After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 864: really strong sword

   Chapter 864 True Sword

   Li Fude followed Li Gongyan and Wei Shuxie into Geng Guofu together.

  Lingnan Mountain is surrounded by water, and the leveled open space is not large, but such a state government occupies an area of ​​3,000 mu.

   In fact, the house only occupies a hundred acres, but it still has hunting forests, hot springs, and a large lake.

  Although Feng Anqi inherited the national lineage of the Yue Kingdom, such a large state duke's government is undoubtedly Yue's control, and it is hardly considered a prince, but a king and the like.

   There are 200 elite soldiers in the palace all year round, all of them are first-class players, wearing armor and armor, wearing crossbows and knives, and holding long weapons.

   But Li Fude didn't see it at this time, but Li Fude has cultivated Qi for many years now, and his mind is full, no less than a master who can go out of the body.

  Although you can't see it on the bright side, you can always feel the chill between the wind and grass.

  Li Gongyan sighed with emotion: "Although it looks vast here, there is no Wang Qi. Looking at his qi, there are no five colors, not even three colors."

   Li Fude asked with a smile, "Sir, will you still be disappointed?"

   "It's just a small skill I learned by accident." Li Gongyan sighed with emotion: "Originally, Dou Jiande was a king, but he did not sit on the ground to form a foundation. Instead, he practiced Turkic herding and hunting, killing people for food, and his destiny was exhausted."

   At this time, Li Fude saw another man with black skin, high nose and small eyes, that was Xian Xuan.

   I saw that he used the unskilled Central Plains Mandarin at this time, and said with a cold face: "Master Guo has invited two imperial envoys."

   Li Fude recognized him and said with a smile, "Why did you just invite the two imperial envoys, but not me?"

  Xianxuan remained silent.

   is just to lead the way.

   After walking about two hundred paces, he saw a main room.

  The main room enshrined is not an ancestor statue, but a sword.

  The sword has no sharp edge, but it has its own power. Write to Kunwu.

   "Supplementary Notes by Wang Jia of the Jin Dynasty said: King Goujian of Yue asked the workers to use a white horse and a white ox to shrine the **** of Kunwu, and plucked gold to cast it, so as to form the essence of the eight swords." Li Fude sighed when he saw it.

   "One person covers the sun and refers to the sun, and the light and the day are dark. Gold is also yin. When yin is prosperous, yang is extinguished."

   "Two people cut off the water, use them to paddle, and they won't fit."

   "Three people turned their souls, and they pointed to the moon toad rabbit and turned them upside down."

   "Four people hanging on the chin, flying birds swam past, touching their blades, like a cut."

   "The five frightened salamanders used them to spread the sea, and the whale salamanders went deep into them."

   "Six souls annihilate, walking in the night, never encountering ghosts."

   "Seven names are evil, there are demons and charms, and they fall when they see them."

   "Eight names are really strong, cutting jade and breaking gold. It is like cutting earth and wood; casting it in response to the spirit of the eight directions."

   "But Kunwu's sword is better than its eight swords. "Liezi Tang Wen": King Mu of Zhou marched on Xirong, Xirong offered Kunwu's sword and fire cloth. It is used to cut jade, like cutting mud."

   "Jade is like a gentleman, the sword of Kunwu can kill the king?" Li Fude said.

   Li Gongyan was taken aback: This is not a good thing to say.

   "This sword is not the real sword of Kunwu." But he saw a man in his thirties, also with a dark complexion, with a bit of minority characteristics, but with extraordinary momentum.

   "Prince!" Xian Xuan immediately lowered his head.

   Li Fude then surrendered: "It turned out to be Feng Guogong."

   And Li Gongyan showed his banner, representing his identity as the messenger of Li Tang.

  But generally, only when you are sent to other countries, there will be official festivals. If it is within the country, only the ministers will be sent.

   took the jingjie and asked Feng Ang if you had any objections, if not, make a statement.

  If you still respect my Li Tang Dynasty, I will let you still be your local emperor, and I will not send anyone to beat you.

