"I, I actually succeeded!"


In the small rental house, a white light flashed, and a silver-haired girl suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the familiar layout of the room and the computer that had accompanied her for two years, the girl felt incredible and very happy.

"I am finally back, I am finally back!"

The slender jade hand pinched the white thigh, and the piercing pain made the girl understand that all this was real, not a dream!

The girl's name is Kiana Kaslana.

I believe many people are familiar with this name.

Yes, she is the Herrscher of the End from the Collapse World!

It may be a bit wrong to say"from", it should be more accurate to say"return".

Because she is a traverser who has experienced three times of time travel!

In the first life, his name was Zhou Xuan. He was an ordinary college student on Earth and an orphan who had no parents since childhood.

When he was 20 years old, because he sacrificed himself to save others on the road, he was sent to the parallel world where he is now - Blue Star.

Here, he got the name of the second life - Ye Chen.

Perhaps it was God's mercy that he was no longer an orphan in his new life, and he had a pair of parents who loved him very much.

Experiencing fatherly and motherly love for the first time made Ye Chen attach great importance to this hard-won family relationship.

Originally, he thought he would live a peaceful and stable life in this world, and then marry and have children, and provide for his parents. Old age, and finally buried in peace.

But God played a joke on him again.

When he was still 20 years old, he met his system and traveled again to the game world he played in his first life.

And from 'he' to 'she', from the former Ye Chen to the current Kiana Kaslana.

Relying on the help of the system and the understanding of the plot of the collapsed world, she escaped Otto's calculations again and again, changed the tragedy again and again, and became the Herrscher of the End in advance, ending the war between humans and the collapsed world.

Although she also made friends and gained a family affection in that world, she could never really integrate into it in that world.

She missed her parents and was afraid that after she disappeared, her parents would be sad and no one would take care of them in their old age.

In the end, she decided to return to the world of her previous life. She wanted to continue to honor her parents!

With the help of the system and the power of the Herrscher of the Void that she mastered, she finally returned to this familiar rental house on her twentieth birthday!

"Oh, right! Let's see how long I've been gone!"

Kiana hurriedly picked up the phone on the table to check the time.

September 15, 2025!

It's not even a day!

Kiana remembered very clearly that the day she traveled through time was today!

""That's great. I didn't disappear for too long."

Kiana was very glad that she didn't disappear for too long.

Basically, her parents would call her every week. If she disappeared for too long, her parents would definitely worry about her.

【Host, although you are back now, how are you going to explain your current situation to your parents? First of all, this system cannot change you back. 】

The system's voice sounded in her mind, interrupting Kiana's thoughts.

"I have already thought of a solution."

It is impossible to explain why her precious son suddenly became a daughter, and no one would believe it.

Even if she explained it clearly, the two elders might not accept it, and she dared not gamble.

But fortunately, before she came back, she had already thought of a solution.

"System, I remember that before I traveled through time, you kept my body from my previous life, right?"

【Yes, what do you want to do?】

"Take it out first."

【Please wait. 】

A burst of white light appeared, and a male body slowly fell from the sky.

Kiana caught the body and gently placed it on the bed.

"Take a closer look, I was quite handsome in my previous life."

This was the first time she saw herself from someone else's perspective.

【Did you take out this body just to admire your beauty in your last life? 】

Kiana rolled her eyes:"What are you thinking? I'm not that narcissistic."

【So what are you going to do?】

"You will know if you continue to read."

Kiana raised her index finger and lightly touched her forehead, and a ball of blue light emerged from her mind.

Seeing this, the smart system finally guessed what she wanted to do.

【Are you planning to separate a part of your consciousness and transfer it into this blank body?】

"Yes, I gave this body a part of my consciousness and a part of my memories, so that it can become my past self."

【You're completely giving up your past identity.】

"It doesn't matter. My soul can't return to this body anyway, right?"

Kiana said, without hesitation, and stuffed this consciousness into the blank body.

As this consciousness merged with the body, the empty shell that originally had no consciousness gradually became conscious.

After a while, Ye Chen slowly opened his eyes and looked around blankly.

Finally, his eyes fell on Kiana beside the bed.

"How do you feel?"Kiana supported her chin with one hand and looked at her other self curiously.

Ye Chen covered his head and was silent for a moment and said:"It feels... okay, but a little weak. Other than that, I seem to only have the memory of you before you traveled through the collapsed world. What's going on?"

"Because I didn't give you the memories of traveling through the collapsed world."

"Why?" Ye Chen couldn't help wondering.

Qiyana tapped Ye Chen's head with her jade hand:"Because I want you to be who I was in the past, not who I am now."

"After living in the Collapse World for so many years, my personality has changed a lot. If I give you those memories, my parents and those who are familiar with me will soon notice your difference and may even think you are schizophrenic."

"Well, I can't refute it."

Ye Chen didn't care too much about these lost memories.

Anyway, he and she were the same person, and it couldn't change even if their consciousness was separated.


Ye Chen's mouth corners slightly raised, and he suddenly laughed.

"Please give me more advice in the future, my... girlfriend!"

Kiana was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

Since he was herself, he must know the plan in her mind.

That's right, she planned to become her girlfriend, and then join the Ye family with a new identity, so that she can continue to honor her parents. Anyway,

Kiana didn't look down on other people in the world, so it was better to benefit herself than to benefit others.

【Good guy, so this is your plan, you are really good at playing, you are worthy of being the host of this system! 】

The system was also shocked by Kiana's operation.

Become your own girlfriend, and your host is also a talent!

Ignoring the voice of the system, Kiana took out a set of clothes from the closet and threw it to Ye Chen

"Go take a shower quickly. Although you won't get dirty in the system space, you haven't taken a shower in more than ten years."

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