After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 101 Emperor Shi Tianjun, the real and fake demon!

Bixia Yao Valley is surrounded by mountains, lush forests and gurgling water.

Entering Yao Valley, it feels like being in a mysterious fairyland.

White clouds cover the entire valley, like a painting.

A stream flows slowly, and under the sunlight, the water surface flashes with green light.

The green grass on the shore is clustered together, and the grass is lush, exuding a fresh and pleasant breath.

The huge sect stands on the steep mountain wall, just like a huge stone beast standing between heaven and earth.

The wall is as hard as the scales of a giant dragon, covered with gray-brown moss and traces of time.

It is engraved with deep and shallow runes, exuding a rich and mysterious atmosphere.

Passing through the wide gate, what comes to you is a magnificent and vast hall supported by dozens of huge stone pillars. On the top of the hall are exquisite murals, which depict the deeds and achievements of the elders of the sect from generation to generation.

One of the ten major sects in the demon world, the founder of Bixia Demon Valley 30,000 years ago was a phoenix.

However, as time passed, the founder had already passed away.

The current leader of the demon valley was once a disciple of the phoenix - the blue phoenix.

In the hall, the blue phoenix of Bixia Demon Valley turned into a human form.

She looked like a noble lady in her forties, and there was another person sitting and talking with her.

"Greetings, Master."

Entering the hall, the golden-winged roc Qingti greeted.

Qingti raised his head and immediately bowed and said, "Greetings, Senior Emperor Shitian."

Emperor Shitian came from the Nine Heavens Demon Palace and was once the chief elder of the Nine Heavens Demon Palace. In order to solve the problem of idle demon cultivators disturbing the demon world, he established the bounty hunting business after leaving the mountain gate.

The bounty hunting business provides a place for idle demon cultivators in the entire demon world.

In addition, it has greatly alleviated the thorny problems of demons in the entire demon world.

Although it does not belong to the ten major sects in the demon world, the relationship is very close.

Emperor Shitian looked like a middle-aged man, dressed simply and with a kind face.

He nodded slightly, and then smiled: "Qingti, I remember the last time I saw you was hundreds of years ago. At that time, you were still a little girl. In the blink of an eye, you have grown up... Your cultivation has also increased. Now you have entered the sixth level of supernatural power and all things return to one... I am afraid that you will soon condense the golden elixir seed."

Qingti said modestly: "Senior Emperor Shitian, you are too kind. I am still a long way to go."

Emperor Shitian smiled slightly, took out something from his arms, and sent it over slightly, saying: "This is the Gengjin little spiritual root I got from a secret realm. It is an innate spiritual object that will help you condense the golden elixir."

Qingti's face changed, and said: "Senior, this is too precious."

"It's just a little thing, not worth mentioning."

Emperor Shitian did not allow any refusal, and directly used his magic power to send the spiritual root to Qingti's hand.

He immediately stood up, looked at the master of the Demon Valley, Luanniao, and said, "Master Yu, today's matter is settled. I will take my leave first."

The master Luanniao stood up to see him off: "Master Di Xing, take care."

Emperor Shitian used his magical powers to leave and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The master Yu Qianyou looked at Qingti and said, "Qingti, what's the matter with you coming to see me so anxiously?"

"Master, it's really a big deal..."

Qingti looked left and right, and saw that there was no one around, so he whispered, "According to the prophecy of Huang Dasheng, the demon child descended from the sky, and his cultivation increased... I seem to have found that demon child."


Yu Qianyou was a little surprised, and waved his hand and said, "Sit down and tell me in detail."

Qingti sat down and spoke slowly.

He told the story of his encounter with the demon child and the demon child's strength one by one.

"The demon child was actually born in the Ten Thousand Mountains..."

Luanniao Yu Qianyou couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Qingti hadn't seen Master so excited for a long time.

In fact, she was even more surprised when she guessed the news.

Yu Qianyou slowly stood up and calmed down after a long time. He murmured: "No wonder strange things happened frequently recently. There were natural phenomena again. Demons and monsters appeared frequently recently. This is a sign. It seems that... the three realms are going to be turbulent..."

"Master, how should we deal with it now?"

Qingti asked: "This demon's cultivation is rising too fast... If we leave it alone, I'm afraid it won't be long before it becomes a terrifying existence."

"Does anyone else know about this?" Yu Qianyou asked.

Qingti shook his head: "Right now, I can only guess."

