
When Li Xiao heard this from afar, he was already planning to try his best to escape with everyone.

He was always paying attention to what was going on over there.

As long as the city lord takes action.

Li Xiao planned to use the flea demon Ling Lingqi as a leather bag to contain everyone.

Then he himself used [Tian·Jinghong], burst out the last strength of his body and used Tianhu Step to lead everyone away...

Who would have thought...the city lord was not angry, and things seemed to be turning around?


The Lord of Qingti City scolded in a cold voice: "You have the nerve to speak up, three monsters in the transformation stage cannot deal with a half-demon baby and a tiger monster that has just entered its transformation stage."

Hearing this, the three demons blushed and lowered their heads in shame.

“Also, what’s the point of being a head catcher like you, searching for souls in every small case?

However, he saw the face of Qingti City Lord as cold as ice and said: "I have personally investigated and found out that the cause of death of Xiong Tiantian and the eight wild dog demons were all caused by the bear demon. The murderer should be the black bear who came to the city to report the news. As Headhunter, can’t you see that?”

The black dog catcher was so frightened that he immediately knelt down: "Subordinate, I am guilty, please punish the city lord..."

"Trash, demoted to deputy chief catcher, fined three months' salary!"

Qingti City Lord ordered: "I order you to hunt down that black bear. Anyone who hurts my people in Thunder City will be investigated to the end by this City Lord and will never be tolerated!"

The governance of the demon city in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, all laws of governance are determined by the city lord.

This golden-winged roc is very protective of its shortcomings and loves its people like a son.

Therefore, few evil spirits without eyes would offend the people of Thunder City.

"Yes, City Lord... I will take care of it now."

The black dog agent reluctantly accepted the order.

Today is a failure, that Xiong San is really hateful.

She acts pitiful, but in fact she is full of evil...

These wild monsters outside the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons really have a lot of thoughts.

"May I have your name?"

At this time, the Qingti City Lord looked at Li Yunquan.

This golden-winged roc is wearing human clothes and looks exactly like a human being.

"I...my name is Li Yunquan."

The tiger mother stared at the lady in front of her nervously, her aura was too strong.

Even if he didn't do anything, he could still feel the pressure coming from him.

As soon as there is any trouble, Li Yunquan plans to fight with it...

"nice name."

Lord Qingti smiled slightly and said, "Don't be too nervous. Since you are not the culprit, I will not hurt you."

"Yes." Li Yunquan breathed a sigh of relief.

The Lord of Qingti City asked: "What magical power did you awaken when you gathered spirits?"

Li Yunquan said truthfully: "The true fire of Samadhi is the ice of nine heavens."

"Two magical powers?"

The Lord of Qingti City couldn't help but feel happy.

The creature turns into a monster, enters the spirit gathering stage, controls the aura of heaven and earth, and is born with magical powers.

This is something you are born with, and is different from the magical powers you get through later cultivation.

Using your natal magical powers will make you more proficient, consume less spiritual power, and cultivate your magical powers faster!

The magical powers of most creatures are fixed.

For example, tigers have eighteen magical powers in general.

Among them, the strongest four are: Samadhi True Fire, Nine Heavens Ice, Controlling Demons, and Calling Wind and Rain.

Most demons can only awaken one magical power when they enter the spirit gathering stage.

There is no one in ten thousand who can awaken the twin supernatural powers.

And among the tiger monsters.

Most of those who awaken are the White Tiger Body Forging, Divine Gang Tiger Roar, Yellow Tiger Wind Blade... and other magical powers.

Samadhi True Fire and Nine Heavens Ice are the strongest magical powers of the tiger demon clan. They are also very powerful in the entire demon world, and the chance of awakening is extremely low.

She has seen a lot of tiger demons, but she has rarely seen one that has awakened such magical powers.

And this tiger demon actually awakened the Samadhi True Fire and the Nine Heavens Ice at the same time.

The qualifications are simply top-notch!

With such qualifications, it would be great to accept him as a disciple!

"Li Yunquan, do you know the rules of this Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

The Lord of Qingti City spoke slowly, his voice was pleasant to the ear.

"I don't know." Li Yunquan shook his head.

"These 100,000 mountains are boundless and are actually divided into two parts. One part is the body of the 100,000 mountains, and the other part is the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, which is in the mountains."

