"The ten martial saints of the human race... aren't those legends..."

The boys and girls were all immersed in it. They couldn't believe how powerful it was to set up a taboo that even a hundred thousand monsters in the mountain could not come out of!

You know, these 100,000 mountains are boundless and are a mountain range.

Its fringes alone bordered two dynasties.

The two sides are connected to the East China Sea and the West Sea, and three rivers and six rivers are gathered in the center. The visible boundaries are tens of thousands of miles, and the unexplorable boundaries are endless. The depth is unknown, and there is no idea what is on the other side of the mountain. It seems to separate the continents. .

"That's certainly not a legend."

The old man waved his hand and stopped talking about this topic, saying: "You don't need to know so much for the time being. Concentrate on honing your martial arts. The mission of this training is to find the smoke gourd."

The Wolf Smoke Gourd is not a treasure, but a special plant.

It can only grow in places where night wolves gather in hundreds of thousands of mountains.

Every full moon, night wolves will gather together and spit out a strange gas called wolf smoke, and the gourds spawned by it are called wolf smoke gourds.

If the Wolf Smoke Gourd falls to the ground, thick smoke will instantly billow out, which has a miraculous effect on the enemy.

Chiyan Sword Manor has recently been fighting with rival gangs, so it sent its disciples to practice and find some smoke gourds to use against the enemy.

The group of people continued to go deep into the Night Wolf territory.

"Strange, why are there so few night wolves here?"

The leader of the elders was a little strange.

This is not the first time he has been to this place.

Last time I came here with a few elders and discovered the location of the Wolf Smoke Gourd.

Although night wolves are not strong, they are very difficult to deal with if they gather together.

But this time it was too easy, and I only encountered one or two along the way.

The white-haired elder was just a little strange, but he didn't pay too much attention and continued to move forward.

The sky darkened quickly.

From the white light at the beginning, to the drowsiness later.

Half an hour later, he suddenly felt something was wrong!

It's not that the sky is getting dark at all, but that this forest is being covered by wolf smoke.

"Oops! It's the Night Wolf Monster!"

The elder immediately became vigilant, drew out his sword, and shouted: "Everyone be alert! We have encountered a monster... It is a night wolf monster. It can breathe smoke, create darkness, and wait for opportunities!"

Night wolves are just ordinary wolves, but if they become demons and have Taoism, they can have a natural magical power and breathe out beacon smoke.

The words fell.

The disciples really felt something was wrong.

Soon, the surroundings were filled with heavy fog, making it difficult to distinguish between day and night, and it was completely gray.

Several people immediately approached and walked together. If they got separated, there would definitely be danger.

Deep in the mist....

An old wolf was lying on the ground, looking up to the sky and spitting out thick smoke that was flying in all directions.

And behind it, lay the remains of countless night wolves...

Hundreds and thousands...

The entire night wolf clan has been devoured by this old wolf!

"Hey Hey...."

The wolf monster's mouth dripped with the blood of its companions, and at the same time it gave out a strange and penetrating smile, which echoed in the mist:

"The tiger cubs will grow up, and the night wolves will perish sooner or later..."

"Rather than perish, why don't you let me destroy you and turn you into a monster?"

"Tsk tsk tsk...there are snacks coming to the door again..."

"After I eat these people and improve my moral character, I will go find that evil tiger."

"Oh...by the way, and that baby...it must be delicious..."

This wolf demon was originally the previous old wolf king, who was old and frail.

The previous two wolf kings of the Night Wolf Clan both died at the hands of tigers.

A leaderless pack of wolves is not far from collapse.

This old wolf simply ate the entire wolf clan, turned into a demon, and sought opportunities!

The mist fills the air...

The scarlet eyes disappeared.

Soon, fierce screams came from the mist...


On the other side, the sun was shining brightly.

Li Xiao, who had just finished hunting, grabbed the antlers of a sika deer with one hand, dragged it easily, and headed back towards the tiger's den.

Although he is still the size of a baby now.

But his physique has reached 83 points, and his physical strength is no different from that of an adult tiger.

