In the cloud pool, the clouds are like rippling water.

Li Yunquan, Li Weiyu and Li Hu quickly got used to this light numbness.

After the numbness, the essence of the cloud circulates in the body, and there is a warm feeling, which is intoxicating and relaxing.

All the monsters squinted their eyes and soaked in the pool.

"It seems that no one noticed me..."

Li Xiao swam to the other side.

This cloud pool should be very deep, but the buoyancy is very large, several times greater than water. People on the clouds can't sink.

Secretly came to a corner.

Li Xiao opened his mouth and swallowed.

There is an indescribable feeling....

It's like eating the kind of cotton candy made of white sugar that I ate at the school gate in my previous life. I felt something when I bit it, but it melted quickly...

"Wow, it's so numb!"

Li Xiao felt that his mouth was numb to death, just like being stung by a bee.

But he still endured the numbness and swallowed it.

Now, even my stomach is numb...

[You can only absorb 0.1% of the nutrients in the 'essence of cloud', the energy conservation is triggered, and the remaining deep nutrients are converted into energy. ]

[Energy +50000]

"Fuck, what is this essence of cloud!"

Li Xiao was very surprised: "One bite directly increased the energy value by 50,000..."

"What are you waiting for, keep eating..."

Li Xiao grabbed those cloud-like things and put them into his mouth.

[Energy +50000][Energy +50000][Energy +50000]...

In a blink of an eye, the energy increased by 1 million and 10 energy points were obtained.

"What's going on? My mouth is fine. I can't feel the existence of my mouth anymore..."

Li Xiao didn't know what changes had happened to him.

But in order to increase the energy points, he chose to continue eating.

【Energy +50000】【Energy +50000】【Energy +50000】....

After a meal of eating, the energy reached 5 million at this moment, and 50 energy points were obtained.

But at this time, a reminder came.

【Please note, please note! The energy is too violent, too much energy is converted at one time, and it is seriously overloaded. If it continues to increase, it may not be converted....】

This is the first time that Li Xiao has encountered such a thing.

He stopped and dared not continue to eat.

He dared to eat so much because he had 【Energy Conservation】 to help him convert energy.

If it could not be converted, such violent energy might directly make the body explode!


A voice sounded.

It turned out that the little girl Chu Mengyuan came.

She took advantage of her father and mother to soak in the cloud pool and secretly came to find Li Xiao.

"Don't make trouble, call me Gege..."

Li Xiao spoke, and the sound of the departure was very strange.

Damn, why did I leak the air when I spoke? ? ?

If Li Xiao looked in the mirror at this moment, he would find that his lips were numb and swollen because he ate too much, just like being stung by a bee....

"Hehe... Then I will call you 'GeGe'..."

Chu Mengyuan smiled mischievously and ran towards Li Xiao, shouting: "GeGe, GeGe, GeGe..."

Li Xiao: "......."

This kid is really annoying.


Chu Mengyuan ran to Li Xiao and looked at him with big eyes: "Geege, why are there two fat sausages hanging on your face?"

Li Xiao: "????"

"Oh no, did you eat the essence of Yunchi?"

Chu Mengyuan suddenly said worriedly: "You can't eat it, it will kill people. In the past, there were tribesmen who accidentally ate the essence and died of energy explosion..."


Li Xiao shook his head: "I didn't eat it."

"You must have eaten it."

Chu Mengyuan looked worried: "Your mouth is swollen, and you said you didn't eat it..."

"What? My mouth is swollen?"

Li Xiao touched his lips. Good guy, it was swollen like a steamed bun.

Wait, I won't be discovered...

"Geege, don't move!"

Chu Mengyuan suddenly spoke, and then moved closer to Li Xiao's face.

The two were very close, looking at each other.

Chu Mengyuan's little face was red.

"Gege, don't move. I'll just suck out your energy..."

Then, he stuck close to her.

Li Xiao: "???"

Li Xiao seemed to have forgotten that Chu Mengyuan was a snake demon.

He felt a long tongue extending from his throat into his stomach. It should be some kind of magical power to help Li Xiao suck out the energy in his stomach.

But...the energy had already been transformed by Li Xiao, so where was it?

"Gege, you really didn't eat it."

Chu Mengyuan then retracted his tongue with relief, patted his chest and said, "You scared me to death."

"I really didn't eat it..."

Li Xiao was speechless.

That feeling just now... was a bit strange...

"Why are your lips swollen?" Chu Mengyuan looked at Li Xiao's lips curiously and laughed cutely, "So funny."

"Maybe it was because of the close contact with Yunchi."

Li Xiao was speechless, "Okay, don't call me Gege, just call me Li Xiao."

Chu Mengyuan: "Okay Gege."

