After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 59 Swallowing the red fruit, successfully transforming!

"The third brother..."

Tiger Mom felt extremely warm in her heart.

At the critical moment, this special child.

He gave her such a precious red fruit without hesitation.

In Tiger Mom's mind,

she recalled every bit of life since she picked up the third brother.

This child is so well-behaved and sensible, and never let her worry.

He rescued the other two brothers from danger several times.

Give them names, cook for them.....

"Good child, mother listens to you."

Li Yunquan's eyes were firm, and he opened his tiger's mouth and swallowed the red fruit thrown by Li Xiao in one gulp.


The three monsters in the transformation period roared unwillingly.

They showed their magical powers and rushed over quickly, trying to snatch it.

"Back off!"

Li Xiao shouted loudly, and used [Heaven·Tiger Roar] to shake.

The sound was like thunder, which shook the three monsters to a standstill.

He rushed over and fought with the three monsters.

One against three, not losing the wind.

Seeing that the third brother was protecting him, he bought time.

Li Yunquan did not dare to wait, and immediately bit the Zhu fruit into pieces and swallowed it into his stomach!


The Zhu fruit was bitten open.

It instantly turned into a strange warm current, entering the stomach like gas.

Zhu fruit is not an ordinary spiritual enlightenment, but an innate spiritual fruit.

The medicinal power is mild and will not harm the body.

There is no situation where it cannot be absorbed. The mild spiritual power will change the root bone qualification and strengthen the soul, which is the key to transformation.

Monsters with certain strength can directly enter the transformation period after swallowing it.

Zhu fruit is something that countless monsters dream of!

Li Yunquan felt that the warm current flowed to his limbs and bones, and the acupoints and seas...

It was as if he was wrapped in a mass of air.

Indeed, golden gas began to evaporate from its body, wrapping its body.

Li Yunquan was as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring...

"Hurry, these golden spiritual energies will dissipate between heaven and earth, don't waste it!"

Ling Lingqi immediately reminded everyone.

Then it desperately inhaled and exhaled at the edge of the golden aura.

The golden aura emanating from it is also a tonic.

Hearing this, Li Weiyu, Li Hu, and Jiang Ziling also stepped forward and inhaled desperately.

Indeed, this aura can indeed improve cultivation, better than a panacea!

On the other side.

Li Xiao alone fought hard with the three monsters in the transformation period, and they were evenly matched.

Time passed by bit by bit.

Half an hour later.

The three monsters began to lose their physical strength, while Li Xiao still had some physical strength to maintain.

And the golden aura finally slowly dissipated.

A thin mist filled the air, and a woman with long hair fell to the ground.

The woman's three thousand black hair fell to her knees, just covering it up.

The eyes are like a pool of autumn water, shining like stars in the sky, the complexion is elegant, there is a little cinnabar red on the forehead, the eyebrows are clear and beautiful, the lips are red like blood, and the beauty is not of this world.

It is Li Yunquan. After swallowing the red fruit, she successfully transformed.

"She, she transformed!"

The three monsters said in unison, looking over.

Xiong Ba was extremely annoyed and said: "After eating the innate spiritual fruit, she transformed perfectly, a perfect human body! Damn, damn, if I had eaten it, it would be so good!"

The other two dog monsters in the transformation period also showed unwilling looks.

The closer the monster is to the human body for the first time, the higher its future achievements will be.

On the other hand, they are either human bodies with bear heads, or dog bodies with human heads.

This kind of transformation is flawed, far inferior to perfect transformation!

Most of those who can transform perfectly are special monsters.

For example, the nine-tailed fox, the cloud dragon spirit snake, the golden-winged roc...

Most of the ordinary creatures are imperfect transformations.

Unless they can take innate spiritual fruits, such as this Zhu fruit, they can do it!

If they take Zhu fruit, they can solve the defects of transformation, but unfortunately...

Zhu fruit is gone!

"Mother, you..."

Li Weiyu and Li Hu looked at their mother in surprise.

The mother in front of them has shed her tiger body and turned into a human form, how magical.

"I... transformed?"

Li Yunquan felt that the structure of his body had changed. He looked at his jade-like fingers, and his ten fingers gently fiddled with them, which were extremely flexible.

"So magical, is this what it feels like to be a human..."

