When Ye Chen woke up from his sleep, the sky outside was already yellow.

He looked up and saw Qiyana sitting at the computer desk playing with her phone.

In front of her was a basin of cold water and a towel.

"Wake up, how do you feel?"

Noticing Ye Chen waking up, Qiyana put down her phone and hurried to the bedside, looking at him with concern.

"I feel okay, not as bad as before, but I still feel a little weak."

Ye Chen felt his condition carefully.

Kiana raised her hand and touched Ye Chen's forehead.

"It looks like the fever has indeed subsided."

Ye Chen grabbed Qiyana's soft and boneless jade hand and started playing with it.

"What time is it?"

"It's about 5:30 pm. Are you hungry? Do you want me to prepare dinner for you?"

"Well, I am indeed a little hungry. I will trouble my wife. I want to eat roast chicken."

Kiana flicked Ye Chen's forehead with her index finger and said angrily,"Don't eat such heavy taste when you are just recovered. I will cook some porridge for you."

Ye Chen scratched his cheek:"It is because I just recovered from the illness that my mouth has no taste and I want to moisten my tongue."

"No way!"

Qiyana ruthlessly rejected Ye Chen's request and walked straight to the kitchen.

But soon she came out of the kitchen again.

"I'll go buy some ingredients and pots for cooking porridge, you continue to rest for a while."

Putting on a white dress and taking the small bag that Ye Chen bought for her a few days ago, Kiana left the house. Ye

Chen, who had nothing to do, lay on the bed and played with his mobile phone to kill time.

When he turned on his mobile phone, he saw several unread messages.

He clicked them and found that they were sent from the dormitory group.

Cao Yuanhao: Ye Chen, I heard from Sister Nana that you are sick? Are you okay?

Wang Haoxuan: I didn't expect that Ye Chen would get sick, even though you are so strong.

Chen Yu: What do you know? With a girlfriend as beautiful as Sister Nana, no matter how strong your body is, it will slowly be weakened!

Wang Haoxuan: Damn, that makes sense! Cao

Yuanhao: No matter what, I still hope you get well soon.

Wang Haoxuan & Chen Yu: I wish you a speedy recovery!

"These guys……"

Ye Chen was a little touched.

He replied a few words to let them know that he had recovered.

On the other side,

Kiana left the rental house and went straight to the mall she had been to before.

Because the distance was not far, Kiana did not drive but walked there.

However, because of this, she was approached three times along the way.

"I'm not used to not having Ye Chen around."

After rejecting the third man's approach, Kiana couldn't help but sigh, and her pace quickened. After arriving at the mall, Kiana went straight to the pot area and bought a casserole, and then went to the food area.

"By the way, what kind of porridge is better to eat after you recover from the illness?"

Looking at the dazzling array of ingredients in front of her, Kiana was temporarily in a dilemma.

Besides, she had never cooked porridge before, so she didn't know if it would taste good.

"By the way, mom is very good at cooking porridge, why not ask her for advice!"

Kiana vaguely remembered that her mother had cooked porridge for her when she was sick before.

The taste was unforgettable!

Thinking of this, Kiana immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed the familiar number.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Nana, what's wrong? Why are you calling me all of a sudden? Is there something wrong?

I could still vaguely hear my father's voice on the other end of the line.

""Mom, are you and Dad having dinner?"

Although it was not the first time that she heard Qiana call her mom, Ye's mother was still very happy.

"Yes, the meal is just right. Have you and Ye Chen eaten?"

"Not yet. I am preparing to cook porridge for Ye Chen, but I am not very good at it, so I want to ask you how to make it delicious."

"Cook porridge? Why did Ye Chen suddenly want to eat porridge?"

"It's like this, Ye Chen is sick today, just in time, I want to make him a light meal to nourish his body"


Hearing that her son was sick, Ye's mother was shocked.

Even Ye's father couldn't help but lean over to the phone to listen to the conversation between the mother and daughter.

"How is he? Is he okay?"

"Don't worry, mom, Ye Chen is fine after taking the antipyretic medicine."

"That's good, that's good." Mother and Father Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

"You want to cook porridge, right? It’s easy. Mom will teach you right away!"

"I remember that when Ye Chen was little, he liked to drink the millet porridge with fresh shrimp and mushrooms that I made. You go buy half a pound of millet, fresh shrimp and mushrooms, and then I will teach you how to make it through video!"

"OK, Mom."

Following her mother's instructions, Kiana bought the ingredients and returned to her residence as soon as possible.

After returning, Kiana found that Ye Chen had fallen asleep again.

She was a little worried about the relapse of the disease, so she came to his side carefully and touched Ye Chen's forehead with her hand.

After confirming that he did not have a fever, she left the room with peace of mind. After arriving in the kitchen, Kiana began to prepare millet porridge with shrimp and mushrooms through video with her mother.

As time went by, the whole kitchen was filled with the tempting aroma of millet porridge.

Ye Chen, who was sleeping, was awakened by the aroma. Looking through the crack in the door, he looked at the busy back in the kitchen, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

After more than ten minutes, the porridge was finally cooked.

"You're awake, come and taste the porridge I cooked for you."

Kiana came to Ye Chen with the steaming porridge and sat down.

"Be careful, it's a little hot."

"Let's eat together."

Ye Chen scooped up a spoonful of millet porridge with shrimps but did not put it into his mouth. Instead, he put it in front of Kiana.

Kiana did not refuse and opened her mouth to accept Ye Chen's feeding.

"Well, it's worthy of my cooking, it's delicious! You should try it too!"

Kiana grabbed the spoon and scooped a spoonful into Ye Chen's mouth.

"This taste is so familiar, it feels like... my mom cooked it for me when I was a child!"

This familiar taste made Ye Chen think back to his childhood.

Kiana smiled and said,"After all, this is what my mom taught me personally!"

Then she told Ye Chen about the conversation with her mother

""I see, you've worked so hard." Ye Chen was very touched.

A large bowl of porridge was eaten up by the two of them feeding each other.

Of course, this bowl was not enough to fill Ye Chen's stomach.

Fortunately, Kiana made more, and then she brought another large bowl from the kitchen.

The two continued to feed each other.

After the second bowl of millet porridge was completely eaten up, Ye Chen was finally full.

"I'm too full, I have to get out of bed and walk around."

Ye Chen covered her slightly bulging belly and sat down on the bed, like a woman who was more than three months pregnant.

"Then I'll go get you some hot water for a bath."

It's summer now, and people usually take cold showers.

But Ye Chen just recovered from his illness, so Qiana naturally didn't feel comfortable letting him take a cold shower.

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