Li Xiao: "....."

Sure enough, he was still a child, so he didn't have the same experience as her.

At this time, Li Xiao's lips had begun to reduce swelling.

It should be Chu Mengyuan's magical power, which has an absorption effect, and was absorbed after the kiss.

"You go there first, otherwise your father will see it later and it will have a bad impact."

Li Xiao spoke up and asked Chu Mengyuan to pass first.

After all, he could tell that Chu Tianhai didn't want his daughter to be with Li Xiao.

"I don't."

"Go quickly!"

"I won't go, I want to be with Pigeon."

"You know, a wife must listen to her husband, or she will be spanked."

"Ah? That's okay..."

At any rate, Li Xiao finally deceived this annoying little girl back.

To be honest, he really has no interest in this kind of little girl movie.

Moreover, I am only two years old, what kind of love is there?

After Chu Meng left, Li Xiao secretly swam towards the crowd.

Fortunately, everyone seemed to be enjoying Yunchi and did not notice Li Xiao's movement.

After another hour of soaking in silence, everyone slowly stood up.

I have to say that this cloud pool has a very good effect on improving the physical body.

In an hour and a half, Li Xiao had improved his physique by more than 200 points.

[Current physique: 4012 (your physique is already unique)]

Li Yunquan's physical body has also increased in strength a lot, probably by 20%. This has also resulted in "the body and soul being temporarily unable to reach balance" and losing the ability to control mana.

But this is short-lived. As the body improves, God will also soon improve.

"The first big thank you has been completed, now comes the second big thank you."

Chu Tianhai waved his hand,

Then he led everyone to a palace.

The palace is full of magic weapons.

Directly entering the second floor of the palace, there are many fewer magic weapons here.

"These are all medium-grade treasures, which are accumulated by my Spirit Snake clan over tens of thousands of years. Let's pick one." Chu Tianhai said calmly.

"It's actually a treasure!"

Zero Zero Seven was excited again.

He explained in Li Xiao's ear: "Your Majesty, magic weapons are divided into: magic weapons, spiritual weapons, treasure weapons... Treasure weapons are so precious. In the treasure book of bounty hunting, any treasure weapon can be regarded as a success." Hundreds of millions of contribution points, worth tens of millions of spirit crystals... The Demon City Lord uses treasures! What a great opportunity!"

"So precious?"

Li Xiao was overjoyed and was not polite, choosing directly on this floor.

However, there were so many treasures that he was spoiled for choice and didn't know which one to choose.

Ling Lingqi was also surprised to find that the treasures here were not recorded in the treasure book.

I don’t know the function of these treasures, so I can’t make any suggestions to the king.

Chu Shangying, the wife of the patriarch, smiled and said: "I suggest you choose this 'Wood Dragon Seal'. This is a middle-grade wood treasure. It can drive wooden dragons to fight against enemies. If you practice the 'Blue Dragon Wood Emperor's Great Freedom God Technique', you can drive it The power is even greater. The most important thing is that when the cultivation of the 'Blue Dragon Wood Emperor's Great Freedom God Technique' reaches the middle stage, a large amount of wood essence is needed to break down the magic weapon and absorb the wood essence in it to cultivate this magical power."

"Thank you, senior."

Li Xiao nodded: "Then choose this Wooden Dragon Seal."

This wooden dragon seal is a bit like a gavel. It looks like a brick, but it is made of wood. The wood is black and is thousands of times harder than steel. It is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire. There is a dragon carved on it, which is lifelike and majestic. Ding Ding!

Li Xiao can't control the magic weapon, but if he gives it to his mother, her mother will be stronger in the future.

"My life-saving grace is over."

Chu Tianhai led everyone out of the palace.

Afterwards, the patriarch's wife briefly said goodbye and planned to send everyone back to the top of the snow-capped mountains.

When they were leaving, Chu Mengyuan stared at Li Xiao with his big eyes, blinking, but he did not dare to disobey his parents and looked at him reluctantly...

Until everyone left and disappeared.

Chu Tianhai sent him off in person, driving a cloud.

Leaving Yunding Tiangong, we soon landed on the snow-capped mountains.

"Boy, our grievances have been settled clearly. It is impossible for you and Xiaomeng."

"We, the Spirit Snake clan, will not intermarry with foreign races to keep our bloodline pure."

"You have to know this in your heart. No matter how much Xiaomeng likes you, it won't work."

After landing on the top of the snow mountain, Chu Tianhai used a secret word to pass into Li Xiao's mind.

Li Xiao said nothing and nodded, indicating that he understood.

He had no interest in that little girl to begin with, and he wouldn't consider emotional matters now.


Chu Tianhai also nodded, waved his robe, and disappeared between heaven and earth...

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