After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 56 A powerful enemy attacks, transforming into a monster!

The demon hunters in Thunder City also came after hearing the news of the death of demons in Demon City.

This may be a relatively common thing in other demon cities.

But Thunder City is different.

The Lord of Thunder City is a golden-winged bird with profound magic power and peace-loving.

The demons sheltered in its demon city will receive due protection.

The three parties are all waiting for Black Bear Demon Bear San's words.

At this time, Xiong San finally organized his language and began to say:

"Everyone... I went home with Xiong Tiantian that day."

"When I got home, I found a human baby stealing the spiritual objects I had collected over the years."

"Xiong Tiantian will come with me to deal with the baby."

"Who knew that baby was so powerful and so powerful!"

"So, we started fighting."

"During this period, my friend Bai Yuan also heard the news and came to help me."

"I never thought that the baby would be so terrifying that it would kill us all."

"Only...wuwuwu...only I have the magical power of transformation to escape this disaster."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu My unmarried wife, my white ape friend..."

This was what Xiong San thought about all the way, and he burst into tears when he said it, with a lot of snot and tears.

None of the people from the three surrounding forces were too suspicious.

After all, the bodies are here.

A female bear demon in the spirit-gathering stage.

A white ape demon in the spirit-gathering stage.

There are also eight wild dog demons in the awakening stage.

Even Xiong San's own body was destroyed and could only be reborn.

There is only Yao Shu Cap Tou, a dog demon in the transformation stage who has the body of a dog and the tail of a dog.

It asked doubtfully: "Lie, how can a human baby be so strong?"

As soon as he said this, other demons also looked at Xiong San.

Xiong Sandeng suddenly had sweat on his forehead, but he didn't think of how to answer this question.

On second thought, this indeed made the demon suspicious.

After all, humans, even the strongest masters, can only compete with the medium spirit gathering stage.

Encounter powerful monsters in the spirit-gathering stage, such as the golden-winged roc, the howling wolf, the one-horned horse... these fierce monsters with special creatures.

Even the strongest among human masters can be broken by a single touch.

No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to defeat two black bears and white apes in the spirit gathering stage at the same time.

Besides, it's a human baby.

In this case, no demon would believe it.


Black Bear Demon Bear San was suddenly sweating profusely.

However, he still pretended to be a victim and explained: "The baby called a tiger demon its mother. Maybe, maybe... it was the half-demon born between the tiger demon and a human..."

Although Xiong San knew that the human baby was human.

It was picked up by a tiger demon in my area and adopted.

But it doesn't dare to tell the truth now, the truth is too false.

Telling lies is more truthful.

It makes sense for a half-demon to increase his strength.

"'s possible!"

The demon hunter, the black dog demon, touched his chin and thought: "If a demon has an affair with a human, the child it gives birth to will die in infancy, but once it is born, there is a chance that it will inherit both human wisdom and the power of living creatures. If so, Even more powerful than a demon!"

Other demons also agreed with what the demon hunter said.

After the monster takes form, it is not necessarily human, most of them will retain some characteristics of the monster.

For example, a human-headed demon body, a demon-headed body...all kinds of strange things...

After all, the head-catching black dog demon has the body of a dog and the head of a human.

Human head means smarter and wiser....

"That's right."

The old bear demon also said slowly: "It is rumored that tens of thousands of years ago, among the ten great sages, the Maple Leaf Great Sage was a half-demon. His father was a dog demon and his mother was a human. He was born like a human and held a handful in his hand. Feng Zhishang is very powerful, ranking among the top among the great saints!”

The most powerful among demons is called the "Great Sage".

The status of the Great Sage is like the "Great Emperor", the most powerful person in the world.

Of course, there is neither a great sage nor a great emperor in this world today. They are all legends.

In short, Li Xiao's original identity as a human was turned into a half-demon by Xiong San.

"Xiong Ba, you must avenge my sister!"

The old bear demon saw his eldest son and said angrily.

"The revenge for killing my sister is irreconcilable. Why should my father speak? This revenge must be avenged!"

Xiong Ba said coldly.

"I, the demon hunter of Thunder City, should also contribute!"

The black dog demon said indignantly.

"We, the Wild Dog Gang, also want to take revenge. The Wild Dog Gang will definitely take revenge!"

The deputy gang leader of the Wild Dog Gang said the same.

"You don't have to go, I'll go alone!"

Xiong Ba glanced at the other demons and said disdainfully.

Why do you need so many demons to deal with one half-demon?

"Xiong Ba, this is not about you as a monster, it is about the face of our Wild Dog Gang!"

The deputy leader of the Wild Dog Gang refused to give in at all.

After all, if they don't take revenge, it will be difficult for the Wild Dog Gang to win over demons in the future.

It immediately sent a little demon to send a message and report it to the gang leader.

It looked like both sides were about to quarrel.

The black dog catcher hurriedly came out to smooth things over: "Okay, let's just go together. I'm also curious, how strong can a half-demon baby be?"


Xiong Ba was too lazy to continue the argument, so he looked at Xiong San and said, "Quickly lead the way!"

