After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 44: Support the forces and use them for your own benefit!

"Senior, I beg you to become my supporter at Red Lion Sword Manor!"

"I, Jiang Ziling, am willing to obey any orders from my senior!"

Jiang Ziling seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, her expression sincere.

"Let me become Red Lion Sword Manor's backer?"

Li Xiao was stunned for a moment and looked at the girl in front of him.

That’s not impossible.

He wants to find his mother, and he really needs men who can obey him.

The demon definitely can't do it. The demon can't leave the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Only humans can do it.

"Please allow me, senior!"

Jiang Ziling pleaded again.

"Okay, I agree."

Li Xiao nodded and said, "However, I have a request."

Hearing this, Jiang Ziling's fair face showed a look of ecstasy, and she cupped her hands and said: "Senior, let alone a request, even if it is a thousand or ten thousand, Ziling will definitely fulfill it!"

What kind of person is the spiritual infant in front of me?

In one day, he went from being a martial artist to a martial arts master, crossing the ninth level.

And Jiang Ziling was very suspicious.

In fact, the senior had a strength comparable to that of a grandmaster before he became a grandmaster.

Entering martial arts is just the icing on the cake.

What kind of person is the Grandmaster?

In the human world, a grandmaster is the overlord of a party, the leader of a sect, a being respected by thousands of people!


It seemed that the Grandmaster was not enough in front of him.

At least the Grandmaster's strength was definitely no match for that bear demon just now.

Of course, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

Maybe there is someone more powerful than the Grandmaster in this world.

But that's not something I can touch.

Can get a backer beyond the master.

It is conceivable that countless sects have no chance to break their heads!

"First of all, I won't leave this mountain."

"Secondly, I need you to keep my secret and not expose my existence."

"Besides, you don't need to ask why you do what I ask you to do, just do it."

Li Xiao made three demands in one breath and said, "Can it be done?"

"Okay, just listen to seniors."

Jiang Ziling agreed without even thinking about it.

Although the first two conditions cannot help her solve the current dilemma of Red Lion Sword Village.

But no matter what, I have made friends with this senior and established contact with him.

"Okay, from now on, you will be my subordinate."

Li Xiao said lightly, then found a place and sat cross-legged on the ground.

As the sky darkened, Tiger Mother Li Yunquan breathed out fire and lit the firewood pile. The fire lit up the night. Two people and three tigers talked around the fire at night.

"Tell me about the plight of your Red Lion Sword Village."

Li Xiao said while adding firewood.

The firelight was reflected in the pupils of the three tigers, Li Yunquan, Li Weiyu, and Li Hu.

They are also very interested in the human world and listen very carefully.


Jiang Ziling said in surprise: "How do you know..."

"If not, why would you risk entering Shiwan Mountain?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "If this were not the case, why would you be so eager to find a backer?"

"Senior, what a joke."

Jiang Ziling sighed, and then said:

"Our Red Lion Sword Manor originally belonged to the Jianghu sect, and our strength is above average."

"Five years ago, the sect heard that there was a treasure in the mountain and sent its elite into the mountain."

"That elite team includes ten elders of the sixth level of martial arts and thirty elite disciples of the fifth level of martial arts. The lineup is luxurious and they are bound to get the treasure."

"But somehow, after that team entered the mountain, they never came out again, and there was no news."

"Since then, the strength of our Red Lion Sword Village has been greatly reduced, and many previously hostile sects want to annex our territory."

"We have been fighting for many years, and now we are facing life and death..."

"My father wants me to marry a young man from another gang to gain an alliance, but I don't want to marry."

"Even if we get married, the gang may not help us... ugh..."

At the end of the sentence, the girl's eyes were bright, tears were streaming down her face, and her face was filled with sadness.

"Whoever dares to bully you, I, Li Hu, will help you!"

After hearing this, Li Hu was very angry and roared several times.

"Thank you, brother Li Hu. I appreciate your kindness."

Jiang Ziling cast a grateful look and thought to herself: Senior Lingying is smart, but this tiger seems to be very simple. If I can please it, Senior Lingying will definitely help me a lot.

"Second brother, don't talk nonsense."

Li Weiyu taught Li Hu a lesson and said: "My mother said that the world is dangerous, people's hearts are complicated, and you don't understand human things at all."

Erhu pursed his lips, lay down and continued listening.

Li Xiao asked: "You said that rival gangs want to annex territory, what territory?"

Jiang Ziling said: "My Red Lion Sword Village has three cities and four counties under its jurisdiction. Now it has been robbed of two cities and four counties. Only the last city is left. If it falls again, there will be no place for it."

"....The imperial court and the sects rule the world together."

Li Xiao recalled this sentence and understood its meaning.

The previous Daqian Dynasty had this concept.

The new dynasty is the Dajing Dynasty. It has only been established for ten years and it is estimated that it has not yet changed.

These gangs control the city and will be annexed if their strength weakens.

"Yes, each sect has huge expenses and must have income to maintain it. Our gang assists the court in its management and shares the tax revenue, but the court will not care about our fights."

Jiang Ziling explained simply.

After that, she suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, senior, you and your family live in these 100,000 mountains. Have you seen the group of human martial artists I just mentioned?"

"Don't ask me, I'm only nine months old. I wasn't born five years ago."

As he said that, Li Xiao looked at his mother Li Yunquan.

Li Yunquan said, "Why are you looking at me, Old Third? Five years ago, I wasn't born either."

Li Xiao was a little surprised and said, " old are you this year?"

Li Yunquan smiled and said, "I only became enlightened four months ago when I picked you up. I was three years old before I became enlightened. So now I should be four years old. But Ling Lingqi said that the age of a demon should be calculated from the time of enlightenment. If so, I am only one year old."

Li Xiao thought his mother was very old, but she was only four years old.

Yes, it's not surprising that a tiger can give birth at the age of two.

If we calculate according to the age of the demon, my mother is only four months older than me...

Li Xiao smiled awkwardly: "Mother, you are really young, the same age as me..."

Li Yunquan smiled: "That's also your mother."

Li Xiao nodded: "Well, this will not change. Once a mother, always a mother!"

Jiang Ziling looked at the family with envy.

Although the species are different, it feels so warm.

She has no mother since she was a child and was raised by her father. Naturally, she did not enjoy this warmth.

"Okay, let's get back to the point."

Li Xiao looked at Jiang Ziling and said, "I will help your sect through this crisis, but don't forget what I said."

Jiang Ziling said happily, "Senior, just order me from now on! But... if you don't go down the mountain, how can we help Jianzhuang through the crisis?"

"I have my own way."

Li Xiao smiled slightly, then took her into the tiger's den, scooped a little bit of spirit wine from the stone jar with a gourd ladle, and said, "Drink it, and then sleep here."

Swordsman, as long as you improve the girl's strength, it should be the easiest way.

"This is wine..."

Jiang Ziling thought of what the senior said before, and didn't ask too much, just did it, and hurriedly closed her mouth and drank it in one gulp, and then she felt dizzy and fell directly to the ground.

"Now there is no danger, let's drink and sleep."

Li Xiao suggested with a smile.

Afterwards, the three tigers and Li Xiao all drank the spirit wine and fell asleep in the tiger's den.

At night, snoring came one after another....

On the other side

Flea demon 007 found a nice place and was digging a hole.

While digging the hole, it muttered to itself:

"My king, my king, you died miserably."

"If you want to blame someone, blame your bad luck..."

"The new king is more generous than you, and he even gave me spirit wine to drink. Rest in peace..."

However, it didn't realize.

A black shadow was slowly approaching it.

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