000 mountains, and they also have great skills.

   In those days, Hu San asked people to exterminate a wave of savages, and some of them were said to be demons in the 100,000 mountains.

  Shen Wei didn't want to use these savages to test the sword, and Li Rong was the senior brother, so it was solved by a few unremarkable disciples.

  Although the established place to set up the altar is the Tiger Leaping Gorge, this is a secret place among the 100,000 mountains, and it is also the Lancang River, the Nujiang River, and the Jinsha River. The place where the three rivers are parallel, the water house just mentioned is also here.

   Derived along the three rivers, you can subdue the many monsters and ghosts in the 100,000 Dashan Mountains.

   But this is destined to be a tough bone to crack.

   Taoist monks read the moral scriptures and breathe out the qi of pure spirit. Human beings and immortals have the saying that "the flesh produces fragrance", not to mention a group of Taoists gathered together.

  The most important thing in the 100,000 Dashan Mountains is the man-eating demon.

  The most common among them is the mandrill.

  Guangxi often hears a legend that mandrills came out of the 100,000 mountains and went down to eat people.

   This is almost the same as the Sichuan tiger disaster.

   A group of Xuanzhen Dao disciples walked carefully, not even daring to speak loudly.

   Suddenly I heard a strange sound coming from the woods, it seemed to be chanting a spell, and it seemed to be singing.

  Shen Wei felt that his swordsmanship was good, so he said, "Senior brother, I'll go check it out."

Shen Wei didn't walk long when he found a group of about five or six one-legged monsters that looked like monkeys. Pass.

   They were followed by a little monster, which was less than a foot tall. Because it was young, it was slower and occasionally fell to the ground. The monsters in front jumped very fast, and soon the little monster was left behind.

   But every once in a while, they will stop and wait for the little monster, and so on.

   Shen Wei said: "This kind of mandrill should be the mandrill. It is said that the mandrill's red hat can hide its figure. I don't know if it is true."

  Waiting for the rest of the group of mandrills, he secretly took one and returned to the team.

   "Senior brother, it's a group of mandrills moving house." Shen Wei took out the red hat.

   Li Rong frowned: "How did you secretly take other people's things?" This kind of crime is already considered theft. "

  Shen Wei is called "Swordsman" at home, thinking about robbing the rich and helping the poor.

   "Aren't we cutting down mountains and temples to eliminate demons?"

Li Rong was worried, and warned: ""The hundred thousand mountains are very strange, it is a kingdom of demons, and there are also laws of demons. We must be careful when crossing the border, and we must act according to the rules. Arrive at the altar. "

   Sure enough, after a while, someone called out: "The thief who stole things! Give me back the things you stole!"

   (end of this chapter)

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