After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 195 Chao Ge Ye Xian, the common ruler of the world! (1/2)

"The city of Chaoge!"

Li Yunqing's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but say: "It's such a nice name, it seems to have deep meaning!"

Li Xiao held the small city in his hand: "Songs in the morning and strings in the night are the common masters of the world!"

Say it.

He felt that his spirit had created a connection with the city of Chaoge.

This magic weapon, like the Great Brahma Sound Boat, has the effect of automatically absorbing spiritual energy.

The density of spiritual energy in this great secret treasure is several times that of the boundless sea.

After all, it is a wind cave formed by countless large tides.

Therefore, the spiritual energy inside is abundant.

Having experience in controlling the Great Fanyin Ship, Li Xiao felt that he could control the magic weapon in his hand.


Toss gently.

The small town fell from the top of the mountain, as if it sensed Li Xiao's call.

I saw it growing in the wind, growing bigger, bigger, and bigger again!

When it fell from the mountain to the ground, it had turned into a magnificent and huge city.

It was an indescribable shock!

This city is millions of feet long and wide. It is like a whole. It is shaped and carved from an extremely huge piece of steel, and it fits perfectly without any gaps.

The city wall is thousands of feet high, towering into the clouds. It is not bricks and tiles, but golden metal!

Not gold, not wood, not stone, indestructible!

The horse racing track on the city wall is a hundred feet wide!

The steps are neatly arranged, the archery towers, and gun emplacements are all there, and the flag is clear.

The city gate is dozens of feet wide and is a steel gate made of yellow metal.

Li Xiao's spirit is connected to this weapon, and he can close all city gates at the same time with a single thought.

Above the city gate, there are two big characters written: Chaoge!

Looking inside the city walls, the streets are spacious and clean.

Between the streets, various buildings are scattered and of different styles.

In the center of the city, there is a magnificent palace.

The palace is extremely majestic, and the steps leading to the palace at the top are a thousand feet high!

There are lifelike sculptures of a dragon and a tiger lying on both sides of the steps.

The most shocking thing is that there is a building like Wangtian Pavilion at the top of the palace, and a transparent light curtain emits from the top, covering the entire city.

This should be the city protection formation that comes with the magic weapon!

You know, the entire city is a million feet square. What kind of formation can protect such a large area?

Li Xiaoxin felt that this city was not the largest. As long as it had enough energy, it could continue to expand its range! ! !

However, the core scope is this million-foot-square area, which contains various buildings, including the Imperial Palace, Wangtian Pavilion, Jiange Pavilion, various palaces, various residential areas, commercial areas, etc...

If it continues to expand, a city wall will appear outside this range and it will become an outer city, but the inside of the city wall will be empty and needs to be built by itself.

The city frantically absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, making the spiritual energy inside very abundant.

"My God, this city is so magnificent!"

"The city wall is a thousand feet long. It is impossible to attack the city. You can only jump over it, but there is a protective shield there..."

"Which island can accommodate such a large city!"

"Even the Thirty-Six Tiangang Islands can't accommodate such a large city..."

"It is indeed a Taoist weapon. I really want to go in and have a look..."

The disciples on Black Dragon Island were completely shocked when they saw such a scene.

"This city..."

Li Xiao suddenly thought of something.

When entering the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, which is among the hundreds of thousands of mountains, there is a city wall with no end in sight, which is also thousands of feet high.

On the contrary, it is similar to my own "Chao Ge".

Entering the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, it feels like the outside of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

It's just separated by a city wall.

Could it be that...that Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom is also a kind of city Taoist weapon?

What they were in was just the periphery of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters, and they had never seen the real inner periphery...

Li Xiao shook his head and stopped thinking about it, it was just a guess.

"If you want to go in and have a look, just go in and have a look!"

Li Xiao pulled his mother and looked at everyone and said.

Seeing that Li Xiao, the master of the magic weapon, agreed, everyone was very excited.

Everyone wants to visit the inside of Chaoge City.

The words fell.

The disciples of Black Dragon Island couldn't wait to use their magic power and fly towards that direction.


Seeing that the child had received such a powerful magic weapon, Li Yunqing was very happy and was speechless with excitement.

This magic weapon should belong to Li Xiao, and the owner of Black Dragon Island also promised him outside.

Now, Xiaoer directly kills the demon and gets the magic weapon, who can say anything?

If we are really pushed into a hurry, the ancestors of Black Dragon Island will not stand by and watch!

"Mom, how do you fly on weekdays?"

Li Xiao looked at his mother and asked with a smile.

After all, my mother is not in the secret realm of supernatural powers and cannot fly like myself.

If you want to fly from the top of the mountain to the city, there is still a long distance.


A two-year-old child from another family may still be naughty and mischievous, but his own child cares about him. Li Yunqing thinks how can the child be so sensible?