So dragging this 200-pound deer was stress-free.

But it was still much worse than a tiger mother, which he had tried in private.

Li Xiao's five senses were very sensitive. He felt that there was heavy fog in the southeast, so he climbed up a branch and looked over there. He found that the fog was hazy and he couldn't see clearly inside.

Shiwandashan is full of spiritual energy, and there is no methane at all around it.

It's really strange to get foggy during the day.

"Suddenly there is a heavy fog. Could it be that a treasure has been discovered?"

Li Xiao was a little curious. That was the territory of the Night Wolves, and he basically wouldn't go there.

Tigers and wolves are both predators, and they do not interfere with each other.

Since the last conflict, the two sides have barely seen each other again.

"But if it is really a treasure, it would be a pity not to go..."

The spiritual energy of these 100,000 mountains is billowing, giving birth to countless treasures of heaven, material and earth.

Many people will venture into the mountains in search of opportunities.

As a native, how could I miss it?

After thinking about it, Li Xiao decided to go and have a look.

They're nothing more than a pack of night wolves, so they shouldn't be in any danger.

He killed the Wolf King in just seven months.

The current strength is much stronger than that of Qiyue.

After making the decision, Li Xiao asked Da Hu and Er Hu to drag the deer corpse back to the tiger's den, and he went to investigate.

Li Xiao was on the tree, as agile as a monkey, constantly shuttling back and forth.

After an incense stick, he came to the place where the fog was.

"It's a big fog, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't affect my sight."

Li Xiao has night vision and can see clearly at night.

With the skill of [Xuan Tongyou], the five senses are connected.

There is no difference between being in the fog and being outside the fog.




A scream sounded.

Li Xiao felt that it was a human voice, so he jumped onto the tree and went in the direction of the sound.

Soon, he discovered the situation in the fog.

A giant wolf that can walk upright!

This wolf stands and walks like a human, with a body of ten feet, and the claws in his hands are very sharp, two inches long, dripping with blood and meat residue.

"Zi Ling, go, go!!!"

The old man in white shouted to the remaining girl: "It's a demon, we can't resist, go, don't worry about me...Puff..."

While shouting, the old man was ripped open by the Night Wolf Demon.

"Elder Wang..."

Jiang Zi Ling's eyes were filled with tears, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and fled in the opposite direction.

Demon, demon!

Today she saw how terrifying the demon was!

In the mist, they couldn't see anything, like lambs being hunted...

Every time she looked back, her companions were lying on the ground.

She couldn't even see how they died...

As a fourth-grade martial artist, she watched her companions die one by one.


Even the fifth-grade Elder Wang couldn't defeat this Night Wolf Demon!

There were six people in the group, and now she was the only one left.


After the wolf demon killed Elder Bai, it laughed harshly, echoing in the mist.

An indistinguishable voice sounded: "You are the purest delicacy. If I eat you, I, Old Wolf, can kill that evil tiger. Hehehe..."

Jiang Ziling used Qinggong to escape.

She was not slow, and she used all her strength, like a cheetah.

But this was a forest, with big trees standing everywhere.

The fog blocked the big trees, making it difficult to see clearly.

Jiang Ziling was very fast, but she couldn't tell the direction and couldn't escape the fog.

Fear took over her heart, her breath was already chaotic, and she accidentally bumped into a tree, and immediately felt dizzy and unstable.

It's over!

She felt cold in her heart.

The next moment, a huge figure appeared in front of her.

Jiang Ziling didn't think about it, and instinctively swung a sword and stabbed the wolf demon in front of her.

The wolf demon's sharp claws blocked it, rubbing sparks, and the sword flew out.

Without the weapon, Jiang Ziling's face turned pale.

"Eat you!"

The wolf head as big as a millstone opened its bloody mouth and bit her.

"I thought I, Jiang Ziling... would die in the mouth of a demon..."

The girl was completely desperate and closed her eyes waiting to die.

She could feel that the bloody mouth was about to grab her head.

Just then...

A voice sounded.

"Damn it, die!"

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