Li Xiao successfully rescued Erhu.

In this battle, more than thirty monkeys were killed, and the monkeys were all scared to death.

It is estimated that when Li Xiao goes out in the future, these monkeys will have to take a detour when they see him.

As for Erhu, this unlucky boy...

The tail hairs were all plucked out...

Fortunately, after a few days of rest, there shouldn't be any major problems, except for a severe beating.

The group of monkeys did not intend to kill him, but planned to capture him alive.

As for Dahu, the look he was looking at Li Xiao now was pure admiration.

It couldn't save the second tiger, but the third brother could do it. He was so brave and seemed to be omnipotent!

The sun sets.

The tiger mother returned to the cave.

After seeing Er Hu's injuries, he found out after questioning that Li Xiao saved Er Hu's life again.

"Lao San, you seem to be what humans call a martial arts wizard..."

The tiger mother spoke out and looked at Li Xiao tenderly.

In the past few days since it was absent, it had been tracking a group of human warriors entering the mountain.

From human conversations, we learned that some people are born with supernatural powers and can practice martial arts quickly and get twice the result with half the effort.

As expected, Li Xiao should be such a child.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill the wolf king and fight against the monkeys.


Li Xiao chuckled, hugged the tiger mother and acted coquettishly, and asked: "Mother, can humans practice martial arts?"

He never quite understood the world.

But since there is a demon, the person's force value will not be bad.

"Yes, humans who have strength comparable to beasts are called martial artists."

The tiger mother said: "I have been following a group of people these past few days and learned that the Hundred Thousand Mountains is where many disciples of sects gain experience and hunt for treasures in this mountain..."

Martial Master... Li Xiao's expression changed and he said: "Mother, you have to be more careful..."

Tigers are full of treasures. Tiger bones, tiger skin, tiger meat... are all great tonics.

The tiger mother nodded and said: "Don't worry, I'm very careful and far away from each other, and the group of humans I'm following are not very strong, far inferior to me..."

After saying that, the tiger mother spit out something from her mouth and said: "Those warriors seemed to be looking for something. They searched for several days and nights, but I found it."

What fell on the ground was a fist-sized flower bud, light blue in color, with pink buds, very beautiful.

"I sense that this should be a spiritual object. You can take it and eat it."

"Mother, don't you also need to practice? You'd better keep it to yourself."

Li Xiao thought about it and felt that his mother needed it more.

"No, you eat it!"

The tiger mother said with determination: "I heard that those geniuses that humans call are cultivated from childhood. Mother doesn't understand human beings and can't cultivate you. She can only do this for you..."

Parents love their children for far-reaching reasons.

The tiger mother has already treated Li Xiao as her own child.

It doesn't understand how humans cultivate geniuses, so it can only learn in secret.

"Mom, what about you?" Li Xiao asked.

"This mountain is full of spiritual energy. I feel... I just need to breathe in it and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon to slowly improve my cultivation." Tiger Mother explained.

There is a way to cultivate a creature into a monster.

But even a little demon who doesn't know how to practice can slowly improve his Taoism on his own.

"Thank you, mother..."

Li Xiao was quite moved.

My parents gave it to me and I dare not say goodbye.

Since his mother was so insistent, Li Xiao could no longer refuse.

He directly picked up the light blue flower, put it in his mouth and started chewing it.

[When you eat "Ironwood Pulp Flower", only 0.1% of the nutrients can be absorbed. Energy conservation is triggered, and the remaining deep nutrients are converted into energy. 】

【Energy +10000】

【Energy +10000】

【Energy +10000】....

This "iron wood pulp flower" is indeed a spiritual creature, but ordinary people cannot absorb its medicinal power at all. It is one of the key medicinal materials for refining elixirs.

Swallowing it directly will not have much effect.

Even if the tiger mother really eats it, she won’t be able to improve her moral character much.

But the effect on Li Xiao was very great.

Because of the "energy conservation" skill, no trace of energy will be wasted.

[Current energy tank: 99.9%]

[The energy tank is full! 】

[The energy tank is full! 】

After eating this flower, the energy tank is directly filled twice.

"Choose one, super enhanced, enhanced perception!"

[Perception (Small Success) Enhancement → Perception (Perfection)]

[Perception reaches perfection, mental power +3, you can feel more existence...]

The introduction was very vague, and his body didn't change much, but Li Xiao felt that his senses seemed to be getting stronger.

Sure enough, perception is difficult to quantify.

"Choice three, advance!"

Given the second chance to choose, Li Xiao decided to continue to advance his perception.

After all, searching for treasures in the mountains will depend on perception.

[Perception (Perfection) Advanced → Huang Tongyou (Xiao Cheng)]

[Tongyou: Have insight into the general trend and perceive the subtleties. 】

As his memory advanced, Li Xiao felt that his five senses had improved a lot. In the haze, he seemed to be able to feel the flow of spiritual energy in the surrounding air.

Of course I just feel it, but I still can't see it...

It shows that the skill level is not enough.

The second day.

Li Xiao went hunting as usual, leaving the tiger's den and walking into the forest.

The monkeys are indeed much more honest now.

When Li Xiao walked under the tree, the monkeys on the tree dared not breathe.

Li Xiao climbed up a tree easily, and the monkeys on the tree trembled with fear, thinking that a disaster was coming and they were going to be killed by this little devil.

Fortunately, Li Xiao's arm only passed over the monkey's head.

Picked a fruit from its side.

Click, Li Xiao took a bite.

[Energy +3][Energy +3][Energy +3]...

This fruit tastes good, Li Xiao doesn't know what it is called.

It tastes sour and sweet, very delicious.

Eating meat every day is too greasy, eating some fruit can regulate the stomach.

It scared the monkey in front of him silly.

Li Xiao patted the monkey's head gently and smiled: "Listen, send ten fruits to my cave every day, otherwise I will kill you!"

The monkey seemed to understand and nodded repeatedly.

When Li Xiao jumped down the tree, the monkey was paralyzed with fear...

It was just a whim.

However, when Li Xiao walked out of the cave the next day, he really found ten picked fruits at the door, each of which was plump.


Li Xiao found that the monkeys were really smart and could understand what he meant.

The key is that they were very afraid of him.

The next step was easy.

Li Xiao did the same thing again and found a few monkeys that looked smarter.

He arranged them to do various things.

Some picked firewood, some picked fruits, some fetched water, some picked stones...

In short, this group of monkeys has now become Li Xiao's slaves.

This saved a lot of time.

The rest of the time can be used to gain skill experience and search for treasures in the mountains.

Since the induction advanced to Tongyou, Li Xiao really found a lot of good things.

Black-headed mushrooms hidden in tree holes, dew in strange flowers, and He Wushou buried in the ground...

Although the spiritual energy of these things is not very sufficient and very weak.

But it is more nutritious than ordinary food and can obtain more energy.


the local specialties from the mountains became Li Xiao's food.

A month later, Li Xiao's energy bar was full twice again.

"It's time to add some more..."

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