In the morning, after two classes were over, it was already 11:30.

After having lunch in the cafeteria, Ye Chen and Qiyana drove back to their hometown.

Because their luggage had been packed in advance and placed in the trunk of the car, they did not need to go home to pack, saving a lot of time.

Jiangcheng is more than 600 kilometers away from Qiancheng.

When the car arrived in Qiancheng, it was already late, and the time was 7:30 in the evening.

The city was full of lights, wine, and people, and was full of bustling atmosphere.

"Are you tired of driving? Do you want me to drive instead?"

Qiana was sitting on the passenger seat. Today she was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of ultra-short jeans.

Her pair of white thighs shone with a crystal luster under the light, like an attractive ice cream, making people want to lick it.

"No need."Ye Chen shook his head.

Since he started his journey home, he hardly had any rest. He only rested for less than half an hour at a service area halfway through the journey.

���Seeing his parents, Ye Chen couldn't stop being excited and didn't feel tired at all.

"All right, then you hold on a little longer, we'll be home soon." Kiana said no more after hearing that.

She picked up the oranges she had bought on the road, peeled them, and then stuffed the orange pulp into Ye Chen's mouth.

The sweet juice instantly swept away the fatigue on Ye Chen's body.

In a blink of an eye, more than 20 minutes passed.

The vehicle finally arrived downstairs of an older residential area.

This is Ye Chen's hometown, where Ye's father and mother live.

Ye Chen found a place to park the car.

Kiana immediately said:"Let's go downstairs for dinner first, so as not to trouble mom to cook noodles for us when we go back."

Along the way, the two didn't eat much, just some fruits to fill their stomachs.

They didn't tell their family members that they were going home this time, so they definitely didn't cook dinner for the two of them.

If they went back like this and let their parents know that they hadn't had dinner yet, they would definitely cook noodles for them again.

Ye Chen naturally agreed with Kiana's suggestion with both hands.

He didn't want to trouble his mother too much.

"Then let's go to the wooden barrel restaurant that we used to go to."


Downstairs in the community, there is a wooden barrel restaurant that has been open for more than ten years.

When I was in high school, my parents were very busy with work for a period of time and basically did not come home at noon.

During that period, Ye Chen would have lunch at the wooden barrel restaurant every day.

The two held hands, walked along a familiar road, and finally came to this wooden barrel restaurant.

It was still the same as before, without much change.

"Aunt Liu, please help us get two servings of green pepper and shredded pork rice in a wooden barrel!"

Hearing the customer's call, the proprietress Aunt Liu came out from the back kitchen, her face slightly old and haggard.

"Eh? Isn't this Xiaochen? You're back?"

After all, he was a regular customer before, so the proprietress certainly knew Ye Chen.

"Yes, it's National Day, so I came back to play for a few days."

Ye Chen pulled Qiyana to sit down in an empty seat.

"That’s right, if you hadn’t told me, I would have almost forgotten that National Day is coming, hahahaha……"

"By the way, is this your girlfriend? She's so pretty!"

""Thank you for the compliment."

Ye Chen held Qiana's hand tightly, with an unconcealable smile on his face.

After a while, Aunt Liu brought two servings of wooden barrel rice to the two of them.

She also took out two bottles of drinks from the refrigerator.

"Consider these two bottles of drinks as a treat for you."

"How can I be so embarrassed?"Ye Chen wanted to refuse, but Aunt Liu unscrewed the bottle cap first.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Just take it and think of it as your aunt congratulating you on finding a girlfriend!"

"Thank you very much." Seeing this, Ye Chen no longer refused.

"Take your time eating, I won't disturb you two."

Aunt Liu returned to the kitchen, and only Ye Chen and Qiyana were left in the restaurant.

"It seems a bit strange." Qiana frowned.

Ye Chen couldn't help wondering:"What's strange about it?"

""The restaurant was always full of customers at this time before, but why are we the only ones here today?"

After hearing what Kiana said, Ye Chen also realized what was happening.

It was lunchtime, and this restaurant had been around for more than ten years, so many residents nearby were regular customers.

At this time before, the restaurant would not be packed, but there would still be more than a dozen customers.

"Is it because before the National Day, everyone stayed at home and ate with their families?"


After thinking about it and not being able to figure it out, the two stopped worrying about it.

Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, Ye Chen and Qiana finished the food in front of them.

Just as Ye Chen was about to pay, six or seven people suddenly walked into the store.

They thought that they had finally come with customers, but when they saw the way these people were dressed, and their faces showed ferocious expressions, they instantly realized that they were not friendly!

Sure enough, one of the leading yellow-haired men kicked away the chair in front of him and shouted to the kitchen:"Madam boss, get out of here!"

Ye Chen and Qiana frowned when they saw this.

Aunt Liu also came out of the kitchen again at this time.

Seeing the group of people in front of her, her already haggard face became even more pale.

"Why are you guys here again?"

"Nonsense! As long as you don't pay us back, we'll come every day!"

"I've already told you, I don't have the money to pay you back now!"

"No money? No money, what is this?" The yellow-haired man stomped the floor under his feet.

"I think your store is in a good location, so it should be able to make some money."

When the boss heard that the man across the street wanted her store, she immediately shook her head and said,"No! This is left by my husband! I will never sell it!""

"You really don't want to drink for nothing! Smash this place for me!"

The yellow-haired man waved his hand, and the younger brothers behind him came forward one after another.

The proprietress looked terrified.

At this moment, Ye Chen finally couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately stood up and roared:"I want to see who dares to smash it!"

Everyone looked over.

The yellow-haired man only noticed the two people in the corner at this time.

When he saw Kiana, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

What a beautiful woman!

When he looked at Ye Chen, he showed a look of disdain.

"What? You want to be a hero? I advise you not to meddle in other people's business and leave after dinner."

Aunt Liu also persuaded Ye Chen and said,"Xiao Chen, take your girlfriend back quickly. You don't have to pay. Just think of this meal as Auntie's treat for you.""

"Did you hear me? Get out of here right now. If you don’t get out, you and your girlfriend can’t leave! Especially your girlfriend."

After the yellow-haired man finished speaking, he looked at Kiana with a fiery gaze.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman before.

If he could get her, he would be willing to live ten years less!

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