After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 175 Qingquan asks for permission to enter the secret realm

"The affairs of the demon world should be solved by the demon world itself!"

The Lord of the Black Dragon Island, Yan Beiyou, protected Li Qingquan behind him.

Although, at the moment, Li Qingquan is indeed a good candidate.

She has no spiritual power and can enter and exit the secret realm freely.

In addition, she has already stepped into the ninth-grade master of martial arts and has reached the perfect state of Gangqi.

When humans reach this realm, they have thousands of pounds of strength, can release Gangqi to hurt the enemy, and can also fly over eaves and walls. Facing ordinary Juling period, they have the power to fight!

It can be regarded as having good combat power!

And Li Qingquan, in fact, has surpassed the master.

After Li Qingquan reached the master realm.

Yan Beiyou was not reassured enough, so he released his dragon blood and gave it to Li Qingquan.

After taking it, his body and spirit were further strengthened.

It can already be comparable to the second-level demon of magical power.

No matter how you look at it.

Li Qingquan is very suitable to enter the secret realm to perform this task.


This is the descendant of the benefactor.

In any case, she can't be allowed to enter and take risks!

"Master of Black Dragon Island, who is this human? Why are you protecting her so much?"

A man with a horse face looked at Yan Beiyou and said.

This man's body is a Tianlei seahorse, also an ancient species, not much worse than the black dragon. The Tianlei Island where he is located is also one of the thirty-six islands of Tiangang.

The black dragon Yan Beiyou said angrily: "Ba Hai, shut your dog mouth!"

The master of Tianlei Island, Ba Hai, was not willing to be outdone, and cursed back: "Oh, you are angry, are you in love with a human woman? This is not your style! You are a black dragon, are you going to mix blood with humans? Don't you want the blood of your black dragon clan?"

The words were full of ridicule.

"You are so presumptuous, I think you, Ba Hai, want to die!"

The black dragon Yan Beiyou stood up and jumped, flew into the sky, and attacked with a magical power, which was an unparalleled magical power "Taihuan Xuanjin Suppression Technique".

Yan Beiyou is the master of an island, a powerful person with ten magical powers who can change his fate against the sky.

In the entire boundless sea, they are the top power at the top of the pyramid.

What is defying fate and changing one's destiny? It means changing one's own destiny, not being controlled by fate. My destiny is my own, not by heaven, and I completely control my destiny.

Those who reach this level of cultivation can turn rivers and seas upside down.

A city can be destroyed with one move.

The Taihuan Xuanjin Suppression Technique is the supreme magical power of the Black Dragon Clan.

Between opening and closing, the wind and clouds surge.

The sky and the earth suddenly changed color, and black rays rushed into the sky, like a silk thread, rushing straight to the sea.

The waves in the sky were lifted up, as if the sea water was pouring back.

"You actually attacked me for a human!"

Tianlei Haima Bahai's face changed, he took a breath, his stomach bulged, and then he vomited, spitting out a thunder.

It is also the supreme magical power "Dragon Horse Water Mine Killing Technique".

The thunder sword that looked like thunder was spit out from his mouth, becoming bigger and bigger, rolling up the sea water, and the sea water turned into a dragon horse, surrounded by lightning and thunder, making a crackling sound.

The two tenth-level supernatural powers had a disagreement and started fighting directly.


The supernatural powers collided, and the space collapsed instantly. Several space cracks were hit, strong winds overflowed, sea water poured back, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

After the supernatural powers collided, Ba Hai retreated repeatedly before stopping.

On the other hand, Yan Beiyou did not retreat a step.

Obviously, the black dragon Yan Beiyou was better.

Seeing the two fighting.

Qinglong, red dragon, and white dragon came to help and stood on the side of the black dragon.

And several island owners flew to Ba Hai's side.

The two sides confronted each other, and it was about to break out.

"Stop it!"

At this time, the island owner of Qingkui came out immediately to stop.

Now is not the time to argue.

Things will only get bigger and bigger.

