Li Xiao looked at Qingti: "What's the solution?"

He was worried about the territory, but he didn't expect the other party to speak.

Qingti said: "Then... find a strong backer who can cover you!"

She was originally worried about how to win over Li Xiao.

If he were single, it would be quite troublesome to win over him.

Now that Li Xiao wants to build a demon city, it is when he is alone and weak, so he must have a backer.

Even if Qingti herself went down the mountain to build a demon city, if it weren't for the sect's support and resources, she would never be able to build a demon city in the country of ten thousand demons.

"So, looking for you?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "You once said that you would accept my mother as your disciple in three years. Three years has already gone too fast, and there are still two years left."

"No, it's not just your mother, but also you. I already know your strength, and I have to thank you for sparing us Bixia Demon Valley disciples for my sake."

Qingti said: "Speaking of which, you can no longer worship me as a disciple. Your strength is already comparable to the fourth level of supernatural power. Even Demon Valley is the top level of inner disciples. If you are willing to join Bixia Demon Valley, you can become a disciple." My master is the master of the Bixia Demon Valley, and he commands the ten sects of the Demon Valley. As soon as you enter, you will become a true disciple, and you will naturally be qualified to open a demon city, and you will also be able to obtain a sect. resource support!”


Li Xiao was very surprised: "But I am a human being. Doesn't your sect mind?"

"What's so surprising about this."

Qingti said: "We monsters cannot leave this hundred thousand mountains, but humans can enter and exit freely. You don't think there are no humans in the Ten Thousand Monsters Country, right? Besides, don't there also be humans in your valley?"


This surprised Li Xiao.

Unexpectedly, there are humans in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom. It seems that the layout of the demon clan is quite large.

But...why does it feel like Qingti wants to win over me?

Li Xiao fell into thoughts.

It's not impossible to join Demon Valley and find a backer.

He has no idea of ​​the opposition between humans and demons. He was adopted by a tiger demon and met many demons along the way.

The demon is not as scary as imagined.

On the contrary, Li Xiao felt that the demon was simpler and easier to get along with.

To take a step back, Li Xiao himself is not from this world...

"Okay! I'm willing to join!"

Li Xiao nodded, for the development of the territory, this is the best choice.

Now he is not alone. Behind him are his tiger mother, eldest sister, second brother, and friends such as Yinsong, Mo Sijun, and Ling Lingqi.

If you really rely on yourself to fight alone, you will definitely suffer a bloody blow...

However, the premise is that the sect does not restrict its own freedom.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao spoke again: "But let me say something first, I am a person who likes freedom and does not like to be restricted."

"Hahaha... Of course I won't restrain you!"

Qingti smiled and said: "As a direct disciple, you will be treated the same as me. You can choose to continue practicing in the sect, or you can come out and open up the demon city.

No matter which one you choose, it's very freeing.

For example, I have been building a demon city in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons for more than a hundred years...

One advantage of opening up a demon city is that it is easier to obtain more resources.

The downside is that it takes some practice time to get things done.

Of course... part of the resources must be donated to the sect.

But it's not unconditional.

Those resources are contributed to the sect in return for the contribution.

Contribution points can be exchanged for what you want.

Such as exercises, magic weapons, heavenly materials and earthly treasures...

The resources that our Thunder Demon City pays tribute every three years can be exchanged for a 'great magical power'.

If you accumulate resources for a hundred years, you can directly exchange them for a 'supreme magical power'.

To reach the later stages of cultivation, you need a lot of resources. This is the advantage of relying on a sect. "

"I see...."

Li Xiao nodded, understanding the operating rules of this demon world sect.

Cultivation depends on the Dharma ground of the wealthy couple.

Among them, wealth is the most important, which is cultivation resources.

Without resources, it is difficult to move forward.

If these true disciples are trained to a certain level and open up the demon city, they can collect more resources for the sect. After all, spiritual fruits and other spiritual objects can be grown.

Although some of these resources are donated to the sect.

But from the sect, you can get higher-level resources for cultivation.

