After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 32: Destroy the corpse and return with a full load!

"That's not what you said before..."

The flea demon Ling Lingqi was about to cry but had no tears, looking miserable.

Now that he has obtained the treasure, this human being actually refuses to admit it.

They say humans are cunning and cunning, but he is still a baby!

Don’t you say that babies are simple-minded? ? ?

Regret, regret so much...

If I had known this, why bother in the first place!

“Before was before and now is now.”

Li Xiao smiled slightly and said: "Before, we talked about joining forces to steal the treasure house. That theft plan has failed. Now it is an open robbery. I killed all these monsters."

Zero Zero Seven: "...that makes sense..."

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Goodbye, I will be a good person in my next life."

After saying that, he was ready to slap the flea monster to death.


Ling Lingqi had a strong desire to survive and immediately said: "I will exchange my life for a piece of news."

It is sure that no matter how flexible it is, it will never survive facing this demonic baby...

"Tell me about it," Li Xiao said.

Ling Lingqi said: "The king also has a big treasure. You must not know where it is, but I know... I found it by accident..."

Li Xiao was slightly startled and said: "Actually, you are not too bad as a monster, and you are not unforgivable. At least you thought about saving it when your plan failed... Where is that big treasure? ? Say it and spare your life."

Ling Lingqi said: "Can I still believe you?"

Li Xiao smiled and said, "Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

For a little monster who seeks glory from his seller, Li Xiao would not really become a partner with him just because they cooperated once, but if the other party still has value, he would not mind continuing to cooperate.

Ling Lingqi thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said: "We must negotiate terms. The condition is that from now on, I will be your subordinate, okay... Please, I have nowhere to go now. When the king comes back, I will still It's a dead end... If you don't agree, I won't say anything."

It has now offended King Black Wind.

If you don't find a new backer, you won't be able to survive in the future.

Even if you are a shameless person, you have to keep doing it.

Li Xiao thought for a while and said: "Okay, you can take me to find Dabao. If you lie to me, you know the consequences."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Ling Lingqi breathed a sigh of relief and led Li Xiao toward the cave where the black wind monster slept.

Enter the cave.

In this sleeping place, there is also half a jar of spiritual wine and spiritual honey kept by the black bear monster.

It was probably used for daily enjoyment and was not put into the treasure house.

In addition, in the center of the cave, there is a large deerskin blanket.

According to what the flea demon said, I lifted the blanket and found a dark pit on the ground. I pushed the stone above and there was a box inside.

Opening the box, what comes into view is a wild ginseng.

The strange thing is that this wild ginseng has small golden fruits on it.

"This is the Golden Fruit Ginseng. It takes three hundred years to bloom and two hundred years to bear fruit. It will burrow underground and escape. After the king discovered it, it took him three years to hunt it down..."

Ling Lingqi explained: "I also accidentally learned that this spiritual ginseng is more valuable than everything in the entire treasure house. If it is placed in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, it will be a top-notch existence."

"Golden Fruit Ginseng?"

Li Xiao picked it up and took a look, and found that the golden fruit on the spiritual ginseng was golden. With the help of the telepathic induction, he could feel the spiritual energy flowing in it, which was extremely rich.

I don’t know how much stronger it is than the spiritual creatures I saw before!

"It's really a big treasure. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have found it."

Li Xiao put the ginseng into the box, put it away carefully, and said with a slight smile: "Yes, I will spare your life. From now on, you will be my subordinate."

Although this Zero Zero Seven is not very loyal.

But after living for hundreds of years, I know a lot of things.

Keep this thing, I promise it will be useful later.

"My king, from now on, you are my king..."

Ling Lingqi breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he had escaped from hell.

But Li Xiao grabbed him.

Ling Lingqi said in horror: "Big, big... King, what are you doing?"

"I found that you have another use..."

Li Xiao smiled slightly, took a deep breath and used [Swallowing Cloud].

A large amount of airflow entered the stomach, which made it bulge.

Then he blew a strong breath at Zero Zero Seven, used [Exhale Mist], and exhaled the breath.

The powerful airflow poured directly into Ling Lingqi's stomach.

Soon, Zero Zero Seven was blown up and expanded continuously, becoming like a cow.

Li Xiao stuffed half of the stone altar's spiritual honey, half of the stone altar's spiritual wine, and the entire stone altar into the belly of the flea demon Ling Lingqi.

Yes, Li Xiao thinks this flea demon can be big or small.

Isn't this a proper Qiankun bag?

It's perfect for storing things...

"Your Majesty...I have become a wine bag?"

Zero Zero Seven's speech was slurred.

However, it is still very adaptable and quickly accepted the reality.

As long as I am still useful, Your Majesty will not abandon me...

Zero Zero Seven thought this way.

From now on, I’ll just follow the king honestly. I don’t want to be the king anymore...

After this setback, it also saw reality clearly.


Li Xiao plundered everything.

I found that the white snake I met in the cave before had slipped away on its own at some point, and must have escaped.

Then Li Xiao lit a fire and lit the cave.

The fire was so raging that all the flea monsters were burned completely, leaving no trace.

Then, he jumped out and left the place, carrying the Zero and Seven Card "Qiankun Bag".

Just after leaving the cave, a prompt sounded from the panel:

[In the process of growing up, you will always encounter various setbacks and difficulties. Only by having the courage to challenge the limits, ride the wind and waves, and cut through the thorns can you reach the final shore...]

[Only you, who are 9 months old, can enter the bear den alone and steal the treasures. This will be recorded in your "Growth Diary" and you will get the achievement "Stealing the Bear Den in September\

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