After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 87: The ghost bug of zombies, blocking the cultivation!


Yinsong's surprise was extraordinary, and a chill filled his heart.

He has been slaying demons for many years, and the most thrilling one was when he encountered a disaster!

That time, he was almost killed by disaster.

The disaster can no longer be called a demon, and the body is polluted by negative emotions.

The negative emotions merged with the body, and strange tender flesh burst out from the body and turned into a strange shape, which was extremely disgusting.

"No, she can't be Calamity!"

Yinsong's expression changed drastically. He had seen disasters before.

Once a demon becomes a calamity, it will completely lose its mind. But just now, this calamity can still talk to him, disguised as a demon, and there is no flaw in it!

What the hell is this!

"Get away!"

Yinsong held the knife in his right hand and slashed at the disaster.

"Hehehe, young man, you are a bit angry..."

The owner of the village who turned into disaster grinned and retreated several feet away, but its right hand also lengthened at the same time, and the bare, squirming piece of flesh was still coiled on Yinsong's left hand.

Those pieces of meat are still squirming, wrapping and spreading.

"Who are you and why can you talk?"

Yinsong was greatly eclipsed. This calamity was able to dodge its attack and stay conscious!

"Young man, when you are with me, you will know. Integrate into me and become a part of me. We will feel unprecedented pleasure..."

The harsh sound echoed, making people feel like they were falling into the depths of the Nine Netherworld.

"Demon, break it for me!"

Yinsong pinched the magic formula with his left hand and immediately used a concussion magical power, trying to shake away the flesh and tentacles that were still clinging to his hand.

However, the meat paste was firmly stuck to his hand, and he couldn't break free no matter what.

It only takes a few breaths.

The sarcoma spreads to the shoulder, and when the time comes, it will swallow itself whole.

"It's so disgusting, what the hell is this!"

Yinsong tried several times but found that he couldn't break free.

With his cultivation in the second level of innocence in the secret realm of supernatural powers, he is now actually helpless to resist.


Yinsong made a quick decision, gritted his teeth, and slashed his arm with the knife.


He picked up the knife and dropped it, and his entire arm fell to the ground.

If an arm falls off, it will have a huge impact on your cultivation.

But there is no other way. If you don't give up, you may lose your life.

The arm fell to the ground and was immediately pulled back by the "village owner". It opened its mouth, which became unimaginably big, and swallowed the arm in one bite.

"This is the snake's devouring magical power. You are indeed a demon, or a demon who has become a disaster!"

Yinsong's lips turned white and there was no blood on his face.

Losing an arm caused him extensive internal injuries.

But it was also confirmed that the "thing" in front of him was the demon disaster.

Demons will devour other demons to gain magical powers, and the shape of disaster is this weird shape.

But what he couldn't figure out was that the disaster in front of him could not only talk, but also use tactics!

"Young man, what kind of disaster is this? How unpleasant it is to hear. I am bringing light to the world..."

The owner of Calamity Village licked his lips and said: "A self-righteous monster like you kills innocent people indiscriminately, but you don't know that you are a sinner who brings darkness to the world. You think you are righteous, do you think you are doing the right thing? ? The law of the forest is that the weak eats the strong. Why do I have to abide by the law when I become a monster? Before I became a monster, all my family members were eaten by a monster. But after I became a monster, I couldn't eat it. The country is protected by the demon city, but I still can't eat it. So how can I resolve my hatred...Do you think it's unfair? "

"Monster words confuse people! When a living being turns into a monster, it has already escaped the category of living beings!"

Yinsong was too lazy to explain so much, so he held the knife and said, "Suffer death, today is your death day!"

After saying that, he used his magical power to strengthen his body.

Yinsong's fighting method is very special. He practices magical powers that strengthen the body.

Then use your powerful body to display martial arts and defeat the enemy.

However, he just used his magical power.

But he found that his Dantian seemed to be trapped by something, and his true energy was completely blocked!

"what happened..."

Yinsong's face was pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He used his magical power again, and the true energy in his Dantian was blocked even more severely. He couldn't help but said angrily: "The tea is poisonous!"