Li Yunquan began to like this new body a little.

All monsters will yearn to become human when they are born with wisdom.

And now, she has done it.

Not only the body has changed, but also the strength has undergone a qualitative change.

Originally, its tiger body stored spiritual energy throughout the body, like a trickle.

And now, the spiritual energy is stored in the Dantian that only humans have.

In the Dantian, the spiritual energy is as full as a lake.

She felt that if she used the Samadhi True Fire again, it would be several times more powerful!

"Congratulations, mother, congratulations, mother."

Li Xiao forced the three demons to retreat with one punch, and then turned over and came to his mother's side, smiling: "Once mother transforms, her future is limitless..."

While speaking, Li Xiao was stunned, and then his cheeks turned red.

After the mother transformed, she looked like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

There was a little cinnabar red on her forehead, and her skin was as white as snow, like a fairy.

Both her figure and appearance were excellent.

She was gorgeous but not coquettish, showing her elegant and noble temperament.

Fortunately, there was a head of black and shiny hair blocking it, otherwise Li Xiao wouldn't be able to look directly at him.

But Li Xiao then thought about it, this was his mother, what was there to be embarrassed about.

If his mother hadn't picked him up and raised him, he would have died long ago. It was his overthinking.

"Thanks to you, third child."

Li Yunquan's voice was as clear and sweet as spring water.

"Next, let me help you."

After saying that, Li Yunquan walked out, his red lips slightly opened, spitting out flames.

The flames rolled towards the three monsters in the transformation stage.

This is the real fire of samadhi!

The three demons fled in three directions and towards the back to avoid being burned.

Even so, the bear fur on the bear's head was burnt and smoking.

It used the black wind to shoot it several times before killing it.

The other two dog demons were in dire straits, with no fur left after being burned.

"The Queen Mother is so powerful!"

Zero Zero Seven immediately flattered him. He seemed to have discovered that the Queen's mother was probably no longer weak now. He was following the right person!

“It was really eye-opening.”

The one who was most amazed was Jiang Ziling.

Today she saw Li Xiaoli fighting against a group of monsters, and she also saw monsters fighting with each other, and a tiger transformed...

This experience is something that no one in the world has ever seen...



Li Xiao laughed and said: "Now that Zhu Guo is gone, you little thieves, why don't you retreat quickly!"

He didn't think about killing them all. It was a thankless effort and no benefit.

Simply let these monsters go away.

"I'm so angry. You dare to call me a little thief. Do you really think I can't deal with you?"

Xiong Ba was furious and roared loudly.

Naturally, it still has a trump card, and it has not shown its full strength.

"You've already eaten the red fruit, why are you still here?"

Li Xiao looked slightly puzzled and said: "You and I have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in the near future. Why should we fight to the death?"

Xiong Ba roared: "You killed my sister, how can you be kind today!"

The leader of the Wild Dog Gang also shouted: "That's right, eight brothers in my gang will also die at your hands. If I don't avenge this revenge, how will I save my face??"


Li Xiao frowned: "I'm afraid you are going crazy. I have never killed your sister. And I have never seen that wild dog monster."

"Sophistry!" Xiong Ba said, "Do you want to deny it?"


Li Xiao was stunned for a moment, seemed to understand the reason, and couldn't help laughing.

I thought these demons were helpers called by Xiong San, but they turned out to be just for revenge.

Xiong Ba said angrily: "Why are you laughing!"

Li Xiao sneered and said: "I laugh at you for being stupid. You have the wrongdoer and the debtor. You can't even find the right enemy. You are still helping others count their money after being sold. You are so stupid!"

The black dog catcher quickly rolled his eyes and said, "You...what do you mean?"

Li Xiao looked around and found Xiong San, then pointed to the black bear demon lying on the ground not far away, who had been knocked unconscious by him at the beginning, and said: "I'm afraid, this is the one who killed your sister and the wild dog demon. Guy. It shouted to catch the thief, but it turned against Tiangang and put the shit basin on my head. "

Last time, in order to save Ling Lingqi, he used Pojun to quickly attack Xiong San.

I didn’t expect that this bear was not crushed to death by me...

After saying this, the three demons were all shocked.

He looked in the direction of Xiong San doubtfully.

Could it be that... everyone was deceived by this guy? ?

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