Children from poor families must have suffered a lot if they became parents early.

But just stay alive.

Mother and son will never be separated again!

Li Yunqing said happily: "My mother originally cultivated to the master level. Senior Black Dragon was a sky-swallowing black dragon. He harmed his own cultivation and gave me the dragon's blood. Although I am still in the master level, my mental power can already control objects. I can Take advantage of the sword and fly on it."

"This is the cultivation level above the Grandmaster."

"Above the Grandmaster?"

Li Yunqing was puzzled.

After all, there is no such thing in the Boundless Sea.

Li Xiao nodded and explained: "There are already people above the Grandmaster in the human world. With a higher level of martial arts, called Mahayana, they continue to temper their physical and mental strength, break through the limits of humans, and then they can step into the realm of Grandmaster. Although my mother did not practice Mahayana martial arts, she also broke through the limit because of the dragon blood."

"So that's it..."

Li Yunqing was surprised: "Xiao'er, have you been to the human world?"

Li Xiao nodded: "I went there, and this time I came to find you first, and then I will return to the human world to avenge my mother! Those who hurt us must pay the price with blood!!!"

Li Yunqing showed a worried look.

Although she hated the queen to the core, she didn't want her child to be hurt because of her.

Since there is already a realm above the Grandmaster in the human world, it can no longer be viewed with the same eyes as before.

Before, Li Yunqing had the same idea as Li Xiao.

Go find Li Xiao first, then go to the human world to seek revenge.

However, it was Li Xiao who found her first...

Li Xiao seemed to see his mother's worry, and laughed: "Mother, don't worry, my strength is invincible in the human world. The world is so big, I can travel across the four seas and sweep across the eight wildernesses! The realms above the martial arts are divided into Vajra, Zhixuan, Tianxiang, and land immortals. Mother, I feel your mental power, which should be in the realm of Tianxiang. And my actual strength is countless times higher than that of land immortals. And the highest combat power in the human world now is just the land immortals. After all, land immortals are just gods on land, not worth mentioning."

Li Yunqing was extremely surprised : "This..."

Li Xiao smiled and said, "Mother must have a lot of doubts, but this is a long story. When we return to the Ten Thousand Mountains, let me tell you slowly, okay?"

Li Yunqing nodded deeply, extremely relieved: "Okay! I will listen to Xiao'er!"

Li Xiao smiled and took his mother's hand, saying:

"Let's go to my new magic weapon, Chaoge City, to take a look. Speaking of which, I am also curious about the appearance of this city. Besides, how can my magic weapon be taken by Hei Yu and others first?"

"Hahaha, it's true, let's go and take a look."

After that, Li Yunqing was about to fly the sword.

"Mother, there is no need to fly the sword, just watch me do it, when we return to the Ten Thousand Mountains, I will teach you all my skills!"

Li Xiao smiled and said, then took his mother's hand and walked in the air.

Flying the sword is to control the flying sword with mental power, and then fly with the flying sword as the foothold.

The speed is not fast, and it is very strenuous.

But walking in the air is different, just step on the air to fly.

The speed is not at the same level at all.

Not to mention that Li Xiao's current strong physique is comparable to that of an adult ancient beast.

The wind is whistling.

Now Li Yunqing is watching closely how Li Xiao uses this magical martial arts to fly.

It is simply too magical. He actually does not use mental power or magic power, but only relies on his body to step on the air into a brick, and then floats in the air with the help of the rebound force.

This way of flying can also dive faster and jump with the rebound force of the brick!

It's like a meteor passing by.

It's obvious that Hei Yu and others were the first to use magic power to fly.

But they were easily surpassed by Li Xiao who came later and arrived in Chaoge first.

"He is so fast!"

Hei Yu and others' scalps are numb.

At this speed, I'm afraid that even a demon cultivator with a seventh-level magical power would not dare to say that he is faster than him.

It's too outrageous!

There is a huge protective shield above the city of Chaoge, covering the entire city.

But the protective shield can identify the owner and the owner's companions.

Li Xiao took the lead, passed through the protective shield, and landed in the most central building of the palace in Chaoge.

Hei Yu and others were a step slower and also landed.

When they came down, they were shocked by the building.

It was not so obvious when we were on the top of the mountain just now. The palace in sight was tall, and the gate of the palace was thirty feet high.

Li Xiao's mind moved.

The plaque on the gate of the palace showed four words: Jinluan Palace!

It seems that the palaces here can be named by themselves.

Enter Jinluan Palace.

The pillars inside are carved with dragons and phoenixes, with exquisite carvings and paintings, which are extremely solemn.

In the center, on the steps, there is a wide dragon throne.

It symbolizes supreme power!

Only the owner of this city can sit on it.

Anyone else, even if he has the idea of ​​sitting on it, will be immediately wiped out by the entire Chaoge City with powerful force!

