The next day, it was another sunny morning.

Although they had woken up long ago, Kiana slept in with Ye Chen, which was rare.

Since returning to her hometown, Kiana no longer asked him to practice with breakfast every day.

It was like giving him a few days off.

For some reason, their parents didn't come to wake them up. Maybe they thought they did some physical work last night, so they didn't disturb them.

"Get up quickly when you wake up."

Sensing that Ye Chen had woken up, Qiyana put down her phone and pinched the naughty hand on her body.

"What time is it?"

Ye Chen held Qiyana in his arms and kissed her red lips.

"It's not even ten o'clock yet"

"It's not even ten o'clock yet? It's still early, so lie down for a while."

"How long do you want to lie down?"

"Eleven o'clock!"

"Are you a pig?"Qiana complained, but her body did not break free from Ye Chen's embrace.

"And can't you keep your hands to yourself for a while? Can you stop rubbing it all the time?"

Ye Chen said seriously:"What do you know? I am massaging my little baby. It is said that as long as it is massaged by the person it likes, it will grow up!"

Qiana blushed and scolded:"How do you know it likes you?"

"What a joke, if it doesn’t like me, how could it like others?"

"If you don't believe me, I can give it a kiss and see if it resists."

""Go to hell!"

Kiana raised her fist and hit Ye Chen's chest.

However, this fist was soft and had no strength at all.

I don't know if it was because she was worried about hurting Ye Chen, or because of the numbness in her body that made her unable to use strength.


At this moment, a cell phone rang, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere.

"Who is it? Calling me so early in the morning.

Ye Chen felt a little unhappy.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was his cousin.

"How did your cousin have time to call you?"Qiana was also very curious

"Don't ask me, I'm confused too."

"Pick it up quickly, don't keep him waiting for too long."

"Please help me catch it. My hands are busy."

"You bastard, why don't you let go at this time?"

Qiyana gave Ye Chen a shy look, but still helped Ye Chen answer the phone.


"This voice... is that of sister Kiana?"

""Eh? Is it my cousin's wife?"

Both ends of the phone were a little surprised.

Qiyana didn't expect that the person who called was not my cousin, but my cousin's wife. And Chu Kehan didn't expect that the person who answered the phone was not my cousin, but my brother's wife!

"Sister Kehan, what do you want to talk to Ye Chen about?"

Qiana felt a little wary.

My cousin's wife suddenly called her man. Could it be that she wanted to... have an affair?

But after thinking about it carefully, it didn't seem right.

Even if she wanted to have an affair, she wouldn't use her cousin's phone to call Ye Chen.

"It's like this, Hongbin and I have something to ask your Ye Chen."

Qiana breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was not what she thought, otherwise she really didn't know how to look at this young couple.

"What's the matter?"

Chu Kehan continued,"Isn't tomorrow Hongbin and I's wedding day? But one of Hongbin's best men suddenly had something to do and couldn't come, so I wanted to ask my cousin Ye Chen to help replace him."

Best men are usually the man's friends or classmates. If they can't find anyone, relatives or brothers can also be used.

Qiana didn't answer in a hurry, but looked at Ye Chen to see his opinion.

Ye Chen thought about it and nodded,"No problem, I agree to this."

It's just being a best man. Although I have never been one before, it seems to be quite simple.

"Ye Chen agreed"

"Well, I heard it. Ye Chen was right next to you. I thought he was in the toilet or busy with something else."

Ye Chen said awkwardly:"Ahem, in a sense, I was indeed busy with other things."

I was busy massaging my baby!

"Haha, is that so? Ye Chen is so energetic this morning. I won't disturb you two. Goodbye."

Chu Kehan smiled knowingly and hung up the phone.

Kiana's face flushed. She felt that her cousin had misunderstood something.

But in fact, it wasn't a complete misunderstanding...

As Kiana trembled all over, a special feeling rushed straight to her head, making her feel ecstatic. Her originally rosy cheeks seemed to be dripping with blood.

After a long while, Kiana came to her senses and quickly broke free from Ye Chen's arms.

"All right! Get up quickly!"

Ye Chen sniffed the remaining fragrance in his hand and stared blankly at Kiana who was running away.

"Could it be that Nana just now... No way, is this possible?"


Because he needed to be the best man for his cousin tomorrow, Ye Chen and Qiyana went to the commercial street to buy suits in the afternoon.

The two drove to a Perromon clothing store.

"I think this one is pretty good."

Kiana put a dark blue suit in front of Ye Chen for comparison.

"Really? Then buy this suit."

Ye Chen naturally believed in Kiana's vision. If she thought it was good, then it must be good! Seeing this, the waitress' eyes lit up and she said to the two of them enthusiastically:"You two guests have really good taste. This suit is a new product of our company. The whole set is made of the latest materials and technology! Even in today's hot summer, you won't feel hot when wearing it.……"

Kiana interrupted the waitress's introduction

"Just tell me how much it is?"

""Okay, okay, this suit costs 15,999 yuan in total. Because it's during the promotion period, if you buy two sets, you can get it directly for 30,000 yuan!"

After saying that, the waitress looked at Ye Chen and Kiana nervously.

She was afraid that after hearing the price, they would give up the idea of buying on the spot.

After all, a suit of more than 10,000 yuan is not something that ordinary people can afford.

But the result was unexpected.

Kiana nodded without blinking:"Then pay the bill"

"No problem! May I ask whether it is card or WeChat Alipay?"

The waitress raised her lips happily, even harder than AK.

I didn't expect that the other party was really rich! He bought clothes worth more than 10,000 yuan just like that! If this order is completed, she can get more than 1,000 yuan in commission alone!

"Just swipe the card."

Kiana handed the bank card to the waitress.

After buying clothes, the two did not rush home, but strolled in the commercial street for a while.

During this time, they also bought a few clothes for their parents. They did not return home until after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that their son and daughter-in-law bought a few clothes for themselves, the father and mother said something like waste, but they were very happy in their hearts.

"Why didn't you buy anything for me?" When her younger sister Ye Yanxuan saw that hers was not there, she pouted her lips immediately, looking very unhappy.

Ye Chen said,"Didn't you buy several clothes a few days ago?"

His mother Mu Yaqin also nodded and said,"That's right, your father and I don't have as many clothes as you do.""

"Ahem, it’s okay if you don’t need clothes, but at least bring me some snacks."

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