The mountain behind Rabbit Village.

In the mist, the figure of a big spider was gradually getting bigger.


"The spiritual power in them is so surging..."

"If these monsters hadn't been careless and fallen into my paralyzing poisonous mist."

"It's really hard to eat them..."

The mouthparts of the spider's mouth swallow and swallow like jelly.

After sucking up the last demon's body, I felt that the demon's power was soaring.

Become a demon, even if your cultivation becomes stronger.

But because the inner demons and negative emotions in his body were too large, he could not transform into a human form and could only remain in the form of a demon.

However, although the demon cannot transform, it is stronger and improves its cultivation faster.

At first, the demon could remain conscious.

But as your cultivation level continues to rise, you will slowly lose your intelligence, lose your ability to think, and become a machine that can only kill.

This spider demon has been here for a long time, and it was still somewhat rational before.

I plan to stay here and slowly eat and digest all the monsters in the entire Rabbit Village.

But now, after taking a lot of supplements, a group of powerful demon queens are increasing their cultivation.

"Oops, I ate too much in one sitting, and I'm already losing consciousness..."

The spider demon regretted a little, these demons were so delicious.

Presented in a human body, it tastes more delicious than ordinary monsters.

Especially with the body of a human woman, it couldn't stop at all.

Eating too many monsters in one go will cause too much negative emotions to flow in at once, leading to being controlled by emotions and quickly losing one's intelligence.

Even a demon is unwilling to lose his intelligence.

Their intelligence is still there, so they can still stay awake and enjoy delicious food.

But once the mind is lost, it is impossible to control the body.

I am no longer myself, and my thoughts disappear between heaven and earth.

Then no matter how strong you become, it will be meaningless.

Therefore, before demons gain intelligence, they will try their best to delay the loss of intelligence.

But has completely lost its intelligence...

All sixteen eyes of this spider have turned red.

Its entire body rises and falls, like a heart beating.

With each beat, the body gets bigger, and the body gets bigger and bigger until...

After a while.

This spider is like a sarcoid with a hundred legs and ten thousand eyes.

Its eyes are densely distributed in various places on its body.

The heads of the demons who died just now appeared on the head...

"Eat, I want to eat..."

At this moment, this spider has completely reduced to an unconscious monster.

It can no longer be called a monster...

But strange!

Monsters and monsters!

Monsters are transformed from living beings, demons are transformed from demons, ghosts are transformed from special souls, and monsters are complete monsters.

The so-called monster is a combination of human and non-human, monster and non-monster, and negative emotions.

It is talking about this kind of thing that has become deformed, lost its intelligence, and can only kill and devour...

In the demon world, these strange things are generally called disasters.

"Eat, eat, eat..."

Its ten thousand eyes looked at Tucun and drooled.

Rabbit Village may be reduced to hell!

If this disaster is allowed to develop, the consequences will be disastrous...


On the way up the mountain.

"Zero Zero Seven, what exactly is a demon?"

Li Xiao asked aloud. So far, he only knows that if a demon improves his cultivation by eating demons, he will become a demon, but he still doesn't know much about the strength of demons.

"Demons...are just outsiders."

Ling Lingqi said: "We demons can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth or swallow heaven and earth treasures to improve our cultivation... But this process is relatively long, and it is very difficult to enter the spirit gathering stage. It can take as little as ten years, or as long as more than 10 years. Hundreds of years. As for transformation, it is even more difficult. It can happen for hundreds or thousands of years, and many demons may not be able to transform until they die. "

Li Xiao nodded slightly.

It seems that the mother transformed so quickly, which is considered fast.

Most demons actually practice very slowly, not as fast as humans.

However...the lifespan of demons is generally longer than that of humans.

Especially among the demons, there are long-lived creatures, such as turtles. If one is successful in cultivating Taoism, it is possible to live for thousands or even thousands of years.

Not to mention there are ancient mythical beasts like the golden-winged roc, which may live longer.

Ling Lingqi continued: "But the demon is different. The demon improves its cultivation very quickly, can directly absorb the cultivation of other demons, and is stronger. Although the demon cannot practice its own skills and obtain magical powers. But it swallows other demons. Demons can also gain access to each other’s magical powers. This leads to powerful demons possessing dozens or even hundreds of magical powers.”

"So powerful?" Li Xiao was a little surprised.

This is a perfect way to attract stars, as long as you keep sucking it.

Moreover, it is an advanced version of the Star Absorbing Technique. It can not only obtain the opponent's skill, but also the opponent's martial arts. This is too powerful.


Zero Zero Seven said seriously: "Monsters with the same level of cultivation can deal with demon cultivators of the same level, and can even fight across levels. If it turns into a disaster..."

As he spoke, Zero Zero Seven shuddered.

It's timid, even if it says it, it scares it.

It's like a group of people telling ghost stories at night. The person telling the ghost story didn't scare others, but he said he was scared.

"Your Majesty, I'm a bit shushing. How about we retreat?"

Zero Zero Seven was already panicking.

"Get lost, I want to see what this demon looks like."

Li Xiao was naturally not afraid, he grew up with a tiger and had the courage of a tiger.

In addition, he was proficient in 28 skills, so it is said that the more skilled, the more courageous.

"My king, this fog is so strange, is there any problem?"

Zero Seven saw that the king was unmoved and spoke again.

"It is indeed a bit strange, watch me blow it away."

Li Xiao used the martial arts energy and turned it into wings.

Then the wings flapped, and [Sky·Vortex] was used to blow out the wind force of a typhoon.


The wind immediately rose and blew towards the fog in the mountain.

This fog was the magical power released by the spider demon. It was colorless and tasteless, but it had a paralyzing effect and could block the line of sight. The spider webs in the woods were hard to guard against.

As the fog was blown away.

A huge monster appeared in front of Li Xiao.

This spider had already discovered Li Xiao, and was hiding its breath with its primitive instinct, preparing to assassinate him.

However, once the mist cleared, the huge body was revealed.

The tumor was like a hill, with a hundred thin legs growing around it. It was full of eyes, even on its legs...

Li Xiao thought that he had seen all kinds of monsters, but this was the first time he had seen such a ghost.

Being watched by ten thousand eyes, the weird scene was unimaginable.

"What the hell is this thing?"

Li Xiao was shocked, but it was a big deal!

"Run, run!!!"

Zero Seven, who had shrunk and was standing on Li Xiao's shoulder, shouted: "It's over, it's over, this is a demon, a big demon, or a monster that has become a disaster!"

Li Xiao's reaction was also very fast. He immediately used [Sky·Tiger Leap] to jump back and jumped a hundred meters. Then he used [Sky·Blue Sky] to step into the air and escape into the distance.

He was as fast as lightning and escaped hundreds of meters in an instant.

"Hey, wait, what am I running for?"

After escaping hundreds of meters, Li Xiao stopped in the air again.

I have the ability to attack from a distance, so why not hit him first?

If one punch doesn't kill him, it's not too late to run away.

"My king, why did you stop?"

Ling Lingqi was very anxious and urged: "Run, you'll die if you don't run."

"Hit me first!"

Li Xiao turned around and used Jinghong, and his blood and energy were gathering.

"My king, don't hit me, you can't beat him, don't anger him... There will be a disaster here, let the powerful demon cultivators of the Wan Yao Kingdom deal with it..."

Ling Lingqi still spoke out to stop him.

But it was too late.

At this moment, Li Xiao had already punched....

[Heaven·Jinghong] plus [Heaven·Tiger Strike] with martial arts energy bursting out of his body.

"A serious punch!"

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