"The demon needs to break the shackles of heaven and earth, so that my demon clan can come out of the mountain."

Yu Qianyou said: "Since the demon is in my Ten Thousand Mountains and is adopted by the tiger demon in my demon world, this is God's will. If we win him over, he will be a member of my demon world. In the future, when we face disasters, my Bixia Demon Valley will have a strong help!"

Hearing this, Qingti showed joy: "I have made a promise that I will accept the tiger demon as my apprentice in three years. In this way, this demon Li Xiao will also belong to us... In fact, the magic weapon I gave to the tiger demon will surely remove the hostility in her body. This matter is a sure thing. It's stable."

Yu Qianyou nodded slightly: "You did a good job on this matter."

Qingti nodded, and then asked curiously: "By the way, Master, what did this senior Emperor Shitian come to the Demon Valley for?"

Yu Qianyou explained: "In recent years, demons have appeared frequently... Demon sects in various places are under great pressure to eliminate demons. Bounty Hunter contacted the ten major sects and asked them to provide magic weapons, elixirs, resources... to attract casual cultivators from the demon world to come and eliminate demons... to relieve the pressure of eliminating demons on the ten major sects."

Qingti nodded slightly: "I see... So, in the future, the sects will also provide resources to Bounty Hunter?"

Yu Qianyou nodded and said: "That's right. But there are also benefits. This way, my disciples will have more time to practice in order to cope with the coming catastrophe. When the catastrophe comes, countless opportunities will appear in the world. You have to accumulate strength... This small amount of resources is nothing."

Qingti said: "Master is absolutely right."

Yu Qianyou smiled and said: "Qingti, it's time for you to speed up your practice... Among the teachers, you have the highest talent, but your achievements are not the first. It's because you are trapped by love."

Qingti: "I..."

Yu Qianyou frowned slightly, with a hint of criticism: "No need to explain, I already know that you like junior sister Nine-tailed Sky Fox, but it is impossible for you. Practice well and don't think about these messy things. "Back off."

Qingti's face turned red. She didn't expect that the master knew everything.

But she couldn't say anything more, so she had to leave.

"Master, disciple understands..."

Qingti leaves.

After a while, another elder came into the hall.

The elder said: "Senior sister, a secret report came from a human spy and the devil has been found."

"Huh?" Yu Qianyou, the master of Demon Valley, looked confused: "Who is it?"

The elder said: "The son of Empress Xiao of the Great Jing Dynasty was born with strange phenomena. Now in the fifth month of his birth, he has reached the level of a master..."

"May has reached Grandmaster!"

Yu Qianyou was shocked and immediately made plans.

Calculate according to the time and age of the vision from heaven.

This person should be the right one for Demon...

The child named Li Xiao mentioned by Qingti must have been misjudged.

This is the real devil!

"Oops, if a devil is born into a human royal family, it will be a disaster for the demon world!"

Yu Qianyou said: "What kind of support does the world have?"

The great elder said: "The one I support in the human world is the Xu family of Northern Liang of the Dajing Dynasty."

Yu Qianyou nodded: "Give your full support. When the devil breaks the shackles, the Xu family will break through the master and step into the secret realm of supernatural power. Then they will do their best to kill the devil and eliminate hidden dangers! Order the Xu family to take control of the Great Jing Dynasty and seize the opportunity!" "

The great elder raised his hands: "Yes!"

Yu Qianyou nodded slightly: "Junior brother, I'm sorry to trouble you. This move is related to the future great struggle, the status of the Demon Valley, and the Demon Clan. It is necessary to return to the mainland of China, otherwise..."

The great elder said: "Then, Qingti, do you need to tell him the truth about the devil?"

Yu Qianyou shook his head: "Don't go to so much trouble. Although the child Qingti came into contact with is not a devil, he is most likely the reincarnation of a powerful man. Just win him over..."


at the same time.

On the outskirts of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, there is a deep valley of Hantan.

Zero Zero Seven returns safely with Yinsong.

When Yinsong arrived here, he was shocked when he saw Li Xiao. When he confirmed that the child in front of him was him, he knelt down without hesitation, bowed his head and bowed.

"You want to follow me?"

Li Xiao looked at the young man with a broken arm in front of him with a look of surprise.

This is a demon with the second level of supernatural power and true energy, and he lacks such a general at the moment.

However... Li Xiao still understands the principle of "it's better to lack than to waste."

Whether to accept it or not, you have to take a closer look at your character...

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