  Feng Ang is a veteran in the political arena, so he doesn't know what a small festival means.

   Whether true or false, they are very solemn and respectful: "It turns out that the envoy of the emperor has arrived."

  Li Gongyan nodded: "I have seen the Duke."

   Li Fude said directly: "Master Guo, someone went to the sage and said that you deliberately rebelled."

   "Your family has lived in Baiyue for five generations. You are the only one of the Feng family surnamed in the prefectures of the prefecture and county. The jade and silk of your children are inexhaustible. The wealth and honor in the world have come to an end, and I want to go further."

"There is another word, you have mastered the land of Baiyue, and conquered and pacified 20 prefectures, occupying thousands of miles of land, because you refused to accept His Majesty's succession, you want to respond to the rebellion of troops and horses, and learn from Zhao Tuo's case back then, yes, Zhao How can Tuo’s nine counties be compared to yours?”

   Li Gongyan and Wei Shuxie both broke out in cold sweats, how dare you say so? Aren't you afraid that people will really turn your back on you?

   "Hahaha, you are the Li Fud who wrote a letter to the official of the country, persuading me to release the power of the army and horses, and bring his wife and children to Chang'an to enjoy the wealth?"

   "It's down there."

   "I heard that your wife just gave birth to a pair of twins, she's really lucky."

   "Thank you for your praise." Li Fude smiled.

   "It's a pity, it's a pity that the child will have no father just after birth."

   "What? The prince wants to kill me?"

   "So what?" Feng Ang said: "Even if you made such a rude remark just now, I can kill him."

   "I'm afraid the Duke of Guo doesn't have the courage." Li Fude was tough.

   "Oh?" Feng Ang said, "Do you want to try my sword to see if it's sharp?"

   Li Gongyan hurriedly said: "Guo Gong rests his anger, I have come to condolences with the sage's will, not to ask for sins."

  Wei Shuxie also said: "Xiao Li is a direct minister, and his mouth is open, so the prince should not blame him."

Feng Ang smiled and said, "At the time when the world was in great turmoil, the Lingnan Road was supposed to be fair and orderly, and the people were peaceful and there was no chaos. Some people did persuade me to be king, thinking that they were the king of Yue. Later, General Li advised me to vote for the Tang Dynasty. Lord, so I am Tang Chen."

"But I heard that now Emperor Zhenguan got his throne by killing his brother and imprisoning his father. He doesn't know how to behave morally? But a person like you will come to me and bark wildly in front of me." Feng Ang was not illiterate, but came from a great family. , whose heavenly ancestor was the monarch of Beiyan, who could call himself King Zong.

Li Fude said: "Emperor Wude is not a wise master, and Prince Yin forgets that he is not like a human king. Today's saints have the merit of recovering mountains and rivers. The prince knows how he is virtuous. I will vote for Tang."

   Feng Ang choked.

   "Many people in the imperial court said that you, Feng Ang, were ambitious. The sage originally planned to send the Youwuwei general Lin Mu and others to send troops and horses from dozens of states in Jiang and Ling to conduct a massive crusade to secure southern Ling."

  Feng Ang's expression was uncertain.

   "But I wrote a letter to the imperial court, saying that if Feng Ang rebelled, you would definitely divide your troops to occupy a dangerous place and attack neighboring prefectures and counties, but there is no action now."

  Feng Ang was surprised: "How does this person know about my plan?"

  Feng Ang originally planned to separate from the Lingnan land, and then go to Vietnam and Laos to develop and establish a country, but he has been hesitant for a long time.

   "Feng Ang, are you rebellious or not?"

   "Kill me, I will become benevolent, and most of the saints will come."

   "If you don't kill me, then you will surrender completely. If you want to waver again, I'm afraid it will be an army approaching."

  Li Gongyan's heart skipped a beat when he saw this: Big Brother, do you want to be famous in history, Tang Ju lives up to his mission, we still want to live, should you fall to the ground to force the rebellion, or to appease.