Fortunately, no one present had such an idea.

Li Xiao jumped lightly and jumped onto the dragon throne.

Everyone looked at Li Xiao sitting on the dragon throne, and they all had the urge to kneel down and surrender.

However, these disciples of Black Dragon Island were the elites among the elites, and they were very strong. They could resist this thought and still stand.

"Too shocking..."

Hei Yu opened his mouth slightly.

If Black Dragon Island could get this weapon, it would probably be invincible in the entire Boundless Sea.

However, the island owner was the one who valued his promise the most, and his word was worth a thousand gold.

Since he had promised Li Yunqing before, he should not take this weapon away by force.

Then everyone wandered around the city of Chaoge for another hour.

However, Chaoge was so big that they didn't even finish visiting the interior of the palace.

"It's getting late, we can't stay here any longer."

Black Feather said: "I'm afraid the master outside is very worried now. We should hurry to this secret realm to find the magic weapon and then go out."

The other disciples nodded.

Yes, before going out, you have to take all the magic weapons out.

The great secret treasure of 1,600 years old contains a huge amount of magic weapons!

In the past, thousands of islands would enter the secret realm to claim it.

But now, only the disciples of Black Dragon Island are left in this secret realm.

Of course it all belongs to them.

Even if there are no Taoist tools, the numerous magic weapons combined are no worse than the Taoist tools.

Although most of it still has to go to Li Xiao.

But even a small part of the Black Dragon Island is worth countless magic weapons.

However, it is not that easy to pick up the magic weapon. I am afraid it will take several days and nights.

"Why bother."

Li Xiao smiled slightly and looked towards a palace in the distance.

The palace was not named, but Li Xiao already knew its function.

Li Xiao thought.

On the plaque of the palace, three large golden characters appeared: Palace of Ten Thousand Treasures!

"Wanbao Palace, take it!"

Li Xiao drove again.

The entire Wanbao Palace, which was shaped like brass, actually flew up out of thin air.

This city of Chaoge is like a collection of countless magic weapons.

Just like a Lego toy, it has a big chassis and countless parts and modules.

Chaoge City is like the chassis of the module.

The various buildings inside are modules.

These modules can be arranged and combined according to Li Xiao's ideas, and can also be driven individually.

Wanbaodian flew high into the sky and left the city of Chaoge.

A strong suction force appeared, and countless magic weapons that did not recognize their owners were like being attracted by magnets. They flew out from every corner of the mountain and were sucked into the Ten Thousand Treasures Palace.

Brushing, brushing, brushing——

It was like a huge vacuum cleaner sucking in those magic weapons densely.

Undifferentiated inhalation, no one will be missed! ! !

In the previous secret realm, everyone could only rely on picking it up.

If you pick up big islands in front and small islands behind you, you can always pick up missing ones.

And this Wanbao Palace absorbs it directly, saving a lot of trouble.

This is one of the functions of Wanbao Palace.

It can indiscriminately absorb ownerless magic weapons within a hundred miles radius.

Of course, this function cannot be used indiscriminately.

If the Wanbao Palace is allowed to fly out from Chaoge at will, if it is robbed by someone with advanced cultivation, it will undoubtedly mean that the treasure house has been robbed.

But now, they are the only ones who have this great secret treasure, no outsiders.

This function is ready to use.

Less than an hour.

All the mountains in the Great Secret Treasure were absorbed by the Wanbao Palace.

Wanbaodian flew back to the city of Chaoge again and returned to his original position.

And inside, there are already densely packed, mountain-like piles of naturally formed magic weapons.

There are pearls, agate, coral, gems, the heart of the sea, listening to the sea stone...

There are too many to count.

These gemstones, agate and the like can also be effective if used directly.

But embedded in other magic weapons, it also has powerful effects and has many uses.

"Is this the end of picking up?"

Kuroyu's scalp was numb.

This mountain-like magic weapon was picked up in an hour.

I heard from the senior brothers that when they entered the secret treasures in the past, tens of thousands of people picked them up. It took ten and a half months to pick them up, and some of them might have been missed, and some people from small islands might have missed them.

Many people on small islands make their fortune by picking up leaks in secret places.

And Li Xiao's Taoist weapon absorbed all the light in an hour.

I'm afraid your magic weapons are piled higher than a mountain.


Kuroba gasped.

There was a very shocking thought in my mind.

In the past, pirates from all over the Boundless Sea would compete for secret treasures.

And now, Bao Yuan'er is alone...


If say if.

The owner of Black Dragon Island does not want these things.

Li Xiao is equivalent to one person who has taken over all the resources in the great secret treasure!

This is a huge secret treasure that lasted for 1,600 years!

One person gets the entire secret treasure resource.

I'm afraid a super terrifying force will be born...

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