Several people left the hospital building one after another.

But after leaving the building, Ye Hongbin did not lead Ye Chen and others to the hospital exit.

Instead, he turned around and walked towards the parking lot.

Seeing this, Ye Chen and the other two could not help but wonder.

""Cousin, did you buy a car?"

Ye Yanxun finally expressed her curiosity.

Ye Hongbin nodded with a smile in his eyes, and said proudly:"Yes, I just bought it some time ago."

After that, he looked at Ye Chen deliberately.

But seeing that there was no expression of surprise and envy on his face, Ye Hongbin suddenly felt frustrated.

This guy is not pretending.

Ye Yanxun then asked:"What kind of car is it?"

"You will know in a moment."

Ye Hongbin said no more.

They will be surprised in a moment!

Thinking of this, he smiled again.

Tsk, so mysterious and keeping everyone in suspense.

Ye Yanxuan was disdainful.

Soon, several people came to the parking lot.

Under the leadership of Ye Hongbin, several people stopped beside a white Mercedes-Benz.

"This is my car, Mercedes-Benz C260. How is it? Not bad, right?"Ye Hongbin said boastfully.

He looked at Ye Chen and Qiyana again, or more precisely, Qiyana.

He wanted to see if this beautiful woman would look at him with a new eye after knowing that he could afford a Mercedes-Benz.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

Qiyana only took a look at the white car and stopped paying attention.

"Mercedes-Benz C260, not bad."

Ye Yanxuan nodded seriously and gave her evaluation.

It was only a car worth about 400,000 yuan, less than half the price of her brother's car.

But after hearing what Ye Yanxuan said, Ye Hongbin was immediately a little defensive.

"What do you mean by"not bad"? This is a Mercedes-Benz C260, which costs more than 400,000 yuan!"

Even Chu Kehan couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

A car worth more than 400,000 yuan can only be considered good, but how many tens of thousands of yuan does it cost to be considered good?

If she hadn't heard Ye Hongbin talk about the situation of this uncle's family before, she might have thought that this family was a millionaire.

Ye Yanxuan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ye Chen.

"My cousin's car is really beautiful. I didn't expect that my cousin would make his first money in life so quickly."

After hearing Ye Chen's praise, Ye Hongbin's face became much better.

"Hahaha, it's nothing, it's mainly because of good luck."

He said this, but he was still a little embarrassed.

After all, he only paid 30,000 yuan for the car, and then asked his parents to give 100,000 yuan, and borrowed 20,000 yuan from friends, a total of 150,000 yuan.

The rest was a bank loan, and it was paid in installments for five years.

Of course, this matter naturally cannot be told to others, after all, even his fiancée didn't know about it.

Ye Hongbin patted Ye Chen's shoulder and said in a mature manner:"Ye Chen, you have to work hard too. With your IQ, you can definitely make money like me!"

Seeing that Ye Hongbin was still pretending, Kiana and Ye Yanxuan couldn't help laughing.

It's so funny, you, a person who doesn't have tens of thousands of yuan in savings, actually said to a person worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions that you still need to work hard.

Isn't this a complete clown?

"Ahem, what my cousin said is true."

Ye Chen wanted to reveal his own net worth, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

His cousin's life was not easy, so it would be better not to hurt his self-esteem.

At the same time, he also gave a look to Kiana and Ye Yanxun, signaling them not to tell them that he was rich.

Although Ye Yanxun wanted to slap Ye Hongbin in the face again, she didn't say anything after seeing Ye Chen's eyes.

Several people then got into her cousin's Mercedes-Benz.

With a light step on the accelerator, the vehicle started slowly.

Along the way, in order to show off his driving skills in front of the beautiful woman, Ye Hongbin also drove very fast.

Kiana frowned and said,"Please drive slower."

Although she and Ye Chen were not afraid, her sister Ye Yanxun couldn't stand it.

Because of fear, one of her sister's hands was tightly holding her hand.

""Okay, okay."

Since it was a request from a beautiful woman, Ye Hongbin would naturally not refuse.

Chu Kehan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was a little angry when she saw her fiancé trying to please another woman.

But because there were people around, she didn't show it.

"I'll deal with him after we get back!" Chu Kehan thought to himself.

In this way, it took them about half an hour to finally arrive at their uncle's neighborhood.

Compared with the old neighborhood where Ye Chen's parents lived, this place was obviously much more upscale.

The main reason was that his uncle made some money driving a truck ten years ago.

Although he no longer drives one, the family still has some savings.

There is also a parking lot in the basement of the community specifically for the owners.

When he came to his own parking space, Ye Hongbin suddenly found that there was already a car parked in his parking space.

And it was a million-level luxury car, the U8!

"Whose car is this? Why is it parked in my parking space?"

"Can luxury cars just occupy other people's parking spaces?"

Ye Hongbin, who was already somewhat jealous of the poor and the rich, was immediately unhappy.

"No, I need to make a phone call to ask them to move the car!"

Ye Chen smiled bitterly when he saw the car.

Isn't this his own car? He didn't expect his father to park the car in his cousin's parking space.

It seems that he has to pretend.

"Ahem, cousin, let me play."

"That's fine." Ye Hongbin nodded and agreed without thinking too much.

Then Ye Chen took out his mobile phone and called his father.

When Ye Hongbin noticed the mobile phone in Ye Chen's hand, he showed a surprised expression.

Isn't this the latest Huawei folding screen mobile phone that has been very popular recently? This is a ten thousand yuan phone!

Where did his cousin get the money to buy such a high-end mobile phone?

Although curious, he temporarily suppressed his curiosity when he saw his cousin was on the phone. He was so surprised that he even ignored how his cousin could talk directly to the car owner without dialing 122.

Soon the call was connected.

"Hello, son, why are you calling me suddenly?"

Ye Chen said,"You are occupying my cousin's parking space, can you come down and move your car?"

"Eh? I thought your cousin wasn't going home today, so I took up his parking space."

"Wait a minute, I'll ask your mom to bring the car keys down."


After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen said to Ye Hongbin:"Wait a moment."

Ye Hongbin nodded, and finally found the right opportunity to express his curiosity.

"Ye Chen, did you buy this phone yourself?"

"Yes, otherwise, is there anyone who can give it to me?"

Seeing that his cousin began to be curious about his phone, Ye Chen was also very helpless.

Where did this damn desire to compare come from?

"Not bad, it seems that you have made some money."

Small money?

This amount of money will probably make you drop your jaw!

Ye Yanxuan looked at Ye Hongbin as if he was looking at a clown.

Ye Chen smiled and said nothing.

After a while, Mu Yaqin came to the parking lot below.

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