   That Feng Ang's expression changed, suddenly smiled and said: "Since the saint trusts me, I can't live up to the trust of the saint. What I said before is just a test, it can't be true. Now that I know the mind of the saint, I should confess it."

   "I, the Lingnan Feng clan, have surrendered to the imperial court since Wude five years ago, so how can I be half-hearted and capricious? Naturally, I have no rebellious heart. I only wish that Lingnan would be stable, and I would be satisfied."

   "There is no basis for your words, can you be sincere?"

   "My eldest son, Feng Zhidai, can return to the imperial court with the envoy." Feng An thoughtfully said.

   Li Fude then smiled and said, "I also ask the prince to forgive me. It was a subordinate official who collided just now, but it was for the court to test it."

Feng Ang said: "It can be seen that the country's fortune is prosperous and talents are prosperous. I have also heard of you. At a young age, Wenzhi can make the people of Maoming County rich, people want to move there, and martial arts can stop the rebellion of Xiluohong in Yangyang. It is the talent of the prime minister. ."

   then said: "I have a daughter, sixteen years old, who is thinking of a husband as a husband."

   Feng Anzheng wanted to introduce another wife to Li Fude. After all, in his opinion, it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. In history, Feng Anguang had thirty sons, and if he included daughters, there were hundreds of them.

   Moreover, he especially likes to accept his sons, and he doesn't know who to learn from. There are hundreds of sons, and the more sons are more blessed.

   But Li Fude said immediately: "Now the saint is filling the harem, it is better for the king to enter the palace with a daughter, it is a kiss and a kiss."

   "How can one be enough?" Feng Ang waved his hand: "I have a lot of beauties in Baiyue. When the time comes, I will accompany the envoy back to Chang'an."

   "Isn't the prince going to Chang'an?"

   "Lingnan is not considered safe, let my son greet the sage on my behalf." Feng Ang did not dare to enter the capital, for fear of being killed.

   But Li Fude's goal has been achieved.

   Afterwards, they ate a banquet and enjoyed the sword dance of the Yue girl, and Li Fude went back.

  The two messengers were kept in the government's residence.

  Feng Anhao got useful information from the two of them to determine the attitude of the court and to deal with it further.

   But this is no longer Li Fud's business. At this moment, Li Fudde felt invigorated and dripping, as if there was a breath of air coming out of his chest, which made him feel like a man and a hero.

   Then a buzzing golden sound came into his ears.

   Li Fude looked for the sound and found a bluestone in a stream with a sword hilt on it.

   Li Fude was originally not a swordsman, but a Confucian scholar, but at this time, he attracted the sword to recognize his master and called him.

   Li Fude drew out the sword, and at the same time, the arrogance in his chest filled his hands.

   But I saw the word "True Gang" in the sword inscription.

   "Cut jade and break gold. It's like cutting earth and wood; cast it in response to the spirit of the eight directions."

   Li Fude praised him: "Sure enough, a good sword, like a gentleman."

   wrapped the sword in cloth, and Li Fude returned to Maoming in a bronze carriage.

   At this time, Li Dandao was taking care of Yuanyuan for his two younger brothers and sisters.

   But he saw Li Fudor coming back with an ancient sword.

   opened his mouth and said, "Gold is a sharp sign, and a sword is a gentleman's weapon. It seems that my uncle has just won a battle of words."

   Li Fude nodded: "Feng Ang is sure that he will not go back. In the future, the resistance to Lingnan's development will be much smaller, so there will be no wars. Before Feng Ang died, Lingnan should not fight because of Feng's chaos."

   Then Li Fude flicked the sword, giving out a golden melody.

   "Nephew, teach me a set of swordsmanship for self-defense."

  Li Dan Taoist view that this sword has a spirit, which is suitable for making a flying sword.

   said: "Ordinary swordsmanship, I'm afraid this sword is wasted. Uncle, you are willing to learn the art of flying swords, and you can control it with the majestic and righteousness of the heavens and the earth, and you can avoid ghosts, gods, demons, and demons, and you have the courage to kill a person in ten steps."

