After eating the breakfast made by Kiana, the two went to school.

After entering today's classroom, the two came to a corner where there were not many people and sat down. Ye Chen lay directly on the table, looking drained.

Kiana sat beside him, rubbing his shoulders and legs to help him relieve the pain in his body.

This scene made the other people in the classroom look envious.

Ye Chen looked tired, but Kiana's face was rosy, which made it hard not to think too much.

Look, when Cao Yuanhao and the other two entered the classroom and saw the two, they also smiled knowingly.

Chen Yu patted Ye Chen on the shoulder:"Brother, it's good to be young, but you have to be restrained."

Wang Haoxuan nodded and said:"Yeah, young people don't know the value of gold, don't cry for nothing when you are old."

Cao Yuanhao did not forget to tease:"What do you guys know? Who can resist such a beautiful girlfriend?"

Ye Chen kicked these unfilial sons away:"Go away, why are you so dirty? I don't have sons like you! I'm just too tired from practicing boxing!"

This funny scene also made Kiana show a charming smile, which charmed many men for a while.

"Practice boxing?" Cao Yuanhao looked puzzled.

"What kind of boxing do you practice?"

"I cannot tell you what kind of boxing I practice, but I can tell you clearly that from now on I am a martial artist. If someone bullies you in the future, just call me and I will keep you safe!"

Ye Chen looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle and said proudly.

However, he did not pretend for long because he was interrupted by a pain in his waist.

Kiana complained:"You still want to fight with your current strength, don't get beaten up and unable to take care of yourself."

Ye Chen hurriedly moved Kiana's hand away from his waist.

"Ahem, I am indeed weak now, but in the future, the name of boxing champion Ye Chen will surely be known throughout the country!"

Tsk, why don't you talk about the Sword Immortal?

" Wang Haoxuan asked:"Ye Chen, you didn't join the Martial Arts Club, did you?"

The Martial Arts Club is considered to be a relatively famous club in their Jiangda.

As the name suggests, those who join it are all martial artists. Even if they are not, they are definitely martial arts enthusiasts.

And what's interesting is that the president of the Martial Arts Club is none other than Xuan Yajing!

In fact, there was no Martial Arts Club at the beginning, only the Boxing Club and the Taekwondo Club.

Later, Xuan Yajing fought against the presidents of the two major clubs alone and defeated them. In the end, the Boxing Club and the Taekwondo Club merged and were changed into the current Martial Arts Club by Xuan Yajing.

And Xuan Yajing defeated the presidents of the two major clubs with boxing at the beginning, which is why Wang Haoxuan suspected that Ye Chen had joined the Martial Arts Club.

After listening, Ye Chen shook his head and said,"No, you know that I was rejected by them at the beginning, so how could I go to them for a warm face."

When the martial arts club was first established, many people wanted to join it.

Not only because the club president was a school beauty, but also because they could learn real martial arts.

Ye Chen also submitted an application to join the club, but was rejected for some unknown reason.

"Then who taught you to box? You can't have taught yourself, right?"

Ye Chen glanced at Kiana beside him obscurely, and said with a smile:"Of course there was a hermit master teaching you!"

He did not mention Kiana, because Kiana did not want to reveal too much.

The three of them did not care too much, just thought Ye Chen was joking.

There were more classes this morning, a total of three classes.

But fortunately, there were no classes in the afternoon.

After class, Cao Yuanhao and the other two returned to the dormitory to play games.

After lunch, Ye Chen and Kiana continued to train on the top of the mountain this morning.

Time unknowingly came to the evening.

As the sun set, the sky in the distance was dyed red, like a huge piece of blood jade.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Kiana woke Ye Chen from his meditation.

"I always feel that I get hungry more easily after practicing."Ye Chen rubbed his rumbling stomach.

He had lunch at about twelve o'clock, and he started to feel hungry at about four o'clock.

He ate an apple at that time, and now it's almost six o'clock, and his stomach is beginning to protest.

Kiana handed the peeled orange to Ye Chen.

"This is normal. At the beginning of cultivation, the consumption is too great. Once you become proficient in using the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, you can use the spiritual energy to offset some of the consumption."

"Damn! It's so sour! Where did you get this orange?"

Unprepared, Ye Chen stuffed most of the orange into his mouth, and the next second he put on a mask of pain.

Kiana smiled slightly, showing a triumphant expression.

"I picked them nearby. They are wild oranges. They are pure and pollution-free. You should thank me."

After saying that, Kiana stuffed the remaining oranges into his mouth.

In order to prevent him from spitting them out, she also covered his mouth with her hand.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck——!"

Looking at Ye Chen's distorted face, Qiyana laughed even more happily. Her silver bell-like laughter resounded through the forest, breaking the original silence.

At night, the two returned to the city and landed on the roof of a high-end hotel.

Then they took the elevator to the first floor and left through the hotel gate.

The guard didn't notice anything wrong and thought the two were guests in the hotel. He bowed to them enthusiastically.

"Welcome to visit us next time!"

""Why don't we just fly home?" Ye Chen asked in a low voice.

Kiana explained:"There is not enough food at home, we need to go to the mall to buy some more."

Originally, the food bought yesterday should be enough for them to eat for two days, but now Ye Chen's appetite has increased greatly, and the remaining food can only make him half full.


Just as the two were holding hands and preparing to go to the nearest mall, a loud noise suddenly came into their ears.

The two looked at the road next door at the same time.

They saw a mixer truck collided with another black car.

The mixer truck was not seriously damaged, and the driver stumbled out of the cab.

But the car was miserable. The front cab was almost deformed, and the driver was probably gone.

The glass of the rear seat was broken, and a woman could be vaguely seen lying in a pool of blood, having lost consciousness.

At the same time, the engine of the car began to emit flames.

"Save people!"

Seeing this, Ye Chen didn't think twice and quickly ran towards the car.

Kiana also took out Ye Chen's mobile phone to call the emergency number and the police.

Ye Chen pulled open the twisted and deformed rear door with force, dragged the unconscious woman inside, and quickly took her to a safe place on the side of the road.

Then, he ran back, glanced at the driver, and after confirming that there was no hope, he came to the side of the mixer truck driver and helped him to the side of the road.

At this time, pedestrians on the side of the road also gathered around.

Ye Chen shouted:"Get out of the way! Don't gather here, let the air circulate!" After hearing this, the crowd dispersed a little.

After the call, Kiana also came to Ye Chen's side and squatted down to check on the woman's condition.

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