The Qingkui Island Master said loudly: "Everyone, stop fighting. Let's find a way to solve this problem. Otherwise, things will not end well. Bahai, it's their freedom to go or not. You can't force them. What's more, Heilong is right. Do we need a human to intervene in the affairs of our demon world?"

After these words came out.

Both sides calmed down for a while.

Bahai snorted and said nothing more.


He was wrong in this matter.

Heilong looked at him coldly and did not pursue it further.

At this moment, the disciples were still in the secret realm, and it was not unusual for him to argue with them.

"Everyone, look quickly, are there any disciples in the awakening period around you?"

The Qingkui Island Master ordered loudly.

After the words fell.

The people on the field counted the number of people.

Maybe there are disciples who bring the awakening period monsters to see the world.

But unfortunately.

After a search, there are none at all.

Everyone looked at each other anxiously.

Now, it is too late to go back to the island to call the disciples.

In the secret realm, their elite disciples are in danger!

After a moment of silence.

The eyes of the island masters turned to the black dragon again.

"Black Dragon, you also saw that it is not that we are unwilling, but there is really no demon in the awakening period who can come here on this trip."

"Yes, Black Dragon Island Master, your Black Dragon Island is one of the thirty-six islands of Tiangang, and you should also take the responsibility of the prosperity of the demon race."

"The human woman next to you is just going in to pass on the message. There should be no danger. She is the most suitable person!"

"What is your relationship with that human woman?"

"There are still thousands of demon disciples whose lives are at stake. You must help them."

"If we really allow the 'Pig Demon's Heart' to devour all the disciples and escape from the secret realm, it will be a catastrophe for our boundless sea."

"Maybe the pig demon disaster will happen again!"

"I hope you can take charge of the rise and fall of the entire demon clan..."

The island owners spoke one after another.

I hope Black Dragon Yan can send the human woman standing beside him when he travels to the north.

A martial arts master has no spiritual power.

Couldn't be a better fit.

"I told you, this is impossible!"

Black Dragon said coldly.

Although he knew that this was indeed the best choice.

But he couldn't do such a thing.

He only knew that Li Qingquan was a descendant of his benefactor.

If his benefactor had not saved him back then, he would have died long ago. How could he be here today?

Let the benefactor's descendants put themselves in danger.

How could he live up to his benefactor’s spirit in heaven? ? ?

As Black Dragon's words fell.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

This time.

There are three island owners: Red Dragon, White Dragon, and Qinglong.

He didn't speak for Black Dragon either, and was slightly silent.

After all, in their hearts, they also hope that those disciples can come out alive.


The black dragon would protect the human woman no matter what.

The owner of Qingkui Island was actually even more anxious.

The trouble was caused by their island.

Logically speaking, it would be up to them to solve the problem.

But the fact is.

From their island, they did not bring any disciples who were in the enlightenment stage to come here.

"Black Dragon, do you think this will work?"

After thinking for a long time, the master of Qingkui Island opened his mouth and discussed: "Among the great secret treasures, 'Tao tools' are often born. If this human woman is willing to enter the secret realm, I will discuss with everyone and let's give up the 'Tao tools' together." , you have the final say on how to distribute it to Black Dragon Island!"

The words fell.

The island owners were shocked.

Just to convey a message, you have to give up the Taoist tool.

Taoist artifacts are more important than an island!

However, it seems that this is the only way to invite the people around Black Dragon.

"Okay, that's it!"

The master of Qinglong Island said: "Everything has a price, and I am willing to be a witness. If Li Yunqing is willing to take action, the Taoist artifact will belong to Black Dragon Island!"

At the same time, the white dragon and the red dragon also spoke.

The black dragon's eyes moved slightly, and then became cold again.

He had already planned to leave with Li Yunqing.

"Island owner..."

However, Li Yunqing stood up and said with cupped hands: "Thanks to the great love of Senior Black Dragon, he helped me practice, even at the expense of my cultivation, and provided dragon blood to improve my strength. There is nothing in return... Qingquan asked for orders to enter the secret realm and perform the task. , solve the danger of the demon world!"

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