   Li Fude nodded: "It seems that today I have gained the Tao, and suddenly there is an air current in my chest, gushing out."

"It is said that there is a Tao without virtue, and you will eventually lose your Tao. If you have virtue without Tao, you will eventually gain the Tao. Uncle, you have achieved virtue. The righteousness of heaven and earth is connected with the righteousness of your heart. It has all been opened, but it is much easier than when I first practiced."

  Li Dan said with emotion.

Later, I taught Li Fud a set of swordsmanship. This set of swordsmanship was born out of Tiandun swordsmanship, but it is not complicated, there are no spells, only the method of penetrating the gods. Usually, the sword dance is used to exercise the body. Within a hundred paces, with Qi Yujian, he is considered a first-class sword immortal.

   But Li Fude did not practice Taoism, so he could not make a sword pill and swallow it.

   But even so, Li Fude quickly learned the swordsmanship, and Li Dandao used the skin of the dragon to make a scabbard to keep the sword sharp.

  The Six Arts of the Gentleman: Ritual, Music, Shooting, Royal, Calligraphy, and Numbers.

   Although Li Fude can't bend a bow and shoot arrows, he can also master swordsmanship, and he already has the style of Han Confucianism.

Yang shi ate some food cooked by Li Dandao for a few days, and has recovered a little. Seeing Li Fudao dancing the sword, he said angrily: "Our children have been born for several days, I don't know if your husband gave them a name or not. ?"

   Li Fude nodded: "The baby name has already been decided, the girl's name is Lizhi, and the boy's name is Macaque."

   "What about the daimyo?"

   "The boy's name is Li Xingyan, and the girl's name is Li Qiang." Li Fude said, "I'll count the contacts and actions."

   asked Xiang Yang again, "What do you think Madam?"

   "Don't you need to take pictures of your Li family's character generation?"

   Li Fude smiled: "It can be arranged, but not."

  Li Dan said with a smile: "The name is really nice, but once the name is chosen, the soul will be stabilized, and the innate primordial spirit will hide in the name, and I don't need to continue to take care of it."

  Li Dan said, "I will also leave."

   "Where is nephew?"

  Li Dan said: "The chaotic times have produced demons. Now that Lingnan has been cured, the evil spirits of the demons are slowly retreating, and the excavation of mountains and temples has come to an end, but I still have to prepare for one or two."

   "Besides, I have an apprentice and a good friend, who are now sleepy in the North Pole. I want to go to the North Pole."

   "The North Pole?" Li Fude said: "The extreme north is extremely bitter and cold, you have to be careful, nephew."

   "Uncle, auntie, don't worry, I will go back to the capital of Chang'an first and announce the good news to the old man before going to the North Pole."

   "Say hello to eldest brother and sister-in-law for me." Li Fude smiled: "In addition, let's pack some Lingnan specialties back, don't you have a wish-fulfilling bag, nephew?"

   "That's right." Mrs. Yang also said: "Last time my sister-in-law brought us a lot of things, how could we not return the gift?"

  Li Dan said hahaha: "Okay, but I don't mind the trouble, I'll definitely bring my mind to it."

  Yang then took out the cotton, cotton cloth, and cotton seeds, as well as Yangmei wine, lychee wine, dried longan, Poria cream, etc. from Lingnan.

   All are handed over to Li Dandao to bring back.

   "I made a few more clothes for the dolls myself. Didn't your nephew and your younger brother also born, just a few months older than my family, I made this dress a bit bigger, you can take it back too."

  Li Dandao understands humanity and naturally does not resist family affection, but suddenly remembers Zhen Luo and asks, "Auntie, you and uncle have been married for two years now. If uncle makes you angry, how can you forgive him?"

   "Your uncle didn't make me angry." Mr. Yang said, and then suddenly thought of something: "I think it's someone you like, hahaha, it's also a grade, you're so old, you have to coax girls."

   (end of this chapter)

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