"You, return to the secret realm quickly and call them out!"

Yan Beiyou looked at Youlong disciples and issued an order.

Now it seems that demons without spiritual power can indeed enter and exit the secret realm freely.

Now that you can come out, you can go in again.


This Youlong disciple's face turned pale.

His face was full of reluctance, and he obviously didn't dare to go in.

Finally escaped from hell.

Who wants to go to hell again?

What's more, he doesn't have any cultivation at all now.

I feel extremely insecure.

"Island owner, the child just came out, why did you ask him to come in?"

Immediately, an elder from Black Dragon Island came out to stop him.

This elder is also a ghost dragon and is the grandfather of this disciple.

It is obvious that he dotes on his grandson very much.

Seeing my grandson come back alive, I felt relieved.

You will never be allowed to be called in again by the island owner.

"Grandpa, I don't want to go in. It's too scary inside."

The Youlong disciple immediately rushed to his grandfather's side, crying and shouting: "I have no cultivation at all, and I will be a useless monster from now on..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Grandpa will protect you and you will definitely be able to practice again."

Elder Youlong protected his grandson behind him and spoke out words of comfort with a kind face.

Seeing this scene, Black Dragon couldn't continue to call this disciple to enter the secret realm.

But now, how to solve this dilemma?

"Black Dragon!"

Suddenly, a shout of explosion came.

Dozens of island owners came together.

The leader was none other than Tian Lei Haima Ba Hai, who had previously had a dispute with Black Dragon.

There are more than a dozen island owners beside Ba Hai.

Lingfeng Island Master, Chiyan Island Master, Tianxing Island Master, Fengjuan Island Master...

Tianlei Haima said loudly: "Heilong, your disciple on the island, Dragon Turtle Heiyu, organized 300 disciples and continued to stay in the secret realm. Is this possible?"

Not to be outdone, the black dragon shouted: "So what? If my disciples hadn't been strong enough to organize everyone, I'm afraid they would have been defeated by the demons in the secret realm and died in the secret realm."

This is a fact.

Black Feather is also the leader among demons on Black Dragon Island.

Not only is he very strong, he is also heroic, very courageous and capable of taking on big responsibilities.

It has been secretly decided by Black Dragon.

Consider him one of the candidates for the next island owner of Black Dragon Island.

Black Feather organized all the disciples on the island into a temporary alliance in the secret realm.

This is not as serious as the damage.

But Heiyu came after Li Yunqing informed him of the information.

They continued to organize three hundred disciples and stayed to continue to resist.

This is something the Black Dragon Island Master didn't expect...

"Stop talking nonsense."

Tianlei Haima said angrily: "Originally, after returning to the island, you plan to refine martial arts puppets, send the puppets into the secret realm, kill the demons, and get the magic weapon. But now, because of your island disciple Heiyu, you continue to organize He killed three hundred disciples and did not leave the secret realm. Something happened. The demon devoured the three hundred disciples and became stronger again. The martial arts puppet inside may no longer be able to see the light of day. "

As soon as this statement came out.

More and more island owners are coming around.

Indeed, a group of disciples have emerged now.

But there are still hundreds of disciples in the secret realm.

I'm afraid things that were discussed before may go wrong.

"You fart!"

Not to be outdone, the Black Dragon Island Master counterattacked: "If Li Yunqing, my disciple on the island, had not entered the secret realm alone, no one would have been able to come out. Compared to the previous situation, it is so much better now!"

"Yes, that's right, you have definitely succeeded in Black Dragon Island."

Tianlei Haima sneered, and then said loudly: "But, because your Black Dragon Island sent this disciple in, everyone has to promise that after taking out the Taoist tools, they will give the Taoist tools to your Black Dragon Island, so this is not what you should do." What to do? But now, the matter is far from over. Master of Black Dragon Island, should we renegotiate the distribution rights of this weapon? "

See you in the picture!

Heavenly Thunder, Seahorse and Dominate the Sea. As mentioned above, this is the ultimate goal.

That is the right to own the Taoist artifact!

We had discussed it before.

If it's the Black Dragon Island, send that human woman there to deliver the message.

Then, the ownership of the Taoist artifact belongs to Black Dragon Island.

I was quite anxious at the time, although many people were dissatisfied with the decision.

