In Ye Chen's heart, Kiana is his treasure, a priceless treasure!

Even if he is given a lot of money

, he will not change it! His love for her is definitely not something that can be measured by money.

Zhang Zilong actually tried to use 500,000 to shake his love for Kiana, which is simply an insult to his feelings!

This is something he absolutely cannot accept.

If he hadn't considered that hurting someone here would cause trouble, he would have killed this guy long ago!

"Ye Chen! Brother Long gave you 500,000 yuan out of kindness, don't ask for more!"

The lackey behind Zhang Zilong shouted, barking for his master.

"Who do you think you are? Do you have the right to speak here? Shut up!"

Ye Chen looked at the lackey coldly, and a murderous aura emerged from his body.

The lackey was frightened and stepped back subconsciously.

Zhang Zilong, who had been overindulging himself, was frightened by this murderous aura and his legs became weak.

At this time, the restaurant manager finally heard the news and rushed over.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a restaurant, a place to eat, please be patient and don't disturb other diners."

"If you insist on continuing to argue, we will have no choice but to ask you to leave our store, and we will also blacklist you and never entertain you again."

Feeling the girl in his arms tugging at his sleeves, Ye Chen nodded, temporarily suppressing his anger, and decided not to continue arguing with Zhang Zilong and the others.

They came here to eat, and they couldn't let the appearance of Zhang Zilong and his lackeys spoil their fun.

It's not worth it!

However, when Zhang Zilong saw the manager appear, he seemed to see hope, and showed an excited look.

"Manager Liu! I am very sorry for my behavior just now, but I still want to remind Manager Liu that I suspect these people are planning to dine and dash!"

The lackey behind Zhang Zilong also nodded and said:"That's right, how could Ye Chen have the money to come here to consume?"

This is Yu Man Lou! One of the restaurants with the highest consumption level in Jiangcheng!

A meal, even if it is the lowest standard, will cost more than a month's salary for an ordinary person!

Although Ye Chen is the number one campus grass in Jiangda.

But he is also the only ordinary person in the ranking list who has no background.

How can he afford to consume here if he has no money?

Not only Ye Chen, but also his friends. Even if the living expenses are added together, they probably can't afford a meal here!

This is why Zhang Zilong and his lackeys dare to be sure that they are here to dine and dash.

"You are talking nonsense! How do you know that Ye Chen has no money to spend here?"Cao Yuanhao immediately stood up and refuted for Ye Chen.

Wang Haoxuan and Chen Yu also looked at them indignantly.

Zhang Zilong sneered and said,"Hehe, who in the school doesn't know that Ye Chen, who ranks first on the school grass list, is just a child born in an ordinary family? He is different from us."

"To put it bluntly, he is a poor guy! Is he worthy of spending money here? If he really has the money to eat here, then I, Zhang Zilong, will kneel down and call him daddy!

Seeing Zhang Zilong so confident, even Manager Liu began to have some doubts about Ye Chen's spending power.

But he didn't show it.

As a restaurant manager, he couldn't doubt the spending power of any customer.

He could only quietly watch what Ye Chen would say next.

"I didn't expect you to want to be my son!" Ye Chen sneered,"Since you want me to be your father so much, I will reluctantly agree to it."

After saying that, Ye Chen looked at Manager Liu.

"How long will it take for the meals I ordered to be delivered?"

"It will probably take another two minutes. Manager Liu replied

"In that case, I will pay the bill first and eat later. This should prove that I have money to eat, right?"

"If the customer wants to pay first and eat later, our restaurant will naturally allow it."

Manager Liu is also an old and shrewd man.

It is impossible for him to admit that he agreed to do this just to let Ye Chen prove whether he has money or not.

"Nana, take out the card."

Kiana saw that her man was about to show off, so she naturally cooperated and took out the bank card on her.

Manager Liu also asked someone to bring the card machine.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the card machine.

As the bank card was gently swiped on the card machine, the green light came on and the deduction was successful!

"How is this possible?"

Zhang Zilong's face turned pale.

The deduction was successful!

And he just noticed that the deduction amount was as high as five digits!

How could a mere Ye Chen have so much money?

"What are you still standing there for? Kneel down and call me daddy!"Ye Chen looked down at Zhang Zilong

"Don't tell me you want to regret it"


Zhang Zilong was about to say something when he suddenly realized that Cao Yuanhao and the other two had already taken out their cell phones and pointed them at him.

"Don't go too far!"

Ye Chen showed an innocent expression:"Too far? You said it yourself. If I had money, you would kneel down and call me dad. Everyone here can hear it."

"It's okay if you don't shout, but I can't guarantee that these videos will not be leaked to the campus network."


Zhang Zilong was so angry that he wanted to eat the person in front of him alive.

But in the face of threats, even he had to bow his head.

He didn't want to lose face in school.


"The voice is too soft, I can't hear it."

Damn it, just wait for me, I'm not a gentleman if I don't take revenge!

Zhang Zilong stared at Ye Chen with a resentful look, gritting his teeth and squeezing out a few words from his mouth:"Dad! Are you satisfied now?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen looked disgusted and said:"Get lost, I don't have a son as useless as you!"

""Hahahaha!" Cao Yuanhao and the other two couldn't help laughing, even Kiana had a smile in her eyes.


Anger arose from his heart, attacking his heart, Zhang Zilong's eyes rolled back, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out of his mouth.

""Brother Long! Brother Long! Are you okay?" The lackey panicked when he saw this.

Even Manager Liu became a little nervous.

This guy must not die here.

He quickly called someone to carry Zhang Zilong out.

At this time, the meals ordered by Ye Chen and others were finally served. Manager Liu immediately clasped his fists and bowed to Ye Chen and others:"I will not disturb you while you are having your meal."

"However, the presence of Zhang Zilong and his friends here is indeed our negligence in management. To express our apology, 50% of the fee for this meal will be waived, and the money will be refunded to the guest's card within two hours."

Ye Chen waved his hand to accept it.

Zhang Zilong's appearance did not affect the appetite of the few people.

Instead, it added some fun to them and made them eat more happily. After the meal, Ye Chen drove Cao Yuanhao and the other two back to school, and then he and Qiana Yiqiong returned to the rental house. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his cousin and Yan Tingting eating the takeaway they ordered.

"Stop eating, we brought you a feast!"

Qiana said, lifting the bag in her hand.

When going out to eat, she and Ye Chen naturally couldn't forget their cousin and Yan Tingting at home.

""Wow! It smells so good!"

After smelling the aroma wafting out of the bag, Mu Xiaoying and Yan Tingting immediately lost interest in the takeaway they ordered.

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