"What? Tens of millions?!"

When Mu Yaqin told her that Ye Chen and Qiyana had made tens of millions from their 'startup', her father and sister were all shocked.

They had never seen so much money in their lives, and now it appeared right in front of them!

And it was earned by their own son (brother)!

""Sister Nana, are you sure you're not kidding?"

Ye Yanxuan hugged Kiana's arm, her mouth wide open enough to hold an egg.

Seeing her sister's cute expression, Kiana raised her hand and gently scratched her crystal clear little nose.

"It's true. If you want to buy something in the future, you can tell me and I will buy it for you!"

As mentioned before, Ye Yanxun is the little cotton-padded jacket of the family. Everyone loves her very much.

This includes her and Ye Chen!

Because she has lived a new life, she has been sensible since she was a child and has always taken good care of her sister.

She dotes on her and leaves all the good things to her sister, and her sister naturally likes her very much.


Ye Yanxuan's eyes lit up, as if there were stars in them, so adorable.

Seeing this, her mother beside her quickly said:"Yanxuan, if you want to buy something in the future, just tell your dad and me. You should keep the money in the hands of your sister-in-law and your brother for your own use."

"You two too, don't spoil her too much."

She knew that with how much her son doted on his daughter, Ye Chen would never say"no" as long as Ye Yanxuan asked.

Buying some clothes and daily necessities was fine, but he was afraid that his daughter would buy some female cosmetics worth tens of thousands.

So he had to dispel his daughter's idea of asking Ye Chen and Qiana for money.

Moreover, her daughter was about to graduate, and the most important thing now was to focus on her studies.

She didn't want her daughter's studies to be affected by other things.

Sure enough, when Ye Yanxuan heard her mother's words, her little lips pouted.

Ye Chen shrugged and cast a helpless look at Ye Yanxuan.

"Dad, Mom, please quit your jobs. Nana and I will support you in the future. Ye Chen once again raised the topic of quitting his job.

"Anyway, you will reach retirement age in a few years, so just consider it as early retirement."

"What do you mean by a few years? Will it count? There are still more than ten years left!"

Ye Yunhua glared at Ye Chen.

He said this as if they were very old.

"But we will consider your proposal carefully."

Kiana then took advantage of the situation and said,"What else is there to consider? We are not without money now. Ye Chen and I just hope that you two can enjoy your life in peace."

My parents' combined monthly salary is only over 10,000 yuan, and it is not easy. In order to make money to support their studies and grandma's medical expenses, they have been busy all these years, and their hair has turned a little gray.

""Dad, it's rare that our son and daughter-in-law care about us so much, so let's just listen to them."

Mu Yaqin patted her husband's hand and joined in the persuasion.

She also stood on Ye Chen and Qiyana's side in her heart. After all, her husband's job was really hard.

"But, if I quit my job, I don’t know what to do."

This is what Ye Yunhua is worried about.

According to his age, he is still more than ten years away from retirement.

He has never thought about life after retirement.

Once he quits his job, he doesn’t know what he can do. He can’t just sit at home and watch TV all day, right?

Ye Yanxuan raised her hand and suggested:"I have a good idea. Dad can go play chess and drink tea with the uncles downstairs!"

Ye Yunhua pinched his chin and thought:"It’s a good proposal, but the age gap is a bit big. I don’t know if they can play together."

Ye Chen said:"Why don’t you try it and you will know?"

"All right, then we'll listen to Ye Chen and Nana, and we'll submit our resignation application after the holiday."

Having said that, Ye Yunhua no longer hesitated.

Soon he thought of something and changed the subject:"By the way, you guys go to the People's Hospital tomorrow and take Nana to see your grandma. After she knew you had a girlfriend, she has been looking forward to meeting you."

Ye Chen would of course not refuse, and nodded:"Well, that's what we were planning to do tomorrow."

After that, the parents asked some questions about Kiana's family.

Kiana and Ye Chen had already thought about how to answer this.

Kiana set herself up as an orphan who had just lost her parents.

When Mu Yaqin learned that Kiana was an orphan, she hugged her in her arms.

"From now on we are your family. No matter what the final outcome between you and Ye Chen is, you will always be a part of our Ye family!"


Feeling her mother's embrace, Kiana's heart was beating.

Time had unknowingly come to nine o'clock in the evening.

It was already late, and everyone was ready to rest.

"How about letting Sister Nana sleep with me tonight?"

Ye Yanxuan hugged Qiana's arm, reluctant to let go.

For some reason, even though it was the first day they met, Sister Nana gave her a sense of intimacy.

Just like a gentle brother.

"You girl, Nana is your sister-in-law, of course she has to sleep with me!"

Ye Chen immediately snatched his wife away.

Although he did dote on his sister and always responded to her requests, he would never give in on the issue of Kiana's belonging!

"Cut, stingy"


After taking a shower, Kiana returned to her old room.

She looked around with a hint of nostalgia in her eyes.

This was the little home she had lived in for nearly twenty years!

This bed, this computer desk, this chair, and this computer that was outdated.

Everything here was so familiar.

It felt so good to be back here again!

"Go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow." Ye Chen hugged Qiyana and lay on the bed.


The two of them fell asleep in each other's arms.

Gradually, Ye Chen's hands began to become dishonest again.

Qiyana's face turned red, but she did not stop his behavior.


There was no conversation that night.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

As soon as the sun rose, Kiana woke up from her sleep.

On the other hand, Ye Chen was still sleeping like a dead pig, still hugging her tightly.

It took a lot of effort for Kiana to break free from Ye Chen's arms without waking up Ye Chen.

After walking out of the door, Kiana went straight to the bathroom.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she walked towards the kitchen, preparing to make a hearty breakfast for her family.

But in the kitchen, she saw her mother's busy back.

"Nana? Why are you up so early? Don't you want to sleep a little longer?"

Mu Yaqin also noticed Qiana standing at the door, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"I'm used to getting up early every day. Oh, I'll help too."

"No, no, Mom can do it alone, you go wait outside."

Even though she was very busy, Mu Yaqin still didn't want Qiana to help.

"And how can I let you cook? A beautiful girl like you should stay away from fireworks, after all, they hurt the skin."

Kiana shook her head and said,"You can't say that. No matter how beautiful a girl is, she still has to learn how to cook, right?"

"Otherwise, when you get married, will you still eat takeout every day? What a waste of money."

She also knew that her mother was concerned about her, but she still disagreed with this fallacy.

"Hahaha, well said! Nana is much better than my second nephew's girlfriend!"

As soon as the words fell, the hearty laughter of his father Ye Yunhua came from behind.

"Doesn’t Abin’s girlfriend know how to cook? I heard they still eat takeout every day."

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