Black Bear Demon Xiong San was ecstatic in his heart, but on the surface he looked sad, "Yes, please Sir Xiong Ba, kill the cruel half-demon baby and eliminate harm for the demon!"

Soon, the three parties were dispatched.

The formation is huge.

Xiong Heizi's family, eight black dog bear monsters.

The leader and deputy leader of the Wild Dog Gang brought a group of little demons in the Gathering Spirit Stage.

There was also the head of the police from Thunder City, with five constables.

A group of demons, three in the Transformation Stage, and the rest were all in the Gathering Spirit Stage.

They left the Demon City and the walls of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom in a mighty manner, heading north....

"It's done, haha..."

The black bear monster Xiong San led the way, thinking fiercely in his heart: "Fortunately, this bear is extremely smart, the baby is dead!!!"



Ten Thousand Mountains.

In the Cold Pond Valley, next to the Zhu Fruit Tree.

Sanhu and the other two sat around practicing.

"Senior Lingying, I have broken through to the seventh level!"

Jiang Ziling said excitedly as she stood up.

In ten days, with the guidance of the senior.

With the help of the spirit wine and the fragrance of the Zhu Fruit, she was able to break through again.

Breaking through to the seventh level of Iron Bone Realm, with a diamond-like iron bone, invulnerable to all evil!

In the human world, it is considered a first-class master.

Now her realm is the same as his father, the owner of the Sword Manor.

"Very good, this way, you can go back and control the Red Lion Sword Manor."

Li Xiao nodded slightly.

He chose this girl as his spokesperson in the human world to help him do things.

Naturally, it is necessary to improve the girl's cultivation realm.

Otherwise, she will have no say when she returns to the sect.


Jiang Ziling said worriedly: "The women you saved before were all seventh-grade, and one of them even reached the eighth-grade junior master..."

"This has surpassed my father's realm."

"Our Red Lion Sword Manor is a family-inherited sect."

"There are many Jiang factions in the sect."

"Once they go back, I'm afraid my father will have no say now."

"I'm worried... it won't be as you wish..."

Because Li Xiao didn't go down the mountain.

So Jiang Ziling wanted to rescue the disciples of the sect and save the gang from difficulties.

But these elders and disciples, one by one, have greatly increased their cultivation because of the red fruit.

When we go back, it will definitely lead to a reshuffle of power.

Although the sect's predicament has been resolved.

But it may be difficult for the senior to control the Red Lion Sword Manor by himself.

"It doesn't matter..."

Li Xiao thought for a while and said, "When I saved them that day, those women thought I was a demon and called me the king. In this case, you can tell them privately that I am the White Wind King, and you are my spokesperson in the world, and they dare not disobey!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Jiang Ziling thanked him: "Then tomorrow I will go down the mountain, control the Red Lion Sword Manor, recruit confidants, and secretly find the whereabouts of 'Yun Fei Niang' for the senior."

If the name of the spiritual infant senior is brought up, things will be simple.


Li Xiao nodded slightly.

Then he looked at his mother and asked about their cultivation progress.

In just ten days, their cultivation has soared, and their Taoism has increased by a full five years.

The spiritual honey and blue brilliance grass pills have been eaten up.

The spiritual wine has also been drunk.

Only one golden fruit spiritual ginseng was left after being soaked in wine.

Of course, most of these were eaten by himself.

After all, people can't become fat in one bite, and the same is true for monsters.

Mother, eldest sister, and second brother, they can't eat too many spiritual objects, it will be counterproductive.

Only Li Xiao can eat spiritual objects without limit and turn them into energy.

"Third brother, this last golden fruit spiritual ginseng, you should eat it."

Tiger mother handed the remaining spiritual ginseng in the spiritual wine stone jar to Li Xiao.

It knew that Li Xiao didn't seem to be full at all, and the more he ate, the more he ate.

"Okay, mother, I will eat this golden fruit spiritual ginseng."

Li Xiao took it with a smile: "When the time comes, the red fruit will be left for you to eat, to help you transform."

Li Yunquan smiled and shook his head, saying nothing.

Naturally, it would not eat the red fruit, and left it to the third brother.

"It's so bitter..."

Li Xiao ate the golden fruit spiritual ginseng with a click.

The spiritual ginseng entered his stomach and turned into a warm current that continuously improved his body and bones.

The taste is a bit bitter, but fortunately the wine smell covers it up.

In theory, the best way is to continue soaking it in spiritual wine.

Because this golden fruit spiritual ginseng still has half of its medicinal power left, it is difficult to digest it directly.

But Li Xiao doesn't care.

[Energy +50000]

[Energy +50000]

[Energy +50000] ....

[Your energy tank is full....]

[Current energy points: 70]

"The accumulation of these days, plus this spiritual ginseng, has gained 70 energy points, and you can start adding some..."

Li Xiao lay on the ground, basking in the sun, and began to become stronger!

At this time.

Above the sky, suddenly gusts of black wind came, covering the sky and the sun!

Li Xiao narrowed his eyes.

This is... a strong enemy is coming!

Where did so many monsters come from? ? ?

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