"There is naturally no poison in the tea."

The owner of Calamity Manor smiled and said: "It's just that you swallowed one of my ghost insects that turned into tea leaves, hehe..."

This ghost insect is naturally another kind of magical power.

It comes from the devil bug monster, a monster that is extremely good at disguise.

The "Zombie Ghost Insect" can block the cultivation level by entering the Dantian, and then the whole person gradually becomes stiff, unable to move like a zombie.

"Damn it, damn it..."

Yinsong felt that he was afraid that he would have to confess here today.

Fortunately, his physical strength was very strong, and he took the knife and headed towards the disaster.

After taking just a few steps, he found that his whole body was stiff and his muscles were so tight that he couldn't move a step.


All the joints of Yinsong's hands and feet were locked, and he fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, it's a great tonic, tsk tsk tsk... a demon cultivator in the true energy realm."

The owner of Calamity Manor laughed and walked slowly, stretching out countless fleshy tentacles from both hands, like a spider spinning silk, surrounding it layer by layer, wrapping it up.

"You are the one who reported the disaster to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, and you are a demon. Your real purpose is to eat the demon slayer who came to slay the demons!"

Yinsong's face turned pale and he felt unwilling: "Why are you still sane? How did you do it? Even I didn't see through it!"

This thing is too terrible!

A normal disaster possesses terrifying power within its body and possesses countless magical powers.

But there are also weaknesses. Without sanity, magical powers can only bomb randomly.

And this demon that turned into a disaster can use magical powers and has a clear mind. It is so disguised that you can't even see it...

After that, how many bounty monster hunters and monster cultivators will die.

The demon world may be facing a disaster...

"Hahaha, look at how pitiful you are, I'll let you die knowingly."

I saw that the appearance of the owner of the village continued to recover, and once again turned into the beauty she had just been.

A bug came out of her ear.

The insect's back was dark brown, its abdomen was grayish yellow, its front legs were large and shovel-shaped, and there were three tails behind its buttocks. It was clearly a mole cricket (lou, gu).

The cricket jumped on the ground and turned into a three-inch man.

The man was ugly, repulsive, and extremely disgusting.

"You are, the mole cricket demon!"

Yinsong's face changed drastically.

Mole crickets, also known as "earth dogs", never see the light of day, digging tunnels and living in the soil.

As for the magical power of the mole cricket, Yinsong is not sure about it. This kind of monster is too rare.

"Hehe, the owner of this village is called Han Shuang. She is really a beautiful ice beauty. Her body is real, her skin is real, and her deeds are real... How can you tell? It’s just that she is dead now.”

The cricket calamity smiled extremely obscenely: "After all the hard work, I turned into an ugly person. All the monsters look down on me and laugh at me. Women are even unwilling to touch me. So I will occupy the most beautiful place." Skins, come and eat those evil souls who only care about skins.”

This is the mole cricket demon, occupying the body of the three-tailed fox.

"Then how do you become a demon and stay sane!" Yinsong yelled.

"You have too many questions..."

The mole cricket demon smiled obscenely and immediately turned into its true form, once again entering the body of the "manor owner".

Immediately, Master Disaster spoke, spit out spider silk, and wrapped Yinsong tightly.

Soon, Yinsong was wrapped in spider silk, unable to move at all. The spider silk had the effect of paralyzing his nerves, and he was unable to use his true energy to resist, and his consciousness was slowly dissipating.

"It's time to eat, hey hey hey, after eating it, I can step into the third level Yuan Gang realm of supernatural power..."

The owner of Calamity Villa licked his lips with his tongue, feeling extremely excited.

At this time, its ears moved and it heard a distant sound.

"Master, another bounty hunter has come to the tea house."

It was the voice of the maid in the village.

"Huh? Double happiness?"

Calamity smiled slightly, looked at the cocoon under his feet, and said with a smile: "Then I won't eat you for the time being, otherwise the demonic power will leak out and be easily seen. I will let you live a few more hours temporarily."

After that, it jumped up to the tree and hung its cocoon among the branches.

Then she returned to her original state and became that beautiful fox demon woman again.

Walking towards the tea house....

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