In the center of Yunze Island, there are dozens of crematoriums.

These crematoriums are arranged by the island owners and can be used directly by anyone.

The price is that after burning the corpse, one-tenth of the spiritual stones obtained must be paid.

Li Xiao wondered why there was no such thing in Shiwandashan.

It is estimated that there are too few demons in the Hundred Thousand Mountains and there is no need at all. Moreover, there are veins of spiritual crystals in the mountains, so the spiritual stones obtained from burning corpses are not very necessary.


The corpse cremator should be a magic weapon. The flames coming out of it are the fire from the center of the earth that collects the island. These monster corpses are burned in the flames, black oil is billowing, and the filth is continuously stripped away. In the end, only a white remains is burned. of stones.

This is the spirit stone.

The more powerful the demon, the larger the spirit stone it will burn.

A spiritual stone as big as a fist is counted as the measurement unit of a spiritual stone and weighs about one kilogram.

During this period of time, Li Xiao killed 10 demons with first-level magical powers and 8 demons with second-level magical powers.

In the sea, we also found the little demon in the spirit-gathering stage.

But Li Xiao didn't kill at all, which was a waste of time.

One level of magical power can burn approximately 30 spiritual stones.

The second level of magical power can burn approximately 100 spiritual stones.

After burning them all, a total of more than 1,100 spiritual stones were obtained.

After paying one-tenth of the fee, Li Xiao still had more than 990 yuan left.

"Fellow Taoist, you are so powerful. You can earn more than a thousand spiritual stones in one trip."

In this crematorium, the person responsible for the burning work is a demon with a magical power.

After he finished burning, he was very surprised.

It's rare that a monster as fierce as Li Xiao appears.

Demons with high cultivation levels would not hunt such low-level demons, nor would they look down upon this spiritual stone.

Demons with low cultivation levels all form teams to hunt demons.

Like Li Xiao, a person who conquers demons and eliminates demons can still gain so much.

It’s really a rare sight in ten years.

"This is nothing, it's just a trivial matter."

Li Xiao smiled slightly, took the spirit stone and left.

After leaving the crematorium, Li Xiao took the spirit stone and went straight to the treasure guild that sold magic weapons.

Entered the treasure guild and spent 300 spirit stones to directly purchase a Ten Thousand Island Pointer.

This so-called Ten Thousand Islands Pointer is a bit like a compass.

There is a pointer in the center of the compass.

Now, the pointer is pointing in a direction, and that direction should be the next island closest to this island.

The grade is not high, and it is a low-grade spiritual weapon.

Income into the Qiankun bag.

Afterwards, Li Xiao went to a restaurant and spent a piece of spiritual stone to have a big meal.

Every day at sea, I either eat spiritual crystals or grilled fish.

I'm tired of eating.

There are some vegetables and fruits in this restaurant, which improves the food.

Satisfies the appetite.

In the next few days, Li Xiao lived on the island. During the day, he went out to inquire about his mother's whereabouts. There were so many demons, maybe some demon cultivators could find out.

Rest in the inn at night.

For several days.

Li Xiaodu found nothing, so he planned to leave this island and go to the next island.

This morning.

Li Xiao just got up and was ready to leave.

The door suddenly made a "dong dong dong" sound.


Li Xiao stood up and opened the door. There was a person standing at the door.

He knew this man, he was one of the people who invited him to the island.

"It's you, why do you want to see me?"

Li Xiao said.

"Fellow Daoist Yao."

The demon cultivators addressed each other and called fellow Taoists. Li Xiao had also introduced his name before, in order to better find his mother's whereabouts. Maybe her mother would be alive and could hear this name.

The demon who was looking for Li Xiao said, "Can you help me?"

Li Xiao said: "Don't be anxious, speak slowly, and help me as much as you can."

Li Xiao has such a character that when others respect him, he respects others a foot, and he won't get used to it when others mess with him.

