After Becoming a Taoist

Chapter 937: dragon dead

   Chapter 937 The Demon Dragon Dies

   Liu Changsheng's sword was cut down, carrying one of the three calamities and eight calamities with the sword and soldier robbery.

  This sword Tian Dun, which should have been a chance of life, was "intercepted" at this time, and it became impossible to escape.

   God’s will is like a knife, and it is extremely ruthless.

   The so-called way of heaven is to make up for what is insufficient.

   And that magic dragon is doing "the way of man", and the damage is not enough.

  The struggle between heaven and man is the concept of the Dao.

   The magic power of good fortune is extremely bad, and it has hurt the heaven and harmony. Now the catastrophe is coming, and there is no escape.

   Heilong knew that it was difficult to escape, so he took the initiative to take the sword, but he broke his tail to survive, and resisted the sword with his tail.

  The sword fell, and the white light flashed, the golden light appeared, and the tail of the black dragon fell directly.

  The black dragon has been reborn from the body to the leylines, so the leylines below also started to move, making a violent noise.

The    dragon veins also have their tails broken.

   The dragon with its head cut off is the ultimate.

   Dragon with a docked tail is wounded.

  The black dragon, disregarding the leakage of the earth's energy, was crippled, and opened its huge mouth to bite Liu Changsheng back.

   but was hit by a thunderbolt.

   It was Mu Chunzi's very long pre-casting swing, and finally he showed the Five Thunders Dharma.

  The five thunders are sky thunders, land mines, naval mines, divine thunder and social thunder.

   It is not the metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and five thunders that you take for granted, but it really uses the qi of the five internal organs as an introduction.

   ordered the Thunder Emperor of the Five Sides to release five kinds of Heaven Punishment Thunder Laws.

   These five Thunder Emperors are the Thunder Emperor of the Thunder in the East, the Thunder Emperor of the Red Sky in the South, the Thunder Emperor of the Great Darkness in the West, the Thunder Emperor in the North, and the Thunder Emperor of the Yellow Sky in the Center.

   It takes a long time to do tricks, chant mantras, and cast spells.

   It's no wonder that Mu Chunzi released the Five Lightning Dharma after such a long time.

  The sky thunders on its top, the mines break its foundation, the water mines destroy its spirit, the gods and thunders destroy its primordial spirit, and the social thunder destroys its temples.

  The black dragon was bombarded by five thunders, the earth began to turn over, a large number of corpses and skulls emerged one after another, and the evil spirits turned into black energy and wrapped around the black dragon.

   These are the wreckage left over by the Flood Demons, who have done evil for many years, devoured living beings, and cultivated their magic arts. Among them, there are people, and there are monsters...

  Although he was plundered and created, his soul has long since been dissipated, and even a ghost cannot do it.

   But this can be transformed into evil poison, contaminated with the foundation of the black dragon's earth veins, and it can still be done to "don't sink in forever".

   The black dragon was slashed with a sword and received five more thunders. He had no time to react, and was entangled in evil spirits, so he could no longer soar into the sky.

   fell heavily on the ground. Once it fell, it seemed to be attracted by the ground, the skin was sticking together, and the essence was plundered.

   The creations that have been taken away by hard work have also been absorbed, and the roots of plants and trees are pierced into their bodies like mouthparts.

   At the same time, the scales and skin on his body began to petrify.

   This is the cause and effect of what the earth dragon owed to the earth when he ascended to heaven.

   Therefore, it cannot fall to the ground, and it will take root when it falls, and it will no longer be a dragon.

   Heilong moaned in pain: "Old Antarctica, save me!"

   This opening shocked Mu Chunzi: "Then the Antarctic Old Demon is nearby?"

   "Alas!" An old man in white clothes and white hair, green eyebrows and green pupils, with a towering forehead appeared.

   is the Antarctic old man.

   Just as soon as he appeared, Li Dandao also appeared.

  Li Dandao was holding a clean whisk of Taiyi, wearing a purple robe of a Celestial Master, with a cinnabar mole on the center of his eyebrows, his eyes like peach blossoms, and he was naturally smiling.