But he had no choice but to accept it.

But now, Li Yunqing of Black Dragon Island has not completed the task perfectly.

There are still three hundred people in the secret realm, who may become the material for the growth of the pig demon's heart.


The ownership rights of the ‘Tao tools’ in this secret realm need to be redistributed.

As soon as this statement came out.

Standing next to Tianlei Haima, many island owners also echoed:

"Yes, Black Dragon Island Master, it is true that your disciple Li Yunqing has helped a lot, but the promise is to solve the disaster in the secret realm and obtain the Taoist artifact."

"Yes, this is a transaction. Since it is a transaction, it must be executed according to the rules."

"This scourge has not been eliminated. Your disciple Heiyu organized another three hundred disciples to continue to resist. This was also done by your Black Dragon Island disciples."

"So, the merits and demerits are equal to nothing."

"I propose redistribution!"

"Yes, redistribute!"

"I also agree with this proposal!"

If there are interests, there will be voices.

Suddenly, more and more island owners joined the ranks.

The owner of Qingkui Island, the leader of the thirty-six islands in Tiangang, could not control the situation.


The black dragon swallow's face is as cold as frost as it swims north.

These people really go back on their word.

If I had known this, only one disciple of my Black Dragon Island could come out.

He won't send Li Yunqing into the secret realm!

As for Taoist weapons, he didn't care that much.

Because the remaining three hundred disciples died inside and continued to grow the demon.

Then, the martial arts puppet will not work later.

It’s very possible that the Taoist tools really won’t be available.

What worries him most now is that Li Yunqing doesn't know whether he is dead or alive!

Seeing that the Black Dragon Island Master was silent.

Tianlei Haima felt that his plan had succeeded, so he said to the big man: "I have a suggestion. We will send disciples from each island. Whoever's disciple persuades the people inside to come back, the Taoist artifact will belong to him! How about it!"

He means it.

Send the escaped disciples in again to persuade them to come back.

As for his Tianlei Island, he had the largest number of disciples who had escaped, more than thirty people.

Then...the opportunity is also the greatest!

"I agree with Ba Hai!"

"I agree!"

"Just do it!"

Almost all the island owners unanimously agreed.

Because, this is a chance to obtain the ownership of the ‘Taoist weapon’.

That's a Taoist weapon.

Whoever can obtain the Taoist weapon will increase the strength of the island by several levels.

Even if you get Disha Island, you can immediately join the ranks of the Thirty-Six Islands of Tiangang!

With such a call, the matter was almost accepted by default.

Helpless, Heilong Yanbeiyou had no choice but to look at Youlong again: "You can only go in. You must persuade Heiyu and the others to come back and bring the remaining people out!"

"No, no, I'm not going!"

This Youlong disciple immediately got into his grandfather's arms.

The elder of Black Dragon Island protected his grandson: "Island Master, the demons inside are too terrifying. The child is already frightened. It will not help if he goes in..."

Yan Beiyou's eyes were filled with smoke.

How could Black Dragon Island cultivate such a cowardly disciple?

He looked at the Youlong elder fiercely, all because of his doting!

Could it be that Black Dragon Island is about to lose its Taoist weapon...

Also, what should Li Yunqing do?

Just when Yan Beiyou had a headache.


A voice sounded.

This sound, accompanied by a giant object, fell from the sky.

Attracted the attention of all island owners.

Black Dragon Yan Beiyou, including all the island owners, followed the sound and looked over.

Because it is a place where wind caves gather, the sea level here is very low.

There is a distance difference from other sea surfaces, which is thousands of feet.

The shape of this place,

It was as if a grave had been dug on the surface of the sea, at a low point.

And above the horizon, a large ship rushed out.

The big ship fell from the sky.

Several voices came from the boat:

"Wuhu~~~~~It's so exciting, Your Majesty!"

"Ten times the speed, we arrived so quickly."

"Why is there such a big gap here? Feilu, it's so exciting!"

"Following the king is really exciting. I have no regrets in life!"



ps: It’s too troublesome to choose chapter names, so from now on I will update one chapter with 4,000 words every day. The number of chapters will become smaller, but the volume will remain the same. In order to thank everyone for your support, I will add another chapter today

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