The sect can use these low-end resources collected to cultivate more disciples.

With more disciples, someone will always stand out and become a true disciple.

And the true disciples can continue to open up the demon city and cultivate the blessed land.

It's like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger, and the winner takes all!


Li Xiao smiled and said, "I guess there aren't many sects in the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, right?"


Qingti asked: "How did you know?"

Sure enough.

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Nothing, just a guess."

Qingti explained: "Yes, there are indeed not many sects in the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom. Those small sects disappeared thousands of years ago. There are still many medium-sized sects, but the only ones that can be called large sects are The ten families are the ten sects in the demon world. Our Bixia Demon Valley is one of them! However, the sects are all in the Cave Heaven Paradise, and there will often be fights in the demon city below, but the sects will never. Ask...the strong will be strong, the weak will perish..."

After that, Qingti looked at Li Xiao with interest: "I am looking forward to you opening up the demon city. It will be very interesting to join our alliance when the time comes..."

Li Xiao was slightly surprised: "You have an alliance?"

"Of course."

Qingti said: "The three of us, the Sky Fox Demon City, the Yellow Tiger Demon City, and the Thunder Demon City, will form an alliance. When the time comes, you will be added, hehe..."

Qingti actually laughed as he spoke.

Two women, a stupid tiger, and a terribly strong child.

This combination should be able to sweep the area, right?

Li Xiao asked curiously, "You said, will the ten sects of the demon world not care about the fights between demon cities?"

Qingti shook his head: "No."

Li Xiao said, "That's interesting. I heard that there are nearly 10,000 demon cities in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdoms. If someone can unify all the cities and establish a unified dynasty, wouldn't it be very interesting?"

Qingti: "Hahaha..."

Li Xiao asked curiously, "Why? Will the ten sects of the demon world intervene?"

Qingti said, "Of course not, but your idea is too far-fetched. It's impossible for a demon to do it..."

Li Xiao: "Oh."

Qingti: "There was a demon who had the same idea as you. He attacked and captured more than a hundred demon cities, but was eventually killed by other demons. The city lord joined forces to destroy it..."

Li Xiao: "That's a pity, haha... the whole world is the enemy, right?"

Qingti nodded: "So your idea is impossible to realize. Unless you can surpass the magical realm and reach a higher realm, but then... that's it, I'm getting off topic..."

Qingti paused for a few breaths and then said: "In short, if you decide to join the Monster Valley and become a true disciple, you will get resources to help you open up the Monster City. Master can personally help you improve the cultivation of mountain spirits and goblins. At that time, you can move everything here directly to the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom..."

"Okay, I accept!"

Li Xiao nodded.

Maybe he was used, but Li Xiao knew that only valuable people would be used.

No matter what the purpose of Bixia Monster Valley is, it is enough for him to get benefits.


Qingti showed a happy expression and said, "I will go back and tell this news to my master. In fact, she has been secretly paying attention to you for a long time."

"I see."

Li Xiao joked, "Then we will be brothers in the future."


Qingti nodded, then suddenly looked at Li Xiao and said, "The poems on the mountain wall and the stone tablet were really written by you... Why don't I believe it? Can you write a poem for me?"

"Of course."

Li Xiao agreed without hesitation, and then said, "You turn into your true body, and when you leave, my poems will come out."


Qingti jumped lightly and turned into his true body, the Golden Winged Dapeng, and flew towards the sky.

Immediately, a voice sounded with the roar of the sky tiger.

"Dapeng rises with the wind one day, soaring up to 90,000 miles!"

Resounding through the sky, shaking the clouds!

When Qingti heard the poem, she felt it was imprinted in her heart, and her soul was trembling...

When the roc rises with the wind, it soars up to 90,000 miles!

So heroic, so ambitious and heroic.

Tears could not help but flow through her eyes...

She felt infinite emotion.

I am the only one left in the golden-winged roc clan...

Can I really soar up to 90,000 miles...


In the sky, a clear and loud bird call responded to Li Xiao.

It seemed that the roc really rose with the wind and soared up!

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