   "Fellow Daoist Antarctica, after the Hongjun incident last time, I thought that fellow Daoist would hide in the mountains and wait for the poor Daoist to rise up before appearing. I don't want to come out so early to harm the common people."

   "Li Dandao, your cultivation level has grown a lot compared to when you were in Lushan Mountain, Lingnan. You are indeed a young hero." The old man in Antarctica took a closer look and recognized that it was Li Dandao who had differentiated into an incarnation outside the body.

   This incarnation is an incarnation cut by Li Dandao "from the position of the heavenly master of the third-rank Tianxiangfu's right prime minister and vice-chancellor".

   On behalf of Li Dandao, he is in charge of Taoist mundane affairs, cultivates disciples, and promotes Taoism.

  Li Dan Dao mixes hundreds of gods, and it is impossible to say that he is the same as Guanyin. He has three thousand incarnations and widely opens his vest.

   Anyway, the known clones, incarnations, have two hands.

Li Dan said hehe: "The more you learn the Dao, the more obscure the Dao is, and the poor Dao is only a little refined, but fortunately, the road is the Kangzhuang Dao, Tongtian Dao, unlike Daoyou, the road gets narrower and narrower. through the door on the left."

   "If you worship the poor Dao as a teacher, the poor Dao accepts you as the guardian of the sect, and passes on one or two mysterious secrets to you, so that you can save your life by taking waste as a treasure, harvesting and replenishing the yin."

Li Dan said hehe: "Using the name of Antarctic Longevity, he will do whatever he can to prolong his life and deprive all beings of good fortune. He does not seek immortals or asks, but only pays attention to one word for longevity. Fellow Daoist Antarctic, he has already fallen into the Demon Barrier of Shouyuan. "

  The Antarctic old man hehe: "This seat has already researched the perfect body, the innate Tao body, the indestructible foundation, and I will discuss it with you when the time comes."

   After speaking, he opened his hand and took a picture, the demon dragon looked in pain, and his own magic power was out of control. It converged towards the dragon ball, and the whole body, and even the primordial spirit, accelerated the transformation into heaven and earth.

   There is only one piece of immortality medicine that gathered a little bit of innate and immortal essence that he cultivated to the sun god, absorbed all the good things, and turned it into a half-finished product, which fell into the hands of the Antarctic old man.

   The Antarctic old man turned into a crane and flew away, and Liu Changsheng stepped forward and said, "Headmaster, don't you chase him?"

Li Dandao shook his head: "This old demon is very shrewd, and he just condensed the magic dragon's cultivation into a pill, and the pill is very unstable without being refined. Inside, it will become a place of death.”

   "Is the old devil so sinister?"

  Li Dandao nodded, and then asked: "Changsheng, since you have become an earth immortal, you should also find a dojo to sit in."

Having said that: "In addition to the Five Mountains, there are also nine towns and mountains that have been divided since the time of the ancient Great Yu and suppressed the Kyushu. Among them, the North Town of Youzhou is suitable for your cultivation. It is near the border of the wild and there are many demons. You need to lead the second general of the turtle and snake to suppress it."

   "Beijing Town is close to the Bohai Sea, and it can also control the aquarium." Li Dandao spoke again.

  Liu Changsheng originally intended to find a dojo by himself, but Li Dandao made a plan and nodded naturally, but he originally wanted to win the position of the next head and inherit the line of Xuanzhen Taoism.

   But this goal can only be kept in mind and cannot be stated explicitly, and Li Dan said that he wanted him to guard the north, and commanding the monsters was also an experience.

   And in the Changbai Cave, I saw a huge Ganoderma lucidum, like a big tree, with nine giant Ganoderma lucidum leaves, and on each giant Ganoderma lucidum leaves gave birth to colorful lights.

   Waited to reach the top and gave birth to two Dan beads.

  Danzhu matured and fell off and turned into two female fairies, it was Xie Natural and Qingzhi Fairy.

  It turned out that through the cave in Changbai Mountain, the two rebuilt the Taoist body, divided the origin equally, and solved the problem of two souls.

  The two fairies are both sun gods, with the left hand holding the right hand, one holding a lotus flower and the other holding a ganoderma lucidum, creating the earth damaged by the dragon demon.

   (end of this chapter)

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