This group of demons had done him a favor, and Li Xiao was naturally not stingy.

"Brother Hongyun, he was captured by a demon."

The sea cucumber demon said anxiously.

And Brother Hongyun is the leader of this group of people, the carp demon.

This group of demons were very loyal to each other and immediately returned to the island to ask for help.


Li Xiao frowned slightly and said, "What's going on?"

The sea cucumber demon said: "We went out to sea to eliminate demons and found a demon cave. After entering the demon cave, there was a very powerful demon inside. It was very powerful. Brother Hongyun was accidentally caught by the demon in order to let us escape... "

Li Xiao said: " it still too late to save him? Isn't he already eaten?"

It is common sense that monsters eat monsters.

Li Xiao didn't think that the monster would keep it and wait for others to save it.

"They should still be alive, because there are many other monsters on the island who were captured in the devil's cave. The monster will not eat them all in one go. Doing so will cause them to lose their consciousness. He should eat them slowly."

The sea cucumber demon explained anxiously.

It turns out that before them, a team of demon slayers was killed.

The cave was filled with corpses.

There are more than a dozen monsters inside, waiting to be eaten...

Then, the carp demon Hongyun still has a chance to survive.

"Hongyun is the registered disciple of the island owner. We went to ask the island owner for help, but the island owner and his direct disciples are not here, and we don't know where they are."

"In desperation, we can only find other help..."

"Daoyou Xiao, as long as you are willing to go out to sea to rescue Brother Hongyun, we are willing to pay...50 spirit stones regardless of success or failure."

The sea cucumber monster's expression was very sincere.

Fifty spirit stones are indeed not much, or even a little.

But it should be all their belongings.

After all, they seem to have found other monsters in addition to looking for me.

"What is the cultivation level of the monster?" Li Xiao asked.

"We don't know this either. It's an octopus monster. Its cultivation level should not be lower than the fifth level of magical power, and it has hundreds of magical powers..."

The sea cucumber monster said so.

"Okay, I agree."

Li Xiao nodded slightly and planned to help.

It can also be regarded as verifying his own strength.

In addition, earn some more spirit stones.

He saw a treasure ship in the treasure guild.

This treasure ship magic weapon is very special. It does not need to be driven by itself, but can be driven by spirit stones.

It can travel thousands of miles a day. In addition to sailing on the sea, it can also sail in the sea.

His own spirit stones are a little short, not enough to buy it.

If you kill a big demon and refine it into spirit stones.

Maybe it will be enough.

With this treasure ship, it will be more convenient to travel between the islands.

The ship obtained from the Xu family in Beiliang is good, but it is just an ordinary thing after all, and it is far less useful than a magic weapon.

"Brother Xiao, do you agree?"

The sea cucumber monster was a little grateful.

They brothers asked for help everywhere, but no one was willing to go.

After all, this matter is still life-threatening.

"I agree."

Li Xiao nodded: "It's because of the brotherhood between you guys, otherwise I would not bother to help. You guys are very good, sharing weal and woe, and not abandoning your partners even when they are captured."

What Li Xiao valued was the friendship between them.

Such demons are loyal and righteous, and he likes them very much.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Xiao."

The sea cucumber monster bowed, then took out fifty spirit stones and handed them to Li Xiao, "You keep these spirit stones. If you rescue Brother Hongyun, we brothers will reward you handsomely."

In fact, they are not rich, but it's nothing to rescue brothers.

Li Xiao waved his hand and declined: "No."

The sea cucumber monster was a little surprised: "How can I be so embarrassed."

Li Xiao smiled and said: "But I have another condition."

Sea cucumber monster: "Daoyou, please tell me."

Li Xiao: "If I can rescue Daoyou Hongyun by myself, you have to do me a favor. It's also very simple. Find someone."

The sea cucumber monster thought about it and nodded: "Okay!"

Although he didn't think Li Xiao could really do it.

But for some reason, he immediately agreed.

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