At the same time, outside the corridor of the private room, Chen Lihui, wearing a white windbreaker, stood at the door with several men dressed similarly.

The leader was a blond, blue-eyed, burly European-looking man.

Everyone, including Chen Lihui, followed his lead and looked respectful.

"Captain, it's almost time, the smoke should have taken effect."Chen Lihui said after glancing at the time, looking a little impatient.

The blond man shook his head:"No hurry, just in case, let's wait a little longer, let them inhale more smoke, and don't let the same accident happen as last time." Although he was a foreigner, he spoke Shenzhou dialect quite standardly.

Chen Lihui nodded after hearing this, and said no more.

What they didn't know was that their conversation had already been heard by Ye Chen and Kiana in the private room.

Although the private room had a soundproofing effect, the hearing of the two had already surpassed that of ordinary people!

Especially Kiana, even if the two sides were thousands of meters apart, as long as she wanted, she could still hear clearly what the other party was saying!

"It's Chen Lihui! This damn guy."Ye Chen's face was gloomy, and he gnashed his teeth in anger.

He wanted to rush out and tear Chen Lihui to pieces, but Qiyana quickly pulled him back.

"Don't be impulsive, listen to what they want to do."

""Okay!" Ye Chen nodded.

Not long after, the sound of several people talking outside the corridor could be heard again.

"Captain, you must not forget what you promised me."

Chen Lihui was the first to speak, his voice was very recognizable.

The blond man nodded and said,"Don't worry, the blood sacrifice only needs three people, and I will leave the woman you mentioned to you." After getting the captain's approval again, Chen Lihui was relieved.

He got excited when he thought of Kiana's delicate features and graceful figure.

Since joining the Blood Sacrifice, he has also played with many women.

But it is the first time he has seen a woman as beautiful as Kiana, who seems not like an ordinary woman!

Moreover, as long as he got tired of playing with the women he had played with before, he would kill them and make use of them.

But he would never do that with Kiana.

He wants her to stay with him forever!

Seeing Chen Lihui's expression at this moment, the blond man couldn't help wondering:"Is that woman really so beautiful? How could she fascinate you so much?"

Chen Lihui immediately replied:"I can only describe her as beautiful as a fairy!"

Inside the private room.

That woman? Is it Qiyana?

Well, well, you dare to hit on my woman.

Ye Chen clenched his fists, extremely angry.

If Qiyana hadn't been holding him back, he would have rushed out long ago.

"Blood sacrifice? Could they be the blood sacrifice club Xuan Yajing mentioned?"Qiana murmured.

It was not difficult to guess from the other party's conversation that the other party was going to use them as sacrifices for the blood sacrifice.

This reminded her of what Xuan Yajing had said before about the blood sacrifice club.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

And it's obviously a foreign organization, how come even Chen Lihui has joined it?

No, it's too early to conclude whether Chen Lihui is a Chinese.

"Who cares if they are right or not? Now I just want to rush out and smash Chen Lihui's head!"

Ye Chen raised his hard fist and punched the air twice. There were two faint punches flying out, cutting through the air.

"Then go ahead."

It can be seen that Ye Chen was furious to the limit and could not bear it any longer.

Since he already knew the other party's identity, there was no need to ask, so he could vent his anger.

After getting Kiana's approval, Ye Chen immediately rushed to the door.

He raised his foot and kicked the iron door hard.


The heavy iron door was like a piece of thin paper, and it instantly bent and flew backwards.

The few people standing at the door had no time to react and were hit.

The worst was Chen Lihui, who was closest to the door, and the door happened to hit his face when it flew over.

Several front teeth were blown away, and the bridge of his nose was broken. Blood flowed out of his mouth and nostrils like money.

""What, what happened?"

The blond man and the remaining brothers were also confused and had no idea what was going on. It was not until the gloomy-looking Kiana and Ye Chen walked out of the private room that they reacted.

So beautiful!

When they saw Kiana, the blond man and the brothers were also slightly stunned, and even forgot the pain in their bodies.

No wonder Chen Lihui was so fascinated by her, such a beautiful woman, even they were a little moved!

"How is this possible? Why aren't you unconscious?" Chen Lihui pointed at the two people and said slurred words.

He was missing a few front teeth, and even his speech was leaking, which was very funny.

"Go to hell!"

It would have been fine if he didn't speak, but as soon as he spoke, Ye Chen instantly locked his eyes on him, then rushed to Chen Lihui, raised his fist and smashed it into his face

"You dare to hit on my girlfriend, huh?"


"You want to use our blood for a blood sacrifice?"


The already swollen head became even fatter after receiving two punches, like a pig's head.

The blond man and the others finally reacted.

"So that's it, is it a cultivator from Shenzhou?"

The blond man wiped the blood from his nose and got up from the ground. He was obviously injured so badly, but he seemed to be fine. Instead, he looked at Qiyana and Ye Chen with a sharp gaze, as if he was looking at something rare.

"It would be even better if you are a cultivator. My God must like the blood of cultivators like you!"

""Go! Catch these two guys!"

As the blond man gave the order, a red ominous gas emerged from his body. The surrounding brothers rushed towards the two men irrationally as if they were injected with chicken blood.

They also roared like beasts.

Kiana snorted coldly:"You think you can catch us?"


The jade hand was raised and pointed lightly.

The crisp sound reached everyone's ears.

The space was rippling, like a lake whose calm was broken.

Then, a number of sub-sky spears emerged and floated in the air.

"Save your daydreams for the daytime!"

Kiana waved her hand lightly, and the Spear of the Sky flew towards everyone like a cannonball.

Puff, puff, puff...

In a flash, all the members of the Blood Sacrifice Society were killed!


The blond man was not dead, but his limbs were pierced and he was nailed to the wall, screaming miserably.

Kiana spared his life. She had not forgotten the agreement with Xuan Yajing.

When she looked at Ye Chen, the battle over there... or the"massacre" had also ended.

Chen Lihui was lying on the ground covered in blood, and his life had passed.

Ye Chen finally vented his anger, and the anger in his heart subsided.

""Do you feel uncomfortable when you kill someone for the first time?" Qiyana asked with concern.

However, Ye Chen shook his head:"No, I feel very happy instead."

"Maybe it's because the guy you killed was Chen Lihui."

Qiana recalled the first time she killed someone, but she vomited for a long time before she recovered.

After a short rest, Ye Chen called Xuan Yajing.

Xuan Yajing was also very excited when she learned that they had captured the members of the Blood Sacrifice Society.

"Please wait! I'll be there soon!"

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