The car was driving on the way home.

When passing by a food street, Ye Chen's eyes lit up.

""Wife, do you want to eat barbecue?"

Ye Chen is getting more and more demanding. Now he doesn't call her Nana anymore, but calls her wife directly!

Although she is still a little uncomfortable, Qiana doesn't hate it. Instead, she feels a little sweet in her heart.

"Eating barbecue? What's wrong, are you still not full?"

"Yes, after all, steaks are only that big, and you know I eat a lot recently."

Indeed, thinking carefully, that little bit of food really can't satisfy Ye Chen's appetite now.

"Then I'll go eat with you."


Ye Chen parked the car and then took Qiyana to the nearest barbecue stall.

"What would you like to eat?"

Seeing the guests coming, the stall owner immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Give me fifty lamb skewers, fifty beef skewers, thirty grilled crispy shrimps, one grilled fish, and a dozen oysters. Give me thirty skewers of vegetables."

"Finally, give me a few more bottles of beer!"

Ye Chen ordered a lot of


Hearing that the customer ordered so much, the boss lady's smile became even more intense.

But just as she was about to take a pen to write it down, Kiana stopped her.

"Wait, boss lady! No more beer, switch to other non-alcoholic drinks."

After saying that, Kiana glared at Ye Chen.

"You are driving, what did you drink?"

Even if Ye Chen can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, the rule of not drinking and driving must not be broken!

"Drink less alcohol in the future, and try not to drink it. This thing is not good for you."

Ye Chen touched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly:"Ahem, okay, listen to my wife."

"Madam boss, let's change the beer."

The lady boss nodded and said,"Okay, please find a seat and sit down. We'll be there soon!"

Ye Chen took Qiyana to a corner, away from the crowd and sat down.

"It's been a long time since I had barbecue."

Kiana couldn't help but sighed as she smelled the aroma of barbecue in the air.

Since she became Kiana, she hasn't eaten barbecue.

Ye Chen said,"Then let you eat enough today."

Kiana shook her head slightly:"Forget it, I don't like barbecue very much, just taste it."

The speed of serving food at this barbecue stall is quite fast.

The two waited for about ten minutes, and the barbecued food was served to the table one after another.

As Kiana said before, she just wanted to taste it.

So she only ate about ten skewers of these barbecue skewers and stopped eating.

The rest were all eaten by Ye Chen alone.

"Are you full?"

Qiana took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ye Chen to wipe his mouth.

Ye Chen patted his stomach and showed a satisfied expression:"Well, I'm full, burp……"

"Go home when you are full, it is getting late now."

Kiana stood up and walked towards the boss lady with her phone.

"Madam boss, how much is it in total?"

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the madam boss.

She didn't expect that it was Kiana who paid the bill.

There were quite a few couples who came to her place to eat barbecue, but most of them were paid by boys.

It was rare to see girls paying the bill.

And most of the girls who paid the bill were married couples.

Could it be that this young couple was actually married?

It was really hard to tell.

Even the diners around showed envious eyes.

Not only did they envy Ye Chen for having such a beautiful girlfriend, but they also envied that Ye Chen's girlfriend would take the initiative to pay when going out to eat!

"The total for you two is 410 yuan!"

Only 410 yuan?

The cost in my hometown is still lower. If it were Jiangcheng, it would be impossible to spend more than 450 yuan for so much.

"Okay, Madam Boss, I scanned the QR code via WeChat"


After paying the bill, Qiyana returned to Ye Chen, took his hand and walked towards the parking space under the envious gazes of the crowd.

"Why do I feel like these two people look familiar?"

At the table on the other side of the barbecue stall, a man with dyed red hair stared at the two figures that were gradually going away.

Several companions beside him also looked at Ye Chen and Qiyana after hearing this.

"You know what, it’s true!"

"I also have this feeling"

"This is strange, have we really seen these two people somewhere before?"

"Wait! I remember! Aren't these two the guys who sent Brother A Biao and the others to the hospital a few days ago?"

Red Hair suddenly had an idea and remembered why they looked so familiar.

"That day, Brother A Biao took some people to an old lady's house to collect debts, but he didn't collect the debt and was severely beaten by two of the old lady's diners!"

"Yes! I remember it too! It must be those two people!"

Although they were not there that day, someone took a photo of the two with a mobile phone and then sent the photo to other members of the gang!

That's why they were able to recognize Kiana and Ye Chen.

"Let's go! Let's teach these two a lesson!" Red Hair said immediately

"But even A Biao and his men couldn't handle these two. Are we going to die if we run over?"

Some people got scared and didn't dare to move, and ended up getting headbutted by Red Hair.

"Idiot! We can call someone!"

Everyone was no longer afraid after hearing this, and they stood up and followed.

"Ahem, actually I think that woman is pretty, there's no need to do anything, just scare her a little"

"That's right, we can take her back to Boss Tiger when the time comes!"

A group of people followed Qiyana and Ye Chen to the parking lot, and then watched the two drive away.

"Let’s get on the bus too! Let’s follow secretly!"


"Someone is following us."

After the car drove for a distance, Kiana soon noticed the little tail following behind her.

In fact, she had already noticed this group of people when she got on the car.

But at that time she thought they were just going the same way, so she didn't pay much attention.

"Who could it be?"

Ye Chen glanced at the rearview mirror and saw a black Toyota sedan following behind him.

The first thing he thought of was the Blood Sacrifice Society, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was impossible.

If it was the Blood Sacrifice Society, the other party would not have come out so blatantly to die.

Kiana shook her head gently:"I don't know, but I will know soon."

"We drove to a deserted place."

"That's exactly what I meant!" When passing an intersection, Ye Chen turned the steering wheel to change the direction.

After more than ten minutes, they came to a construction section.

Because it was a construction section and it was late at night, there were not many people here.

At this moment, Hongmao and others finally realized the intention of Ye Chen and Qiyana.

"The other party has discovered us and is deliberately luring us here!"

"Now how to do?"

"Don't worry, the shared location is already open, and other brothers are coming here"

"Go! Get off the car and meet these two people!"

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