After breakfast, my parents left home and went downstairs for a walk and chat, saying that they were adapting to retirement life in advance.

My sister Ye Yanxuan returned to her room to do her homework.

After all, she was a senior high school student, and she had a lot of homework. If she didn't work hard, she might not be able to finish it during this holiday.

Ye Chen and Qiyana were the only ones left in the hall, sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"To be honest, it's a bit boring."

Ye Chen yawned and turned over to lie on Kiana's thighs.

Kiana was now wearing super short jeans. When his face was pressed against the soft thigh skin, he could even feel a hint of cool comfort.

Kiana also nodded and said,"It's a bit boring."

In the past, I could go out and play with some friends during holidays.

At worst, I could stay at home and play games.

But for some reason, as I get older, I have no interest in these things.

"How about we go out for a walk together?"

Ye Chen looked up at Kiana.

It is said that when you are lying on your girlfriend's lap, you cannot look up at her face, otherwise you will see a very scary picture.

But his Kiana has no blind spots!

No matter from which angle you look at her, she is the most perfect side!

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Kiana showed no interest:"Where do you want to go?"

Ye Chen said:"There is no purpose, just walk around, show off some dog food to the single dogs outside, and show off my beautiful girlfriend to other couples."

Kiana laughed and scolded:"You are showing off your dog food in the street, aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?"

"What is there to be afraid of? No one can beat me."

It's so funny. With his current strength, would he still be afraid of others?

Even if a hundred people come to beat him up, he can still beat each one with one punch, and he won't say a word after that!

"No, it's boring." Kiana finally rejected Ye Chen's proposal, reducing the pain for the singles out there.

Ding ding ding ding!

At this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone on the coffee table suddenly rang.

"Honey, help me see who is calling."

Qiana picked up the phone and took a look.

"It's Cao Yuanhao"


Qiyana pressed the answer button and then put the phone to Ye Chen's ear.

"Xiaopang, what's up? You're calling me so early."

Cao Yuanhao's voice came from the other end of the phone:"Morning? It's already past nine o'clock, right?"

"Tsk, for me it's morning before 10:30"

"You are worthy of it!"

"Let's stop talking nonsense and tell me, what's the matter with you calling me?"

Ye Chen turned over and faced Kiana's belly.

Through the white shirt, the small and cute belly button could be vaguely seen.

Cao Yuanhao said:"Will you go to the class reunion?"

"Class reunion? What class reunion? How come I have never heard of it?"

Ye Chen was confused, and even Kiana showed a puzzled expression.

To be honest, among their college classmates, except for the three roommates, they didn't even know the others! They couldn't even say the names of many classmates!

Presumably, other classmates were the same, who would have nothing better to do than to hold a class reunion!

"Didn't you read the news in the WeChat group?"Cao Yuanhao asked instead of answering

"Is there any news in the group? Why didn't I see it?"Ye Chen was even more confused.

If there was any news in the group, he would definitely see it.

After all, the counselor was in the group, and the counselor often sent various notifications to them through the group.

But apart from the counselor, other people in the group basically didn't send messages.

The entire group has basically become a personal notification station for the counselor.

Ye Chen, who didn't believe in evil, picked up Qiyana's phone from the side and clicked it to take a look.

"I checked, but there is none. The last message was sent by the counselor half a month ago.

After hearing this, Cao Yuanhao couldn't help but hold his forehead and said,"Okay, I'm sorry, it's my fault. I didn't explain it clearly."

"I'm talking about high school classmates, and a class reunion is also a reunion of high school classmates."

Usually, college students don't hold a class reunion when they have nothing to do, unless they are really free.

Cao Yuanhao didn't expect Ye Chen to mistake his words for a college reunion.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier? It turned out to be a high school reunion. I have turned on the do not disturb mode for that group. Even if a message is sent, I basically won't notice it."

Before graduation, Ye Chen had turned on the do not disturb function of the high school group.

The main reason is that the people in it are too noisy!

The messages are sent non-stop, and it affects his sleep during holidays.

Moreover, the messages they sent have nothing to do with him. They are all meaningless topics, so he doesn't pay much attention to this group.

Because there is no such group in Kiana's WeChat, Ye Chen has no way to see what those people are saying.

"So are you going or not?" Cao Yuanhao continued to ask.

Ye Chen said:"What's the good of going? To put it nicely, it's a class reunion, to put it bluntly, it's a show-off gathering!"

"Let me guess, this party must have been organized by the guy in the class whose family has a mine, right?"

Cao Yuanhao nodded:"Yes, it was indeed that guy"

"That's it. What's the point of watching him act cool? He might as well stay at home and spend more time with his girlfriend."

"Damn it, but I don’t have a girlfriend, Fatty!"

Cao Yuanhao gritted his teeth and wailed continuously, making Kiana smile.

This Ye Chen is really something, why is he rubbing salt into other people’s wounds.

Ye Chen didn’t think so:"Don’t you still have Xiao Zuo and Xiao You?"

"screw you!"

"Since you're not going, I won't go either. Bye."

"Well, bye."

After helping Ye Chen hang up the phone, Qiyana opened the high school classmates group on WeChat and took a look.

"These people are still as noisy as ever."

Even though they have graduated for such a long time, they still enjoy posting messages in the group.

Especially the rich guy, who posts some photos of luxury cars and beautiful women in the group from time to time.

A group of younger brothers are cheering and flattering him.

There are even some female classmates who send them ambiguous messages.

The latest news shows that they are indeed organizing a class reunion.

Just when Kiana was about to quit, she suddenly saw someone @Ye Chen.

Su Feng: @Ye Chen, why don't you reply?

Seeing this familiar name, Kiana's mind also emerged with those long-lost memories.

Su Feng, this is Ye Chen. The rich guy whose family owns a mine.

His parents run a small construction equipment company and are quite wealthy. He is one of the richest second-generations in the entire high school.

He always likes to show off his family's wealth in front of others, and makes many bad friends outside of school. He is a complete gangster.

At the same time, he and Ye Chen don't get along well.

The reason is very simple. Su Feng likes the school beauty, who is also the monitor of the class.

It's a pity that the monitor doesn't show any color to him at all, but has a good impression of Ye Chen.

This makes him jealous and he opposes Ye Chen everywhere.

This guy @ his man is definitely not a good thing!

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