After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 823: Husband and wife return home

   Chapter 823

  Shinto practice, there are many "borrowing methods", just like the believers of all living beings borrowing the power of incense, even if they don't have what they want now, they can make up for it later.

   But the five rampant evil gods belong to the kind of cheating and robbing.

   is like a contract of betrayal, it is extremely unequal, exploits **** men, and even disregards the life and death of believers.

   Wu Zangshen was originally an evil god, and it can be said that there are no good people who believe in him deeply.

   is asking for trouble.

   But saw the thunder rolling in the sky, and the thunder in the sky voted against the rat, so he had to pick a few souls with heinous crimes and chop them down.

   He saw a "boom", his soul drifted away, and even his body at home gave off a scorched stench, but after the internal organs had been emptied by the evil spirits, another thunder struck.

   "How can this be good, the evil gods wrap living souls and disturb the order of yin and yang. Judge, although we can subdue demons, but if we want to subdue demons, it is also my fault to harm the lives of mortals."

  Feng Subo frowned and said, "What's the law then?"

   "These five evil gods all have the life gate of mutual restraint."

   "At this time, they can't see their primordial spirits out of their bodies. If they can find their physical bodies, and if they lose their physical bodies, their primordial spirits won't be able to stay in the world for a long time."

   "As soon as the flesh dies and the idols are broken by us, they are trees without roots and water without sources."

   "This method is very good." Feng Subo said with a smile: "It's just right, I just kept an eye on it and followed where they really are."

   "Just who to send to end them?" Feng Subo read.

   At this time, I saw several teenagers coming: "Xuanzhen Dao disciple Ruiming, Rong Xi, Yaohua, Liu Changsheng, Li Qinggeng, come to help."

   These youngsters were busy, apparently on their way.

   "Hahaha, it turned out to be the master of Qinglian Zhenren. You guys came just in time. These five evil beasts need you to go and destroy the flesh."

   "We have just seen the fighting method here, so leave it to us, but after we finish this, we will go to Shiwanda Mountain to find our senior brother Li Rong."

"Okay." Feng Subo said: "This is the decree of the five-way division of the Xuanzhen Dao. Before on the Luofu Mountain, the Qinglian Master ordered me to say that all the disciples of the Xuanzhen Dao have entered the world to practice, and they will come one after another, asking the poor Dao to help you. point the way."

   "What about the real person in charge?" Liu Changsheng asked.

   He encountered an opportunity on this trip, but he needed Li Dandao's guidance.

   "The Master Qinglian has followed Master Wan Zhen and Master Ye Fashan into the Lushan Dharma Realm, subduing the Demon King Lu, and beheading Chiyou Demon Soul."

   "Your sect master has a high level of cultivation and strong luck, and you are the Daozi of the Heavenly Immortal. Laojun personally taught the Taixuan Talisman Book, Jiuzhuan Dan Dao, although the Lushan Dharma Realm is dangerous, he will definitely be able to retreat."

   Ruiming, Rong Xi, and others were disappointed at first and then happy when they heard that the leader was not there.

   "The name of Xuanzhen Dao, isn't it just that we can resist it?"

   "The sect master cultivated at the age of twelve, traveled at fifteen, and traveled for four years. As for Longhu Mountain, he became an earth immortal, and now he is no more than a weak crown, so he has become a headmaster."

   "We are full of calculations, we are considered a generation of disciples, the second generation in our school, and we also have the ambition to carry forward the past and forge the future, to promote the Dao and the Dharma."

   One by one with high fighting spirit: "Although the supreme man has no self, gods and men have no merit, and saints have no name, but if we don't accumulate external merit, and we don't raise our reputation, how can the immortal Tao be full of energy, and the day when my Tao is prosperous?"

   "Sure enough, Xuanzhen Dao is not a gateway to reclusive world cultivation, but a family that actively joins the world, comparable to the ghost valley of Wang Chan's ancestors."

   After a little discussion, the boys divided their troops and went to kill the flesh of the five evil gods.

   On this side, Feng Subo gave up the use of thunder, and instead was willing to spend a lot of effort to regain the souls of the people, to delay the five rampant evil gods and extremely madams here, and prevent them from returning to the flesh.

  Rongxi dealt with the **** of dogs and came to a stinking garbage mountain. With the real shape of the Five Mountains, he attracted the spirit of the three-headed mountain king, and threw three talismans stacked in the shape of tigers.

  I saw wild dogs everywhere on this garbage mountain, rummaging around.

   Many of them even murdered and threw their corpses here to share food with wild dogs.

   In the TV series, it is often said: "Chop up and feed the dog." But it is not nonsense.

   As soon as the three tigers came, many wild dogs tucked their tails and left with a whimper.

   There was no one who dared to bark his teeth at all, and some were so frightened that they even left the yellow and white things.

  The dog is the wine of the tiger.

  Three tigers killed several stray dogs on the spot, with suffocating aura all over his body.

   But there was an old dog, with yellow hair and white face, smooth and oily, not like other wild dogs, scrawny, but abnormally fat.

   Seeing the three tigers, he didn't move, and seemed to be basking in the sun.

  The three tigers roared and tore their flesh apart.

  How do you know that, like a puffing balloon, it burst open all of a sudden.

   Countless puss, maggots crawled out, and at the same time a vicious cursed Qi charged towards the three tigers.

   "Ouch!" The tiger roared in the forest. But there was a gust of yellow wind that blew away the evil spirit.

   "Not good!" But seeing the wild dog, one of the five rampant gods, his face changed: "Someone is calculating my body, and the fake I arranged has gone wrong."

   Then, the other four rampages turned their faces: "My body is also passive."

   was extremely anxious and wanted to return to the body, but Liuding Liujia, Wulu Lei Gong, Feng Subo, and Guan Yu had blocked all the roads in the sky and underground.

   The souls that were originally used to defend against the attack became a burden for them to escape. They had to give up these souls and run away.

   "Brothers, as soon as we break out of the siege, we will only fall into the trap of this demonic way."

   However, Feng Subo said coldly, "It's too late to run now."

   However, he saw that there were 108 talismans on the eight sides, which turned into a formation net and stopped them.

  Maoshan talisman is the authentic talisman of the Shangqing Dynasty, Feng Subo's cultivation is not bad, and the talisman has the blessing of the Nine Old Immortals.

   Those five evil gods are already rootless duckweed.

How can    break out, instead, the six Dinglijia and the five Thors have increased their magical powers.

   narrows it down.

   And over there, Rong Xi sent the Three Tiger Spirits back, and closed his mouth to avoid being polluted by the filth of this garbage mountain.

   Then he summoned a general on duty, and calculated the position.

   Finally found a tattered coffin in one place, opened the coffin, and found a bald old dog covered in tumors.

  The old dog wears human clothes, and it really smells like a dog.

  Rong Xi sneered, and transported out a three-yin slaying demon saber, and chopped off the old dog's head.

  Feng Subo saw the wild dog rampant, howling in pain, moving his head and body, blood and tears flowing.

   The ominous bad luck of "God's Fall" turned into a monstrous black air, and the evil debts and consequences he carried on his back turned back one after another.

   His wife was connected to her luck, and the temptress also screamed.

   But not as rampant as that wild dog, he died immediately.

   However, a celestial girl flew out and tied it up with a white ribbon.

   Then a beam of Huaguang beheaded his head, but it was the **** of Jiazi.

  The husband and wife both returned the home.

   (end of this chapter)

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