Qingti City Lord explained: "We demons were born with wisdom, abandoned the body of beasts, and lived an orderly life like humans. There are laws in the human world, and the demon world naturally has laws."

Li Yunquan listened silently.

Li Xiao became interested and asked, "Excuse me, sir, what are the laws of this demon world?"

The Lord of Qingti City was not angry and explained with a smile:

"There are more than ten thousand cities in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, and each city has different laws."

"But there are two iron laws in common, one of them."

"It means that demons above the transformation stage are not allowed to exist outside the City of Ten Thousand Demons."

"In the Demon City, demons and demons combine to breed, and the babies are born demons."

"But creatures need opportunities to transform into monsters."

"This law is a consensus reached to ensure the improvement of the overall strength of the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom."

"To reach the transformation stage, you must enter the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters."

"Otherwise, a demon in the transformation stage can monopolize opportunities for hundreds of thousands of miles around, cutting off other creatures' opportunities to become demons."

"Moreover, without the control of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, the demons in the transformation stage lack the cultivation skills, and it is easy for them to go astray and turn into demons, causing harm."

After listening.

Li Xiao finally understood.

This demon world is quite interesting.

In order to enhance the overall strength of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, he actually protects the surrounding creatures and becomes demons.

And indeed it is.

If the tiger mother continues to stay here.

From now on, all spiritual things like Zhu Guo, Jin Guo Lingshen... will be used.

It will all fall into her hands.

Demons like White Ape who protect spiritual objects are no match for demons in the transformation stage.

A tiger mother can cut off the opportunity for a large range of creatures to turn into monsters.

This seems to be more humane than the ancient feudal society. After all, some emperors only care about their own wine ponds and meat forests, and do not care about the lives of the people.

"It can be said that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!"

Li Xiao couldn't help but be more cautious.

He originally thought that he was already the strongest being in this mountain.

But a bird demon came out of the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, which made him feel deeply powerless.

Sure enough, I am still not strong enough...

You have to become stronger!

"So..." Li Yunquan asked worriedly: "Do I have to leave here?"

"Yes!" Qingti City Lord nodded: "We must leave. If you continue to stay here, let alone me, other Demon City City Lords will also take action against you when they find out."

Li Yunquan looked at Li Xiao, then at the two little tigers, shook his head and said, "Can you not leave? I like it here..."

After all, having grown up here, no one wants to leave their hometown and go to a strange place.

"Yes, what's wrong with living in your own place?"

Li Xiao also said aloud.

Li Xiao naturally didn't want Tiger Mother to leave.

As the saying goes, it’s better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

Here, he can be the king and hegemony, and his mother is also the overlord.

If you go to Demon City, I'm afraid that may not be the case.

The Lord of Qingti City smiled lightly and said: "There is no fault, but this is a rule, and the rules cannot be broken..."

It seems that it is a blessing, not a curse, but the curse cannot be avoided.

Just after taking shape, before I can feel happy, I have to move.

Li Yunquan took a deep breath and asked: "Then...can I bring my children to the Demon City and live together?"

Qingti smiled and said: "Of course it is. Anyone who is a demon in the Ten Thousand Demon City can enter. You two children have become demons and can enter the Demon City. Don't worry, there is absolutely no danger... In addition, If you can become my disciple, I can protect you better. Everyone knows that I, Qingti, do not accept disciples easily."

The words fell.

The Xiong Ba, Black Dog Gang leader, and Black Dog Head Catcher next to him all looked envious.

Qingti does not accept apprentices, and there are only two apprentices in total.

Those two apprentices have already started their own businesses.

Each has opened up a new demon city, becoming the overlord of one party!

It can be seen how strong the Lord of Qingti City is, and his disciples are all Lords of the Demon City!

Li Xiao laughed and said: "If you want to accept my mother as your disciple, you must be strong!"

Li Xiao feels that with his own growth system, he will become invincible in time.

Why does mother need to become a disciple...

It's just that the current situation is stronger than the situation.

If the other party is really capable, it is not impossible to ask my mother to become a disciple...



"Why don't you kowtow and apologize!"

The three monsters, Xiong Ba, scolded each other.

The black dog hunted the head and said loudly: "Thunder City is also a top-notch demon city among the ten thousand demon kingdoms! The city lord's true body is the ancient mythical beast Golden-winged Dapeng. With the existence of giants, how dare you, a little tiger monster, to make a mistake?"

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