After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 178 Encountering pirates, ten times the speed, hit them!

While everyone was still immersed in the elegant happiness.

Suddenly, Leng Feng realized something was wrong.

He jumped up to the highest point of the ship and used his magical power to look into the distance.

In the distance, there is a large ship.

A ship hundreds of feet tall.

A black flag was hung on the ship, with a pattern of crossed swords on it.

This is a pirate ship!

"Everyone, pay attention!"

"Your Majesty! There is a ship ahead, an island ship!"

Leng Feng immediately sounded the alarm.

Hear the words.

The iron pillar stopped drifting and resumed normal navigation.

"Pirate Ship?"

Li Xiao also looked over, but he didn't have magical powers and couldn't see that far.

[Heaven·Golden Eyes] is mainly used to penetrate into the true form of monsters and monsters, and cannot be viewed from a distance.

But with very good eyesight, I did see a black spot in the distance.

It was very far away from me, almost more than a thousand nautical miles.

"Are there any islands in this boundless sea?"

Li Xiao asked.

Hong Hua'er explained: "Yes, Your Majesty, there are caravans sailing between islands to exchange resources on the islands. As a result, a group of islands spawned, specializing in plundering cultivation resources. We are afraid that we will be in trouble, and we usually become pirates. They are at least at the fifth level of magical power. These monsters are lawless and powerful. They often escape at sea, even if they are the island owners, it is difficult to catch them."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Leng Feng and asked: "Leng Feng, what is the flag on the pirate ship?"

Leng Feng said: "Black flags, swords intersecting."

Hear the words.

Hong Hua'er's face changed greatly: "Oh no! This is one of the Thirty Thieves of Death!"

As soon as this statement came out.

The expressions of other people on the boat also changed.

Li Xiao asked: "What are the Thirty Thieves and where did they come from?"

Hong Hua'er looked solemn and frowned: "Your Majesty, something happened. We actually encountered this group of scourges. The Thirty Thieves are the most powerful group of pirates in the boundless sea. Almost all pirate captains have magical powers. The cultivation level of the heavy gold elixir seed is not weaker than that of some moderately powerful island owners! And this sky-stealing thief is one of the best. The captain seems to have perfected the seven levels of magical power. I am afraid that everyone is a group of desperadoes. Their cultivation is higher than ours..."

If they were driving an ordinary boat.

These islands may not be appreciated.

But what they were driving was the Great Sanskrit Treasure Ship.

Those pirates will definitely start to plunder.

By then, no one will be able to survive.

Everyone's expressions became very solemn at this moment.

Hong Hua'er suggested: "Your Majesty, the only plan now is to escape in the opposite direction. With our Great Fanyin Ship, they can't catch up with us at all. But if we continue to move forward, they will intercept us, and then... "

Diemeng also agreed with this opinion and said: "Your Majesty, I think Sister Honghuaer is right...although those monsters are not monsters, they do the same thing as monsters. In addition to not eating us directly, they will kill us." Kill us. The banshee will even be humiliated..."


Li Xiao frowned slightly, then shook his head and said: "There is no word escape in my life dictionary!"

Escape in the opposite direction is a safer way.

But now, Li Xiao can't escape.

He is going to find his mother, who is now where the great secret treasure is.

I still don’t know what is happening to my mother.

No matter what, I have to get there at full speed.

Hong Hua'er: "But..."

"It's nothing!"

Li Xiao said: "Let me ask you, is our ship more powerful or the other ship's?"

Hong Hua'er replied without hesitation: "Needless to say, our ships must be powerful. Ours is a top-quality treasure, close to the existence of a Taoist weapon. And even the most powerful Tongtian Thief among the Thirty Thieves of Destiny cannot possess it. Excellent treasure."

"That's right!"

Li Xiao smiled: "Since our ship is powerful, let's hit it!"

This is what Li Xiao thinks.

Simple and crude!

The opponent was a seventh-level prodigy, and Li Xiao was not confident about dealing with him.

But external force is also part of strength.

Since you have a top-quality treasure, why should you be cowardly?

Li Xiao has seen how hard this treasure ship is in the past few days.

It hit the reef and smashed it into pieces.

Even if he hits it with his own fist, it won't leave a mark.

This ship is indestructible!

"Crash into it..."

Tie Zhu was stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly: "The king is the king, and his ideas are really different. That's right, we don't need to fight them at all. With this Great Fanyin Ship, we can directly smash them to pieces!"

Hear the words.

The eyes of Honghuaer, Diemeng, and Leng Feng also lit up.

They hadn't thought of this before.

Still thinking about how to deal with that group of pirates if encountered.

But in fact, there is no need to fight at all.

This treasure ship has more than just a navigation function.

It is a powerful magic weapon with powerful ability to fight against enemies!

"My lord, you are truly wise and powerful!"

Hong Hua'er also reacted: "Yeah, I didn't think of this just now. If the ships collide, this Dafanyin ship will definitely win. It has good attack capabilities."


Die Meng looked at Li Xiao and said, "My king, this ship has a big formation called the 'Return to the Origin Brahma Sound Formation'. When the formation is activated, it covers the entire ship, making it invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and as hard as diamond. With the speed of the ship itself, it can definitely destroy any ship. Even an island can be smashed in half!"

Everyone got excited again.

How exciting would it be to kill a pirate?

"Okay, let's do it!"

Li Xiao smiled slightly and gave orders: "Pass on my order, activate the Return to the Origin Brahma Sound Formation, start ten times the speed, and sink that pirate ship for me!"

"I obey the order!"

The four monsters immediately bowed.

Immediately, they each performed their duties.

The ship became larger again, becoming a hundred feet in size.

The spirit stones were poured into the incinerator as if they were free of charge.

With the influx of spiritual energy, the Return to the Origin Brahma Sound Formation was activated.

In the middle of the ship, a melodious sound was heard, and the entire ship was protected by an invisible and intangible transparent protective cover.

The speed began to increase crazily...



On the pirate ship of the Sky-stealing Pirates.

The strength of this ship is indeed extraordinary.

The leader, the Sky-stealing Pirate, is a sea rat with a very high cultivation level. He has entered the seventh level of the Prodigy and refined the Golden Elixir Seed.

At this level, all the magical powers in his body are condensed into a golden elixir, which is integrated into one.

The magical powers can be released instantly without the need to form a seal, and the power is even greater.

The magical powers are integrated with each other and will not conflict with each other. Several magical powers can be released in an instant to fight the enemy.

The seventh level of magical powers can already be called a small giant.

The lifespan is up to 5,000 years!

This pirate ship sailed aimlessly on the sea.

Until a target was found.

At first, they saw only a small boat.

They were too lazy to rob it.

But soon, the pirates on the ship found that the small boat was quite fast.

It should be a good spiritual treasure.

So they planned to rob it.

On the pirate ship, the deputy captain was looking at the ship thousands of miles away.

After observing, he said excitedly:

"Captain, this is amazing."

"That ship is glowing brightly, it's not like an ordinary ship!"

"Also, there are two beautiful sirens on the ship, they can give the brothers a good time..."

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